
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And Now For The Good Dr.'s Next Trick...

Call me Houdini.  Call me Harry Blackstone Jr. Call me Doug Henning (on second thought, never call me Doug Henning).

Yes, the Good Dr.'s blog disappeared in late October.  Unexpected things happen, you try to correct them, and in the process it ends in blowing up, real good.

I received countless e-mails on the disappearing act, and I want to thank those of you who did e-mail.  The site was receiving upwards of 400 unique hits a day, and page views nearing 900 a day.  Hopefully you will find your way back to The Journal.

That brings us to now...

Luckily, and how I'm not sure how, I was able to retrieve the archive of Version 1 of this journal.  There is some material missing, but luckily 90% of it came back to life.  You will find it posted below and in the blog archive.  In time, I will add additional features back to The Journal, along with weekly new reports.

The Journal lives on the great reporting skills of  people like you. People like Brent in Portland. Like Donny Digital and Old Beatnik. Bob in Biloxi and JaxBchBum.  And last but not least, Alex and Lauren in North Carolina.  Hopefully you will find your way back to The Journal.  Five months of reports are lurking out there, looking for an escape. 

If you have a report, no matter how short or long, please e-mail me at:

Thank you...And now back to our regular programming.
