
Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Few Minutes With Dr. Emilio: A Busy Saturday Night

Doc here with this week's edition of "A Few Minutes With Dr. Emilio".  I thought I would lighten things up a bit this week, and discuss some good news from Saturday's adult theater action.

Let's start with Portland, OR... Right now, there is really no place like The Rose City for "this thing of our's".  The Paris Theater on SW 3rd and The Oregon Theater on Division Street yield some of the best (if not the best) adult theater action in the country.  Two theaters - two very different places.

On Saturday night, The Paris Theater recorded the following:
  • 16 Couples (Red Flags)
  • 4 Single Females (Orange Flags)
Unfortunately, my esteemed colleague Brent was not at The Paris on Saturday. He was called away on "official business", thus his absence.  This means no Brent field report, which is a shame.  Followers of The Journal know that Brent is the poet laureate of adult theater reporting, and not having him provide on the scene reporting of a night like that in PDX is unfortunate.

Across the river at The Oregon Theater, frequent "Brent's Theater Tails" poster Santiago Delacruz reported as follows from Saturday night at the large old movie house:

"B & J..need I say more? I think it's been like 6-8 months since they've been in. So here's a quick update. They came in, crowd surrounded, she was sucking J, jerked me off, getting plowed by all takers, and me leaving a happy camper. How's that for an play by play? It's been awhile since I wrote one of these. Just in case you were wondering...she'll be there until the cows cum/come home. Get down there and experience what "us" vets already know...B & J. Yes!!

At CTs in Gary, IN, it was a typical Saturday night by all accounts.  Like The Paris, CTs has a notification system for when couples/single females come into the theater.  Last night there were at least 4 couples playing, and two single women (according to the posting system).  The last post went up at 2:22am!

15th Avenue Adult Books (& Theater/Spa) in Melrose Park, IL had a busy evening, per their new notification system.  At 11PM, there were 6 couples at what is argueably one of the nicest adult theater facilities in the country.

Sometimes the planets align, and adult theaters get very busy on Friday and Saturday nights.  Last weekend was comparitively quiet across the country...This weekend...well, you know. In "this thing of our's", there are no guarantees... I have been trying to make sense out of it for over 25 years now.

Courtesy of the free " pays your money and you takes your chances" - If you do something that involves risk, you must accept that you cannot control the result.  When you pay the clerk at your favorite adult theater, you never know what might be going on inside the theater. But, I ask you... Isn't that half of the excitement (not knowing)?

Have a great week everyone.
