
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Update and Party Announcement: Twin Cinemas at Buford Highway in Atlanta

Doc here with an update from our good friends, the new owners of The Twin Cinemas at Buford Highway. 

The re-opening of this twin theater is an important development in this thing of ours'. After closing 1 1/2 years ago, and after the long court fight involved with re-opening this Atlanta area adult theater, The Good Doctor's fingers were crossed that the patrons would come back. 

So far, so good... Below you will find an update received this morning from the new owners of the Twin Cinemas at Buford Highway.  Good stuff follows...

Twin Cinemas at Buford Highway
Doraville, GA

Hello Doc,

So sorry about being so late in sending you some updates.  We have been busy with everything and have been brain storming ideas.  Here is an email we sent out a couple of days ago to our contact list.  We call them our Loyal customer list.  In addition, attached are some photos of the couple of the month for Oct..........

We wanted to announce some upcoming hours of operations and special events for November.

On Sunday Oct 31st (Halloween Night) we will be open an extra hour or later for all you trick and treaters!!!!

In auditorium two, we will feature a Domination type movie on Wednesday Nov 3rd at 8pm.

Also, in auditorium two, we will feature an Asian themed movie on Wednesday Nov.10th at 8pm.

Hours of operation for Thanksgiving:
Thanksgiving Eve we will close at 10pm
 Thanksgiving Day we will be open between 10am and 10pm AND the price will be 12 dollars!

We hope everyone will have a great Halloween and an even better Thanksgiving.  We want you to know we are thankful for all of our loyal customers!  We will see you at the movies!


Things are going good and the business, although needs improvement, is above our expectations.   After all, the place has been closed for a year and a half.  We have been making sure our new name is taking hold.  As you know it is: Twin Cinemas at Buford Hwy. (a photo of our banner is attached) Also, we want everyone to know it is a new business and a different owner.  We want to make some changes but along with this, we want to be sensitive to all of our customers and to the community.  Therefore, we are taking things slow. 

For example, we have shown some bi movies, but we do not announce when they are shown.  We feel some may not appreciate the contact; therefore,  we only show the alternative content in theater 2.  We have coffee for free (as did the previous business) and a photo is also attached of the coffee area! 

For the past few weeks, we have been trying to improve our customer data base so that we can send specials and announce events.  Unfortuantly, there is a lot of spam and nobody wants more junk mail.  However, we offer discount specials and hope this type communication will be used by all of our customers.

Thanks again for allowing us to update everyone.   We hope everyone has a great Halloween and even better Thanksgiving.  We are thankful for our customers and the First Admendment lives on stronger everyday! 

Thanks again,

Doc here again... I really like the approach the new owners are taking...Slow and steady.  Let the business re-establish itself and the rest will follow suit.  So, if you are in the Atlanta area, venture over to The Twin Cinemas at Buford Highway and support the hard work of the new owners.
