
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I-Team Report: The Closing of The Dollhouse Theater in San Francisco

Doc here with an adult theater closing notice from 3 weeks ago that my esteemed colleague, Brent picked up from the Secrets Adult Theater Yahoo Group.  It is an interesting read and editorial from the author of the original post, Jason. 

I have found a couple images in my database of The Gaiety Theater (which would be The Dollhouse later in life.  Could not find any of The Dollhouse)


 Hi Folks,

As of a couple of weeks ago, the Dollhouse theatre on Turk and Taylor streets in SF was closed down for good. This was the last remaining straight porn theatre in SF. The original theatre at this location was the Gaiety, and an arts organization is trying to revamp it into a performance space for local artists. On the positive side, the theatre revamp will help to better serve the arts community and hopefully bring some much needed change to the dingiest part of the Tenderloin.

 I would frequent the Dollhouse about once or twice per month and though I rarely saw couples, there was lots of good porn, J/O, and action along the back wall. The theatre wasn't getting a lot of customers, much like every other porn theatre over the past 20 years, but the small community of regulars will surely miss it dearly.

I fear that it won't be long before the theatre at Secrets becomes history as well. We're only a couple of years away from DVD video becoming antiquated and once this happens, there won't be any need for porn video rentals or preview booths.

I've been enjoying the porn theatre experience since I turned 18. Being able to safely explore and express sexuality in the company of others has always been a huge turn on for me. I've also discovered some of the country's most beautiful and ornate old theatres that would have been demolished years ago had they not been converted to porn theatres.

Get out there and enjoy the porn theatres of the world while you still can! It might be your last chance.
Thanks again to the author Jason, and to Brent in Portland for bringing this bit o'news to light. In the words of Freddie Mercury: "Another one bites the dust..."

Do you have a story or Blast From The Past from this theater or any other adult theater you'd like to see here at The Journal?  E-mail The Good Doctor at, and I will get the story up for both you and the thousands of readers who visit The Journal every week.

Consider it a public service.


A Few Minutes With Dr. Emilio: Week of 12/6

When we last left the Good Doctor, he was in the midst of chaos and bewilderment...

This past weekend was a busy one, according to reports across the intertubes. The Paris Theater in Portland, OR was very busy and active and 15th Avenue Adult Books Theater in Melrose Park, IL was much the same.  CTs in Gary was very busy on Friday night (bad weather dampened Saturday night).

In light of the negative feedback directed at unruly and rude patrons in  some of the busiest adult theaters left in the country, this past weekend seemed to get traditional adult theater fun back on track.  Heavy couples traffic in Portland and Melrose Park on Friday and Saturday is a healthy sign.  My esteemed colleague Brent in Portland is working on his weekend report and should have it available in the next few days.

On a completely seperate subject... Where are your "Best 2010 Adult Theater Experience" reports?  To date, I have received only 2.  Yes, 2.  I encourage you...No, scratch that.  I beg you, type up a quick "Best of..." report and send it along to The Good Doctor for inclusion in this series.  Time is running out!

Thanks again for all your support of The Journal.
