
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Call For Reports!

Doc here, your Lord of the Dance, with a Call for Reports.

Regular readers may have noticed that January is on pace to have the highest number of reports posted in a single month. The Journal is on pace for 60+ reports this month. With that number of reports posted, the more reports that are needed to fill the perv pipeline. 

This is where you can help The Good Doctor... I am looking for Flash Reports (recent visits by couples and singles), Field Reports (scouting missions and review of an adult theater, which are critical is building our database), and of course Blasts From The Past (highlighted visits to adult theaters from days gone by).  All are important here @ The Journal, and in high demand.

Here are the guidelines:
  • First time contributors: Please include a pen name you wish to use for your reports moving forward.  Also, make the pen name something fun, but not too long either.
  • Make sure you mention the date of the visit, the name of the theater, and the city it's in.
  • If possible, please take a pic of the outside of the theater/ABS. That helps with the illustration piece of your report.
  • Lastly, please run a spell check before you hit the send button. 
Following these 4 items will make The Good Doctor a very happy MD. And with your 2nd submitted report, I will create your own custom logo to go with your subsequent reports.

Please send your reports direct to me at, and we can get started.

The Good Doctor will edit and format your reports, and drop in pics to illustrate.  You get the glory, and the byline.

Thanks again for making The Journal what it is today!


Flash Report! Paradise Video in Phoenix by X-Man

Doc here with a Flash Report from X-Man. The focus is Paradise Video in Phoenix, brought to you via X-Man.



Answering your call for reports--

Last Sunday I stopped by Paradise in Phoenix around 11 AMish- as I walked into Theater #2, a young lady was just in the process of "cleaning things up"- I thought first damn, a lady finally shows up (since it is a rare occasion) and I missed it- anyway stayed around for another couple of hours, then as I was leaving I noticed a couple paying for the theater- TWO IN ONE DAY???-

Anyway I gave them a few minutes before re-entering the theater, and when I did I was very surprised to see the young lady sitting by herself in Theater #4, and her "significant other" by himself in #2.  She turned down the first one who approached her (for good reason), but was much more obliging for guest #2, eventually standing up, raising her skirt, and then (uh hum) sitting down again on the lap of #2 when she proceeded to get pounded.  When she was finished she got up and left by herself.  Gotta say I never have observed that before-

BTW she was a BBW about 30 years old with brown hair- not great, not bad considering-

Visiting the Bay area again next weekend, hope for a first time visit to Jack London Square as well as a return visit to Nuart.



Thanks for the report X-Man!  Keep up the great work...
