
Friday, March 15, 2013

Final Reminder! St. Patty's Day Party @ The Berlin News Agency Tomorrow 3/16 @ 7pm

Doc here with a Special Announcement from our good friends at the Berlin News Agency in Berlin, NJ.

It seems that there is a party brewing, and it may involve shamrocks, leprechauns, and splashes of green coming soon to the Berlin News Agency.

Paul, the moderator of the BNA Yahoo Group, sent along this announcement to The Good Doctor:

Our next party is our St Patrick Day party on March 16 from 7pm to 12am. The cost for single guys is $15, couples, single ladies and gurls are always free.

This sounds like a fun night at one of the busiest adult theaters in the country.  If you are in the area, you owe it to yourself to get to the Berlin News Agency, S. Rte. 73 in Berlin, NJ on the 16th @ 7PM.

Remember to tell the nice folks at the Berlin News Agency that Doc sent you!


Flash Report & Visit Announcement from JaxBchBum

Doc here with a Visit Announce plus a quick Flash Report from senior reporter JaxBchBum. He is quite the multi-tasker...
Take it away, sir.
It should be a hot time in the old town Friday night 3/15 at Theatre X in Hawthorne, FL.  She (ed. note: I believe it's Candi O'Leary he is referring to, but I may be mistaken) is planning on coming tomorrow night and based on some posts I have made she should leave more than satisfied (as well as the guys).  She gave permission to take pics (no faces) so I plan on doing that. 
Theater X
Hawthorne, FL
It may be late in the week before I can post as I am back out of town on Sunday through Wednesday and I can't use my business computer for obvious reasons.  I'm hoping the night will provide many great visions I can recall when I am in the land of chastity.
By the way, I was in Phoenix the other week and checked out a couple of theatres.  It was a Saturday afternoon so not expecting couples, just wanted to get the vibe of the theatre.  Personal Preferences in Mesa may be couples friendly but the theatre is not conducive to much interaction. 
Personal Preference
Mesa, AZ
Theatre consists of two small rooms that are connected through a common door, each with an entrance off the lobby.  Each theatre has about 5 rows of double couches as well as a couple of couches on the side wall.  I am assuming that during the "couples only" time, they lock the common door and monitor traffic going in and out from the counter in the store.  What I don't know is if a couple is allowed to invite a single guy into the couples room.  At the time of my visit, it was a sausage fest with the guys going back and forth between the two theatres.  Must have been at least 20 guys in there.  Quite the zoo.
Also visited Just for Fun in Phoenix.  Maybe a fun place if you are a prostitute or drug junkie.  Not in the best area of town.  I paid my $8 to check the place out and walked upstairs.  Two theatres, one gay and one straight that have no real separation between the two except a half-wall.  Think they are using old rear projection big TV as the picture quality was absolutely horrible.  I didn't stay 5 minutes as I seriously was a bit afraid that I would be rolled or something.  Oh well, you never know till you try.
My first escape out of the Middle East will be to San Diego in the latter part of April.  I hope to get to check a couple of theatres out.  In the meantime I will continue to read your weekly blogs and only dream.
Doc here again... Here's hoping that tonight's event at Theater X is a solid one.  Many thanks to our good friend JaxBchBum for the heads up on the appearance, plus the Flash Report on the scene in AZ.  Safe travels sir to the Middle East.