
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Smut for A Sunday Evening: Anniversary Month Edition w/ 30 PICS!

Doc here, a man who some say once walked into a Denny's and asked for the server's "Moon over My Hammy", and was promptly slapped, with a special edition of Smut for a Sunday Evening.

As we wrap up the 5th Anniversary of The Journal of Adult Theaters, what better way to say thank you to you, the good readers of The Journal, than with a kick-ass edition of SFASE.

I went through and picked out some very naughty images from The Journal's image database, and I am proud to present them to you for your review.

And please, when viewing these images, no wagering.

Thanks for a great 5 years, and let's make year 6 even better!



Saturday, August 30, 2014

Single Female Flash Report! The Return of Snowy to The Lido Adult Theater in Dallas on 8/28/14 (w/NEW PIC!)

Doc here, a man who some say wears a ten gallon hat to a rodeo (with no pants), with the return of one of my favorite bad girls in this thing of ours, Snowy in Dallas.
Snowy is truly the epitome of good girl by day, and dirty girl at night (or even Sunday mornings). Raw and lustful, she calls The Lido Adult Theater in Dallas a semi-regular destination.
It is here where we pick up our story from this sexy girl, who just happened to be on the prowl this past Thursday night. 
She also provided a brand new pic to be used in this report.
Please welcome back to The Journal of Adult Theaters, Snowy!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Flash Report from The PNW Kid - Candi O'Leary's Visit to Hollywood Erotic Boutique in Seattle on 8/26/14

Doc here, a man who some say played the crusty old deputy in the 1960's TV western "The Gringo with No Pants", with a terrific Flash Report from senior reporter The PNW Kid.
The "Kid" was in contact with your old friend in the white suit and aviators prior to Candi O'Leary's visit to Hollywood Erotic Boutique in Seattle on Tuesday night, 8/26/14. After confirming with me that Candi was scheduled to drop by HEB that night, The Kid grabbed his reporters notebook and a sharp #2, and was primed at the pump.
A little backstory for you, the good readers of The Journal. The Good Doctor had a conversation or three with Candi prior to her trip, and had asked my recommendation on the Seattle scene.  I strongly recommended HEB, as it is one of my favorites on the West coast. It's "Fight Club" vibe is truly unique (in it's downstairs theaters), and I have had tremendous luck on my visits there over the years.
So how did Candi O'Leary's visit go?  Take it away, PNW Kid!

House Call! The Good Doctor Hits Portland - Part 2: Photos, a Saturday Stroll, & Dodging Errant Missles with Jessica & Bambi,July 19th, 2014 (w/PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say burns the candle at both ends of his finely coiffed mustache (when not giving mustache rides), with Part 2 of my House Call report from Rip City, Portland Oregon.

In Part 1, our Friday evening of dinner and a porn movie started at 300 mph at The Paris Theatre with the likes of Gemini, Hawaiian Eyeful, Bambi & Thumper, Brent, and a cast of extras for a crazy sex drenched night.

We begin Part 2, as these stories often do, with The Good Doctor waking early for a busy day ahead.  The game plan was as follows: Photo shoot at The Oregon Theatre, where I was to meet Jessica before opening; Then off to lunch with Bambi & Thumper (who was staying at the same hotel I was staying in downtown Portland; Maybe sneak in a nap before heading back out with Bambi & Thumper to The Oregon Theater, and then over to The Paris Theatre to meet up with Ashbaby (Shygirl) and L (The Girl with No Name).

Pretty busy day you might say to yourself, dear reader. Well, believe it or not, the real day's events were even busier and HOTTER.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! Inside The Mysterious Maya - Part 3: The British Open (w/PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say was once spotted dressed as a shrub, just so he could get a good vantage point at a soccer game, with another incredible peak inside The Mysterious Maya.

Maya is clearly one of my readers favorite reporters, as her submissions get a crazy amount of pageviews and downloads. And this report from The UK is just amazing.

Also, if you would like to reach out to Maya, her e-mail address is included below. Just mention that "Doc sent me!" when writing her.

Take it away, Maya!


England and the British Open

Mid-May I was in the UK and happened to find this sex club through the web (see below the business card which we picked up).

The place is simply FANTASTIC, and like no other we have ever been. We loved it! In more ways than one is more of a brothel with very unique features.

Field Report! The Captain Updates Us on Adult World's New Theater in Rensselaer, NY

Doc here, a man who some say knows how to deal with The Captain: He pulls a minnow, you pull a marlin; He pulls a dingy, you pull a yacht; He pulls a hot blonde, you pull two hot blondes. That's The Lizardo Way, and that's how you get The Captain.

Yes, that crusty old sea dog, The Captain has pulled back in port, and has filed a new Field Report from near his home base regarding Adult World in Rensselaer, NY.

What say you, ancient mariner?

#LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest: The Vote Begins! Deadline 9/2/14 at 11:59PM

Doc here, a man who some say runs his votes The Chicago Way, with the recap and start of voting in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, celebrating the 5-year anniversary of The Journal of Adult Theaters.

After two weeks of submissions, we have ended up with 11 entrants for the contest. Voting will take place by popular vote only, and the poll will be located in the upper right hand sidebar off the home page (where you usually see the map).

The entrant number was determined by the date the submission was published at The Journal: #1 was the earliest, and #11 the last published. 

Here is a recap of all the entrants for your review, along with 2 sample pics and the links to their full submissions. Look at all the pics, and determine your vote by who gave us the top #LIZARDO5TH image.

The extended deadline for voting is Tuesday, September 2st, at 11:59PM. The winner will be determined by popular vote.

#LIZARDO5TH - The Recap!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Box Score! "Back to School" Party @ 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago on 8/23/14

Doc here, a man who some say will take several days to recover from his crazy weekend of two consecutive parties: One that he co-hosted.

The Back to School Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater & Spa on Chicago's west side was completely off the hook Saturday night. The pure number of naughty schoolgirls and sexy teachers was mind boggling, and oh my God, were they HOT!

Here is the Box Score for the Back to School Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #19: MILF Kat's Final Submission (w/5 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say should check his spam folder more often, with the last
#LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest submission.

The lovely MILF Kat sent in a set of pics right at the deadline, but the e-mail slipped into my spam folder.   Luckily, she reached out to The Good Doctor and gave me the head's up to look for it. And thank God... These pics are HOT!

Voting begins Monday morning for the #LIZARDO5TH entrants.  The poll will be set up on the right hand sidebar, and a recap report will be posted with links to all the entrants and their submissions.

Sadly, Flat Stanley's submission was disqualified because he was a stick figure drawing. However, he will remain special in all of our hearts.

Here are MILF Kat's set of boobs pics... Enjoy!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

UPDATED 8/23/14 @ 2:30PM: TONIGHT!!! Back to School Party at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago 8/23/14 @ 8PM, and Hosted by Doc

Updated 8/23 at 2:30PM!: Tonight is the night naughty schoolgirls, teachers, and cheerleaders will have to stay after school at the awesome Party Room at 15th Ave Adult Theater and write on the blackboard "I need to be more naughty" 100 times. 

We are set for a great night! The expanded Couple's Section (marked off my bright yellow rope) will be sectioned off, the cool Swag Bags brought to the front, and detention slips will be ready, starting at 8pm tonight. 

It's going to be great... And you might just want to bring your insurance cards.



#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #18: Sloppy Seconds Seekers Get One More in Under the Wire

Doc here with the last entry for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.

This entry just got in under the wire, and it's from previous submitter Sloppy Seconds Seekers.

In an image that is the proverbial "Lucky #7", SSS have added one image to their gallery before public voting begins Sunday evening.

Will this image put SSS over the top? Only time will tell kids...

Here is Sloppy Seconds Seekers in their own words, and their last entry:

Friday, August 22, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #17: T&A Celebrate THEIR Anniversary with 8 HOT New Pics

Doc here with lucky # 17 in the #LIZARDSO5TH Photo Contest, celebrating 5 years of this thing of ours.

I am not sure is this is the last entry or not, as we have 24 hours more to go before the deadline at the time of this writing. But if it is, who better to take us home than the irrepressible T&A from Hartford.

From their establishing shot in front of the Art Cinema in Hartford, or their pics inside a video booth elsewhere, they are always crowd pleasers!

Please welcome back T&A in Hartford!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #16: MILF Kat is Back for Round 3! (w/5 PICS!)

Doc here with Entry set #16 for the #LIZARDO 5TH Photo Contest.

Returning to our perverted art gallery is the lovely MILF Kat, with 5 new pics posing with a photo of that debonair physician, The Good Doctor.

So ladies and gentlemen, as our contest hits the final turn and heads down the stretch, please welcome back the lovely and talented MILF Kat.


Couple's Flash Report! Ben Dover & Roxy @ The Art Cinema in Hartford on 8/16/14 w/PICS

Doc here, a man who some say will on occasion wear a paper party hat just because, with an amazing Couple's Flash Report from Ben Dover & Roxy.

Their first report 2 weeks agao was amazing, and this one ups the ante.  Wow...

I suggest popping open a Fresca (Hi Gemini!), and enjoying the awesomeness of this Couple's Flash Report from Ben Dover & Roxy.

Take it away, kids!


Hi Doctor,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #15: Special Double-Header Submission! Ms. A (from T&A) and Roxy (from Roxy and Ben Dover) @ The Art Cinema

Doc here with Entry #15 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and with time winding down, the time is now to enter!

This is a special combo entry, featuring Ms. A (from T&A), and Roxy (from Roxy and Ben Dover).

These special pics, taken at the always awesome Art Cinema in Hartford, CT, shows us teamwork and good sportsmanship make great bedfellows.

With porn playing on the big screen behind them, please welcome Entry #15 in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, Ms. A and Roxy(please remember to click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE them!)

#LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest: Supplemental Entry! Flat Stanley

Doc here, a man who some say originated the phrase "get off my lawn", with a special supplemental entry in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.

To be honest, I am surprised it took this long to get a "special supplemental" entry into the photo contest celebrating 5 years of The Journal of Adult Theaters.

However, our wait is over, and we can rejoice in the beauty of this entry.

Here is Flat Stanley, in his words...

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #14: T&A Are Back for their 3rd Entry!

Doc here with Entry #14 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, as time is winding off the old clock in the upper right hand corner.

Back for a third contest submission is the awesome T&A from Hartford! This pic from the ladies lounge at The Art Cinema in Hartford is pretty cool, and I think you will like it! A pic within a pic withion a pic!

Please welcome back, the T&A and their third submission of #LIZARDO5TH pics (please remember to click on the thumbnail to ENLARGE!)

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #13: MILF Kat is Back w/4 New Pics!

Doc here with lucky Entry #13 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and with time winding down, the stakes have never been higher!

Back for a second wave of pics is the sexy MILF Kat! Her first set of pics was outstanding, and this second wave cranks up the naughty in a big way both at their fave ABS and at home!

Her first set of pics has gotten a tons of pageviews here at The Journal, and I think the same will hold true here.

Please welcome back, the naughty MILF Kat and her second wave of #LIZARDO5TH pics (please remember to click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE them!)


UPDATED 8/20/14! 2.5 Days To Go! Enter The #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest! Here is how you do it...

UPDATED 8/20/14 @ 7:30AM: Doc here... There is ONLY 2.5 DAYS LEFT to enter the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest here at The Journal! It is time to throw your hat in the ring and get in the mix for the very cool Lizardo-themed prizes which just arrived to my office in The Valley near the small women's liberals arts college.

Do not miss this chance!  Great Prizes Await You!


Visit Announcements: Candi O at The Paris Theatre in Portland, and HEB in Seattle (w/2 PICS)

Doc here with a very cool set of Visit Announcements from my good friend, the smoking hot Candi O.

Candi O is a veteran of the Tampa adult theater scene, but does travel across this great country seeking to get naughty. And this coming Friday and next Tuesday, she will be doing just that.

Here is Candi O, in her own words, talking about her upcoming trip:

Monday, August 18, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #12: Roxy at The Art Cinema in Hartford (w/2 PICS)

Doc here with Entry #12 in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest  here at The Journal of Adult Theaters.

Featured in this entry is the very sexy Roxy, the naughty companion of Mr. Ben Dover, a regular contributor here at The Journal.

These two pics were taken Saturday night at Hartford's mighty Art Cinema, and are now presented to you, the good readers of The Journal.

Please remember to click the thumbnails to ENLARGE the images of Roxy.

Couple's Flash Report! Katie Jay's Great Adventure to 10 Different Theaters and ABSs (w/4 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say never whistles for a cab, cabs whistle at him, with a tremendous Flash Report from my good friends Katie the ToyLovingMILF, and her hubby, D.

Like Lewis and Clark before them, Katie and D hit the road, hit a bunch of adult theaters, and filed an excellent report on their adventure (and remember to click the thumbnail images to ENLARGE) .

Here we go!


Katie Jay's Great Adventure (or Why Clean Bathrooms are the Key to Attracting Couples)
Let me introduce myself. Around most adult theaters and websites I am known as Katie, the ToyLovingMILF. My husband and I decided that on our way back from business on the East coast that we would frequent some adult theaters and bookstores and give our feedback from a couples' perspective (and have a bit of naughty fun, as well.) Here is a quick rundown on where we visited and what I thought.

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #11: Kitten in Chicago

Doc here with Entry #11 in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.

This entry is from the very sexy Kitten from Chicago, and this sexy blond bombshell is exactly what The Good Doctor has prescribed for a Monday morning.

I met the lovely Kitten in person a few weeks back, and I am certainly glad she decided to jump into the deep end of this thing of ours, and enter the contest.

So ladies and gentleman, without further ado, please welcome to the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, the very hot Kitten (please click the thumbnails to ENLARGE the photos).


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Smut for a Sunday Evening: 5th Anniversary Edition with 25 PICS!!!

Doc here, a man who doesn't look a day over 5 years old, with a special Journal 5th Anniversary Edition of Smut for a Sunday Evening.

The past 5 years have shot right by, and a big part of Sunday's has been Smut for a Sunday Evening. This feature uses real, authentic pics submitted to The Good Doctor as part of adult theater, gloryhole, or other sexy events. While other web sites and Tumblr feeds love to pilfer images from The Journal, your humble narrator does not, and will not lift images from anywhere else.

With this being said, I have picked out some of my favorite early images I have published here at The Journal for this evening's edition. I hope you enjoy the selections, and please remember to click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE the images.

Here we go... Smut for a 5th Anniversary Sunday Evening.


Couple's Flash Report! Mr.& Mrs. CT_Couple @ The Art Cinema in Hartford on 8/17/14 (w/5 PICS of The Mrs!)

Doc here, a man who some say spends his early Sunday mornings editing adult theater reports, and they never fail to put a smile on his pants.
This morning I received this terrific Couple's Flash Report from the very hot Mr.& Mrs. CT_Couple, and his scouting expedition to Hartford's awesome Art Cinema last night, 8/17/14. 
I have been talking with Mr. CT_Couple for a bit, giving advice and recommendations in this thing of ours for him and the little lady. And with that intel, he made his reconnaissance run to The Art Cinema (always highly recommended for first time visiting couples).
Mr. CT_Couple was also kind enough to send along some very hot pics of The Mrs., that I am sure you will tickle your fancy, wet your panties, and cream your jeans (and as always, please click on the thumbnail pics to ENLARGE them)!
So please give a warm Journal round of applause to first time contributors to The Journal, Mr. & Mrs. CT_Couple!
Take it away, kids!
Hi Doc,

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Flash Report! Asslvr Hits Aquarius in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with Pics

Doc here, a man who some say misses shopping at Canadian Tire, with the return of regular contributor from the land up north, Asslvr.

After stepping away from the scene for a stretch, he is back with reporters notebook in hand, a Shopsy in the other hand, and has submitted a brand new report to The Journal.

Asslvr has travel west to Winnipeg, and has submitted a report and pics on his newest discovery, Aquarius.

Here we go!  Take it away, Asslvr...


Hey Doc,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Poll! How long have you been reading Dr. Emilio Lizardo's Journal of Adult Theaters?

Doc here, a man who some say will always encourage to vote early and often, with a new poll here at The Journal.

As The Good Doctor comes up on his 5 year anniversary of editing The Journal of Adult Theaters, I was wondering...

How long has the average Journal readers been visiting this blog?

So, being an analytical kind of guy, it's time to measure it... I have created a new poll on the right hand side of the home page, and I would like to encourage you to click off how long you have been visiting The Journal.

Thanks for helping your old friend in the white suit and aviators !


#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #10: MILF Kat at Adult World in NY (w/4 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say always keeps a years supply of ziti in the pantry, because not only is it tasty, it can also be used as a weapon in hand to hand combat.

Entry #10 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest popped onto my desk late last night, courtesy of MILF Kat from NY.

In her 4 photos, you will find a lovely and voluptuous  woman getting naughty in the video booths at Adult World in NY.

Flash Report! H-Man Hits The Art Cinema in Hartford, CT on Saturday Night 8/2/14

Doc here, a man who some say enjoys cookouts, but only if there is a fire-eater on premises, with a fantastic Flash Report from the crazy scene at Hartford's Art Cinema on the evening of August 2nd.
Senior reporter H-Man was on site, notebook in hand, and has filed this report to the news desk here at The Journal.
Not only was he reporting on the action, he was also photographing the lovely Bella for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.
Here he is, jack of all trades, H-Man!
Hello Doc!

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #9: First International Entry! ssmccpl from Germany with 6 Great Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say is long overdue to give out a few complimentary mustache rides, with Entry #9 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.

Please welcome into the contest ssmccpl,  Germany-based Journal and Twitter followers of The Good Doctor, and now official entrants into the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest.

I like that they took The Good Doctor's advice and took some sexy pics in a public place with the #LIZARDO5TH image.

Thinking outside the buns box goes a long way with The Good Doctor, on top of being our first international submission.  

So without further ado, here is ssmccpl (Click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE)!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! The Return of Alex and Lauren and their Trip to CVE in Gastonia, NC on 8/9/14

Doc here, a man who some say under his gruff exterior, is a sentimental fool with a lovely singing voice, with a special Couple's Flash Report.

The very first Couple's Flash Report I received at The Journal five years ago came from a great couple from North Carolina, Alex and Lauren.  They detailed a trip they made to CVE in Gastonia, NC, and since then have been contributors to The Journal (albeit, unfortunately infrequently).  Their reports covered both the ascent and the unfortunate decline at CVE over the years.

Lately, things have been very good at CVE, and Alex and Lauren have submitted an update for us and it's sounding pretty good to me!

Take it away, Alex and Lauren!


Friend of The Journal! Happy 15th Anniversary to Mr. Skin from The Good Doctor!

Mr. Skin/Facebook
Doc here, a man who some say would have never fast-forwarded to the good parts if it wasn't for the legendary Mr. Skin.

This past Sunday marked the 15th anniversary of my favorite web site on the net, Mr. Skin. 15 Years of naked actresses, exact time stamps in the specific movie/TV show, and the rest is true romance.

Mr. Skin's encyclopedic knowledge of the "nude in films" industry is nothing short of amazing.  I first became aware of Mr. Skin listening to Howard Stern back in NY (my old stomping grounds), and later watching Mr. Skin's appearances on Howard's old E Network show.

Fast forwarding (get it?) to 2014, Mr. Skin is now an online entertainment juggernaut. Under his corporate umbrella resides not only Mr. Skin, but Fleshbot (formerly owned by Gawker media), Naked News, and Mr. Man.

Happy Anniversary Mr. Skin... You look great for 15!


Monday, August 11, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #7: JP's Slut Toy (@fitlilslut) in Chicago (w/4 PICS)

Doc here, with Entry #7 in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and it's a multi-photo feast from my good friends JP and JP's Slut Toy (@fitlilslut on Twitter).

The photo contest is picking up some serious steam, as evidenced from today's submissions alone (from T&A, Mrs. Sexual Athlete, and now JP's Slut Toy)!  It's time to bust out your photo gear, print the #LIZARDO5TH photo HERE , and take your best girl (and maybe even a few friends too) to an adult theater, ABS, or even a public or private place where you can get away with a sexy pic (or pics) with the #LIZARDO5TH photo.

House Call! The Good Doctor Hits Portland - Part 1: Dinner and a (Porn) Movie at The Paris Theatre Friday July 18th, 2014 (w/PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say once pledged for the Klaatu Barada Nikto fraternity, with Part 1 of my House Call Report from my visit to Portlandia.

The Portland trip was close to a year in the making.  I was a regular visitor to Rip City from 2004 to 2011, when my medical advisor position with Spacely Sprockets changed.

Well, Spacely changed ownership, a large medical group from back East brought me on early this year, and Portland was back on my radar. And not a moment too soon.

The above clip from Portlandia says it all. I missed the outstanding food trucks. I missed dodging bicyclists. I missed Voodoo Doughnuts. And I missed the adult theater scene between The Paris and The Oregon Theaters.

There were a number of people from Portland (or close enough to visit PDX) that were insistent on my return: Ms. Hawaiian Eyeful, Gemini, Bambi & Thumper, Shygirl (Ashbaby), and of course my colleague in arms, Brent.

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #6: Mrs. Sexual Athlete @ The Art Cinema

Doc here, with Entry #6 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, celebrating 5 years of filthy adult theater reports, pics, and musings from deep in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts college.

The heat is on, as you have less than two weeks to get your #LIZARDO5TH photos submitted to The Good Doctor. For rules on submitting your #LIZARDO5TH entry, click HERE for details and prize list.

Now onto Entry #6 by my good friends, The Sexual Athletes. By this point, you have seen their reports, and the pics of the insane body of Mrs. Sexual Athlete. This sexual dynamo is truly amazing, and their entry (taken in the balcony of Hartford's Art Cinema) will certainly get your attention (and hopefully your vote when polling begins when the last entries come in).

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #5: T&A Keep Them Coming w/3 More Photo Entries!

Doc here... The entries for the #LIZARDO5TH are flying in now!  Not only are we getting follow-up submissions from entrants, some old friends of The Journal are now ready to be published (The Sexual Athletes and JP's Slut Toy will be hitting the front page of The Journal in the next 24 hours).

Entry #5 is the irrepressible T&A from Art Cinema fame. In this, their third submission, they dive back into and in front of the video booths at their local ABS.

Couple's Flash Report! Ben Dover and Roxy Hit The Art Cinema in Hartford on Saturday 8/2/14

Doc here, a man who some say always has a knack for leaving a few hours earlier than he should of, with a terrific Couple's Flash Report from first time contributors Ben Dover and Roxy.
Ben and Roxy hit The Art Cinema in Hartford, CT about three hours after I left the theater on Saturday August, and apparently while my flight was somewhere over Pennsylvania, Roxy was teeing it up and hitting them down the fairway at The Art.
Here is their hot report...
Hello Doctor,
We (myself and Roxy) had an enjoyable trip on the way to Art Cinema in Hartford.  Any trip that Roxy is using her car vibrator on is always a good trip.  We arrived around 5:30 and headed up stairs. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #4: Bella @ The Art Cinema (w/2 PICS)

Doc here, with Entry #4 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and the competition is getting stiffer by the day.

Entry #4 is of the very sexy Bella, a regular Patron at The Art Cinema in Hartford, CT.   I have had the please of meeting Bella on several occasions, and she is a smoking hot girl (and a naughty one to boot).

Bella has collaborated with senior reporter H-Man on this pair of boobs pics of Bella at the always awesome Art Cinema.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! Kurvy Kimmie Out on the Trail and at an Adult Theater

Doc here, a man who some say loves it when old friends from this thing of ours finally submit a report to The Journal.
I have known the lovely Kurvy Kimmie and her terrific hubby for at least three years, if not longer.  Introduced to me by my good friend Moaning Lisa at 15th Ave Theater in Chicago, Kurvy Kimmie and her hubby are not only very nice, they are a lot of fun!  KK is also a VERY BAD GIRL in the theater... 
Case in point is this awesome first report they have submitted to The Good Doctor.  The ventured to their hometown adult theater and have submitted a quality report very worthy of your attention.
Here we go with Kurvy Kimmie on the Trail...

Friday, August 8, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #3: T&A Return with 2 More Pics!

Doc here with Entry #3 of the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and it marks the return of senior reporters T&A from Connecticut.

Not content with their first submission to the 5th Anniversary Photo Contest, T&A have filed another entry into the mix (and rumor has it another one is on the way). 

Kids, the time is now to print out the #LIZARDO5TH photo HERE , and take it with you so you can submit your entry into the contest.

Couple's Flash Report! M&S at The Art Cinema in Hartford on 8/2/14 (w/2 NEW PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say participated in a barrel jumping competition in New Hampshire in the winter of '84, with a terrific Couple's Flash Report from my good friends M&S.

M&S visited The Art Cinema this past Saturday night, and it was a crazy one...

Here is their report and brand new pics!

Take it away, M&S!


Hi Doc,

Thursday, August 7, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest! Entry #2: Sloppy Seconds Seekers (with 6 PICS!)

Doc here with official entry #2 for the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, and boy, is it a doozy.

Senior reporters Sloppy Seconds Seekers have submitted 6(!) entries into the #LIZARDO5TH contest, and here they are, for your review.

Please keep in mind that you can submit multiple entries, and to be as creative as you wish. Also, the photos do not necessarily have to be taken at an adult theater/ABS. For example, if you printed the sign, and took it to the Grand Canyon, Washington DC, or the Empire State Building, and took a sexy pic holding the sign, it still counts.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

#LIZARDO5TH - The Photo Contest Entries Begin! Entry #1: T&A from CT

Doc here, a man who some say once punched the Publisher's Clearing House spokesman, Ed McMahon, when he skipped by his house and went to his neighbor's.

The first entry in the #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest, celebrating the 5th anniversary of The Journal of Adult Theaters is ready to be unveiled for you, the good readers of The Journal.

The rules were simple: Take a photo of yourself (or yourselves), holding the #LIZARDO5TH Banner.  You could take this in or at an adult theater or ABS, or you can be creative and take it someplace that evokes the same vibe or experience (ie. nudity, naughty behavior, etc).  Feel free to think outside the box on this one...

Flash Report! PQFan at Atlanta's Buford Highway Twin Cinema on 6/21/14

Doc here, a man who some say is staightnin' the curves, flatnin the hills, someday the mountain might get 'him, but the law never will, with a terrific first-time Flash Report from long-time listener, first time caller PQFan.

PQF visited Atlanta's (actually it's in Doraville, next to Atlanta proper) Buford Highway Twin Cinema, and has filed this report with the news desk here at The Journal.

PQF has written a nice piece setting the vibe for those who have not been there (my last visit there was in 2009), and what he experienced while at BHTC.

Take it away, sir!

Freeze Frame! Another Teaser from Naughty Nurse Stacy @ The Art Cinema (w/2 NEW PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say played the role of "Biff" in the off-Broadway production of "The Man who Loved Electrolytes", with another Freeze Frame teaser from my good friend, Naughty Nurse Stacy

On Monday, you got your first taste of Stacy frolicking after-hours at Hartford's awesome Art Cinema. Today, we peel back the covers at two more images from this photo session. 

Enjoy the eye candy, and stay tuned for more from this photo shoot with the very naughty Nurse Stacy (Please click the thumbnails to ENLARGE).

Monday, August 4, 2014

Box Score! A Crazy Saturday Night at The Art Cinema in Hartford on 8/2/14

Doc here, a man who some say was pinch hit for in the 9th by Chico Esquella, with the Box Score for a CRAZY Saturday night at Hartford's awesome Art Cinema.

If you read my earlier report about the photo shoot I did Friday night at The Art Cinema with Naughty Nurse Stacy, you also know that Saturday got off to a quick start at The Art with an appearance by Babygirl and her gentleman Master at 12:30pm.