
Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Grand Finale Flash Report! The Oral Reporter Sails Off into the Sunset with a Visit to Past Time Video in Steubenville, OH on 3/24 and 3/25/16!

Doc here, a man who some say hates saying farewell, with the swan song report from senior Journal scribe and my good friend, The Oral Reporter.

In his last lap around the adult theater racetrack, The Oral Reporter hit Past Time Video in Steubenville, Ohio for a two-night visit and has filed this, his final report.

In the annals of The Journal's rich collection of contributors, no one has contributed more reports than The Oral Reporter. His travel schedule rivals The Good Doctor's, and I was lucky enough to run into him on a few occasions at one of our dens of carnal delights. He is a great guy with an excellent approach towards couples and singles alike in this thing of ours.

If I gave out ambassadorships for The Journal, he would the first one in line to get one.

Without further ado, please welcome back for the last time, the silver tongued scribe known as The Oral Reporter.


Hi Doc,

This is kind of a follow up report from the previous visit on the 17th of March. 
This report deals with the two nights of the 24th and 25th of March at Past Time Video in Steubenville, Ohio.

Thursday night as I have previously reported is Couples Free night. This Thursday it was a great night at Past Time Video, a total of 8 couples came in.

Past Time Video
Steubenville, OH
I arrived after the first 3 couples had arrived and had left. I was told by Jake when I walked in that the first two couples that had arrived there were no single guys in the theater to play with. This is two Thursdays that couples came in early and didn't have guys to play with. Guys watch the announcements being sent out by Past Time Video when a couple comes in, get out there and make yourself available to the couples.

I arrived about 5:30 PM and in very short order, couple #4 arrived at just after 6PM this couple was a very nice couple, they did not play in the theater right away, but went to the Booths with the glory holes.

I was the second one in the booth and was played with for awhile until they went back into the theater. The booth play warmed them up enough to get them started in the theater. This was a newbie couple and a new item the newbie couples are offered at Past Time Video is an illuminated wrist band that is Green in color. This tells the other people in the theater that they are new and should be given some space. 

Reminder! A Quick Note from The Good Doctor: Access to the Adult Theater Database

Doc here with a public service announcement for you, the good readers of The Journal.

Lately I am getting killed in requests for editing access to my Adult Theater Database. This morning alone I have received three.

The database is designed and published as a read-only document. This gives me 100% control of the validity of it's content, and frankly keeps rogue knuckleheads from fucking it up. It took years to compile, and I update it as soon as I get intel from the field.  

If you see information on the dB that needs updating, or there is a new location that deserves listing, e-mail me that info directly to .  

Be specific in your information:
  • Exact name of the location.
  • Address (including state)
  • Hours
  • Couples friendly?
  • Is it a theater, ABS, combo, etc.?
So pretty please, with sugar on top. Please knock off the Google Sheets requests. Send me the intel directly.
