
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Doc's Musical Interlude for a Saturday Evening: GWTDT Opening Credits Edition

Doc here, a man who some say once holed a 7-iron into his best friend's wife, with Doc's Musical Interlude for a Saturday Evening

The Good Doctor loves himself some David Fincher. From Fight Club, Se7en, The Game, and all the way to this little gem, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (US version).  This opening credit sequence was directed by Tim Miller, who later did a great job on Deadpool, and is possibly the best opening credits scene in Hollywood history. 

Please sit back, open a Fresca, and enjoy the song stylings of Karen O and the direction of Tim Miller.


Couples Flash Report! The Luscious Laura & Mr. Wayne at The Art Cinema on 7/15/16

Doc here, a man who some say decided to try on different pirate outfits instead of heading out on the town on a hot Friday night in Chicago. Critics were universal in pointing out this bad decision.

Last night was Night 1 for The Luscious Laura & Mr. Wayne at the mighty Art Cinema in Hartford.  And it was a doozy by all accounts.

But do not take my biased word for it...Hear it directly from The Luscious Laura her(sexy)self.

Here we go...


Hi Doc,

What an epic evening!

We started the night by breezing through the upstairs. There were a few couples upstairs... So we decided to watch 😊

It was a most enjoyable evening for me. I hope tomorrow (Saturday night) will be as fruitful.


PS. Here is a pic of me on the way to the Art!


Doc here again... Many, many thanks to The Luscious Laura for her Flash Report!  

Also, tonight (Saturday) is Night 2 for the Luscious Laura & Mr. Wayne at the Art Cinema. Unless plans change, they will be back there tonight at 9pm.  
