
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Flash Report! The Executive Nomad Hits Pleasure World in Phoenix, AZ on 3/14/17

Doc here, a man who some say came up through the Padres system, playing 2nd base alongside short stop Al O'Pecea, with a fantastic first-time report on the Phoenix adult theater scene.

The Executive Nomad filed the following report, and frankly hits it out of the park on his first at-bat at Pleasure World in Phoenix, AZ.  This is a page-turner folks, so I encourage you to double-down on your Fresca (Hi Gemini!) and enjoy this report. And for regular readers of The Journal, this report may also have a familiar ring to it.

Please welcome to The Journal, the mysterious Executive Nomad!


Hello Dr.,

Divine providence ... fortune's favor ... dumb luck ... ... ... I don't know what to call it, but I owe the Good Doctor, and the others who have shared on this Journal and made it popular a beer should we ever meet. I have been a long time lurker but this is my first report.

Tuesday - March 14, 2017

I was spending 3 days in Phoenix for work, landed around 10:30 at SkyHarbor International Airport on a Southwest flight, and had suffered through the rental car shuttle and the Hertz board directed me to my spot where are nondescript silver Hyundai was waiting for me. It was 11:15 by this time and my first meeting wasn't until dinner. I had known this for a couple days, and I had combed through the Good Doctor's Journal thinking I could prowl a place or two from lunch till about 3 or 4 ... or as long as my patience held out .

Swinging the car out of the rental facility, it was a sunny day, about 65 with a breeze, the kind of day that is perfect for driving with the windows down. I first drove by Adult Shoppe #1 on 24th which looked deserted ... only 2 cars and (in this hobbyist's opinion) that's never a good sign so I drove on. Working my way down Washington I headed next to Pleasure World (
4029 East Washington, Phoenix AZ)
Pleasure World
Phoenix, AZ
It's parking is in the rear, and I circled the block once to get a feel for the place. The rear lot, which is accessed from a side street and appeared to be about 1/2 full with a couple cars parked along the street, and even more cars parked in the spots just behind Pleasure Worlds spots ... all of which at least appeared promising so I circled the block and then pulled in.

Dr. Lizardo's Journal of Cool Media: TONIGHT! 4/5/17! Keeping it "Brockmire" on IFC (or Below)

Doc here, a man who some say once appeared as Jay "Shirtless" Smallwood in ABC's "She's the Sheriff" in 1987, with Episode 2 of Dr. Lizardo's Journal of Cool Media.

Those of you (the good readers of The Journal) who have been following this blog for years/months/days/or minutes know there are two things I hold closest to my heart: 1) The National Pastime, and 2) The Sex. 

What if I told you that there is a new series on IFC ( with it's first two episodes airing back to back Wednesday night at 10pm EST), "Brockmire" (starring the awesome Hank Azaria), that combines both? A show is that is extremely well-written, quirky, absolutely filthy, and is set against the backdrop of minor league baseball team The Morristown Frackers. 

In my last "Dr. Lizardo's Journal of Cool Media" I saved you time and money by begging you to skip the Netflix/Marvel series "Iron Fist" and giving you a small clip of the best scene in the entire series. Now, I want you to invest some time and watch the first episode of "Brockmire" from IFC's Youtube channel.  

The first 5 minutes of this show are as good an opening 5 minutes of any TV series I have ever watched (right up there with "Breaking Bad"). I'm hooked.  Watching Brockmire simultaneously do play-by-play of a Kansas City Royals game while describing coming home early from the park to surprise his wife Lucy is all sorts of awesome.  A melt down of Biblical proportions unfolds...

Please enjoy the first episode of "Brockmire" below, and stay through right to the end... There is a nice payoff!
Episode 2 airs right after episode 1 Wednesday night (10:30pm EST) on IFC, and I'll be there watching as should you.

4 out of 4 Cannoli Rating

Keeping it Brockmire,