
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

8 Questions from The Good Doctor: Chapter 7 - Gemini! (w/4 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say prefers two (held) against one any day of the week, especially on a Friday evening in Portland.

Well kids, it's time for Chapter 7 of "8 Questions from The Good Doctor", my newest series of reports here at The Journal. This series focuses on some of the legendary ladies of the adult theater scene nationally, wherein I ask the questions you've always wanted answered. 

Today's guest of honor is the legendary Gemini, and someone who calls Portland, Oregon (and sometimes Seattle) her playground. She is a force of nature in all the good ways, and in this series of Q&As, you find out for yourself.

So pour yourself a peach vodka and enjoy a peek deep inside Gemini!


Question 1
Doc: When was your first trip to an adult theater, which adult theater did you attend, and who were you with (if anyone at all)?
Gemini: My very first trip to an adult theater was actually the Jefferson Theater in Portland right before it closed. Jordan and I had fun alone in a side room and actually slammed the door on the clerk when he opened it in response to my screams. That was pretty funny looking back. I really count my first theater trip to the Paris Theater (also in Portland) as my virgin experience. It was probably 2013, but I'm not sure. I was with my husband, Jordan, as always. 
The Real Gemini

Question 2
Doc: On a scale of 1-10 how anxious/scared/nervous were you on your first adult theater trip?
G: On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say my nerves were more about crossing any lines my husband might have. Myself? I was ready to go...

A Quick Note from The Good Doctor: "PSA: Magic Words Go a Long Way"

Doc here with a Public Service Announcement from The Journal and most importantly, your old friend in the white suit and aviators.

Remember growing up, and your parents telling you about the two magic words that when used, get things done?  Please and Thank You. Yeah, me too. 

This morning I received a request for information via e-mail from a very occasional contributor to The Journal. It's probably the 8th request in the last 3 days to The Good Doctor for intel that will make an adult theater visit fruitful for the e-mailer. And like the 7 requests before his, two words were missing from the request

Please & Thank You . 

After biting my tongue, I sent along the info requested, with a thanks for the request. It'll be the last time I respond to any info request without a Please and/or a Thank You.