
Friday, February 2, 2018

Flash Report! The Nice Guy Meets Princess Jasmine at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago in January, 2018.

Doc here, a man who some say only feels comfortable wearing a pair of jorts, no matter if it's Summer or Winter. He is a man for all seasons (of jorts). 

The following report is super cool for several reasons: 1) It's a first time report, 2) The Nice Guy is a long time reader of The Journal, and it was his time to step up, 3) This report takes place at a familiar haunt of The Good Doctor, and 4) I have met the lovely lady at the center of this report (albeit fleetingly).  More on that in my epilogue.

Please welcome to The Journal, The Nice Guy, and his report from 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago.



Long time listener, first time caller (er...emailer). I have been following your blog for a few years now and have had a lot of great adventures because of the knowledge that you share and the stories that you relay to us. I figured it was about time to share one of my own adventures, and this one needed to be shared...

I found myself in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and had some free time on my hands in the afternoon so I decided to stop by 15th Ave to see what was cooking. It was a frigid day (I don’t think the temperature ever got above 20 degrees) and it was snowing pretty steadily, making for a very slow day at the theater. I have learned that patience is a virtue in this thing of ours, and boy did it pay off on this day. After an hour and a half of moping around the theater I /we finally struck gold!

Around 3:30pm a black sedan pulled into the lot and out stepped one of the most gorgeous women I have ever laid eyes on (not just in the lifestyle). She was dressed in a black overcoat, black and white leggings with a black dress over top. I would guess she was around 5’7”, and weighed around 125 pounds she had beautiful jet black hair and an amazing smile.  She was as well put together a woman as you will see anywhere.