
Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Return of Smut for a Sunday Evening! 34 Pics from The Good Doctor's Journal Archives!

Doc here, a man who some say that during his college years, made ends meet by becoming an accomplished cheese sculptor.  Among his most recognized were: Otto Preminger, Captain Kangaroo, and a disturbing version of Clutch Cargo. 

This week here at The Journal of Adult Theaters HQ (located in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts college) has been a busy one. Yet, The Good Doctor thought why not bring back THE most popular running series in the history of The Journal as long as we were on a roll. 

The return of Smut for a Sunday Evening! In this series, The Good Doctor publishes some of his favorite (and hottest) images from the archive here at The Journal. Many that you may not have seen before. Many that you may recognize, but from years ago. 

Let's go!  And please click the thumbnail images to ENLARGE!  Many are very high resolution!

@LizardoJournal on Twitter

Smut for a Sunday Evening - The Return:

Couple's Flash Report! Mister L & The Lovely A Step Deep Inside The Secret Room 2125: Obscene Halloween Party on 10/12/19 at the 15th Ave. Party Room in Chicago (w/PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say thought that normally, my prospects of coming back alive from a meeting with Nicky were 99 out of 100. But this time, when I heard him say "a couple of hundred yards down the road", I gave myself 50-50.

It's been a big week here at The Journal's HQ, located in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts college. After some intense negotiating that took in the neighborhood of 4 minutes to complete, The Good Doctor brought on an associate editor to help turn around adult theater reports quicker. And that associate is none other than Mister L, who is doing a fantastic job!

Aside from his chops in breaking down and editing an adult theater report, he has a smokeshow of a girlfriend, The Lovely A! Together, along with The Lovely A's best friend Miss Penny, they hit The Secret Room 2125: Obscene Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater Party Room in Chicago on 10/12/19, an event I run 2-3x a month at 15th Ave. Party Room.

So with a hot girl on each arm, what does Mister L have to report on last weekend's party?

A lot!

Let's find out!


Hey Doc,

Mister L here! 

It’s been a while since the Lovely A and I have ventured out into the theater world, but we decided to make a foray to 15th Ave. in Chicago this past weekend.  This time we were bringing a special guest with us...A’s best friend, Miss Penny. I would be Penny’s first experience in this thing of ours and the evening would not disappoint!

Since it was a Halloween-themed party night, the first step was choosing A’s costume.  She loves to dress up her sexy young body (as do I!), so we had plenty of options to choose from.  Of course, I made her do a little fashion show for me first. The final verdict? An all-white bunny outfit.
The Lovely A
(Click to ENLARGE)
With that settled, it was just a matter of choosing MY outfit.  I said to her, “How about a hunter? You know, like Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.  Get it?.” “Uuuuh, no.'' she shot back. Hahaha. That’s one of the challenges of dating someone so much younger ...sometimes my references just don’t translate.  But she came up with the perfect alternative. “How about Hugh Hefner,'' she said with a wink. Yep, that’s my girl!
The Lovely A
(Click to ENLARGE)
We met up with her friend Miss Penny - dressed as a sexy clown - at my place, then made our way to the theater.  We got there a little later than usual, just as the dance contest was starting. The party room was packed, but I was able to find seats for the ladies right by the stage so they could enjoy the show.

Soon after the prizes were awarded, it was time for Penny and my lovely girl to take the stage.  Anyone that follows A on Twitter (@TheLovelyA1) knows that she’s been taking pole dance classes for a while now, and it showed.  Both girls shimmied and swung around the poles like angels, with A showing off her new 7” heels and slowly stripping off everything else.