
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Flash Report! JaxBchBum Sprays the Field in Houston in February 2020!

Doc here, a man who some say was once credited as putting the "broken professor" style on the map, with a visit from an old friend reporting from an under-reported area.

As one of the old guard (and one of the original 5 Journal reporters), senior scribe JaxBchBum always brings a great mix of setting the scene at an adult theater, and a blow-by-blow account of the proceedings.  This report is no different, Lizardos & Lizardettes!

Right before the world turned in Soylent Green in March, JaxBchBum hit Houston, TX for a little mid-week R&R, and has filed the following report.  It has an old school set-up and payoff, and one I think you'll enjoy!

Welcome back to The Journal, our old friend, JaxBchBum!



It had been at least 15 years since I visited Houston TX, so I was curious to see how the adult theater scene and all the activity we all enjoy so much had changed. I had read JPT's report from his weekend visit to Pinks a/k/a 24 Hour Discount Video and was hoping for a similar experience, but since my visit was going to be on a weeknight I knew the odds were slimmer. 
24 Hour Video (aka Pinks)
Houston, TX
JPT did an excellent job of painting a description of Pinks with its various rooms. I met who I believe to be the owner, Mike, at the front desk, and he was as friendly as could be in explaining the rules of the place. Pinks is kept pretty clean and furniture (primarily couches) is in good shape for the most part. I would give the video quality in the lounge and two "rooms" a B- as the large rear projection screens provide faded and somewhat blurry pictures. High-res porn is played on smaller monitors which when viewed from seating across the room are even smaller. 

I stayed for about 3 hours and didn't see any couples come in but recognize it was a cold, rainy weeknight. Better luck next time, I hope.

The next night I ventured over to Executive Video. Nice ABS with large retail space with clothing, toys, creams, etc. No arcade booths, just the theater. Store is open 7/24 but the clerk told me the theater is closed about 5:00 a.m. each morning for cleaning. Admission to theater is $10 for singles and $15 for couples. 
Executive Adult Video
Houston, TX
You enter the theater through a short hallway off the retail store and come out on the front right of the theater. HUGE projection on the front wall and the video quality is excellent. Seating configuration is stadium seating style of 8 rows with about 14 seats per row. Chairs are molded plastic affixed to bench rails. The only negative about the seats is that the backs are only half the normal seat back height and if you lean too much against them, they flex backwards. The advantage is they provide great viewing angles for action taking place in the rows in front or behind you.

When I arrived there were about 10 guys seated on the back two rows. I crossed over and went up and sat on the end seat of the back row so I could get a good vantage point. For the first hour, nothing happened with a couple of the guys stroking and two guys taking turns sucking each other off. Shortly thereafter, a couple came in and first sat down on the second row from the front of the theater!

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day! Bon Voyage That Quirky Girl!

Doc here, a man who some say put competitive knife throwing on the map during the 1970's, with a very special Good Doctor's Pic of the Day!

Today's POD is bittersweet in nature, as one adventure ends for the time being, and another begins. An adventure north of the border. 

My very good friend and confidant, That Quirky Girl, has had a dream that she has always wanted to fulfill.  A dream of hairy beasts, fierce competition, and pushing one's physical limits to the extreme. Her commands to be followed. Hard work rewarded. 

Yesterday (5/21/20) afternoon, That Quirky Girl boarded a train with a one-way ticket.  Destination: Alaska. Her dream: Commanding a top tier dog sled team, competing in the 2021 Iditarod. Sledding's top event. 

TQG needed to take the time she used previously attending adult theaters, and convert it to different kind of hard, physical training. She even took time recently to work with her SSF-qualified personal trainer before packing for this year-long adventure.  

That's dedication.

But Lizardos & Lizardettes, this news isn't all bad.  That Quirky Girl took time to shoot one more image for this, her last Pic of the Day (before leaving town). Much like TQG, it's mysterious & sexy. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

"Guess the Legend", Edition #2!

Doc here, a man who some say wrote the book on alligator wrestling, with our next edition of "Guess the Legend"!

In this series, The Good Doctor will publish a little to never-before-seen image of a legendary lady, but it will be partially obscured. Your job will be to guess who it is in the Twitter string for this specific image. 


  1. Look for the announcement on Twitter that the new contest is up.
  2. Click the link to go to The Journal to view the image. Click the link to go back to Twitter.
  3. Enter your guess as to who it is in the replies section of the announcement.  The first 2 correct answers will receive a DM from me declaring you one of the winners!
Depending on the "legend", there might be a special surprise for the first one(s) guessing who it may be in the image. 

So...Here we go with the second "Guess the Legend" (Click to ENLARGE the thumbnail):

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Guess the Legend", Edition #1!

Doc here, a man who some say once went undercover during his time working the bunko beat, posing as Pete "Petey 6 Windows" Polino. 

Welcome to the newest feature here at The Journal of Adult Theaters, "Guess the Legend"!  In this series, The Good Doctor will publish a never-before-seen image of a legendary lady, but it will be partially obscured. Your job will be to guess who it is in the Twitter string for this specific image. 

  1. Look for the announcement on Twitter that the new contest is up.
  2. Click the link to go to The Journal to view the image. Click the link to go back to Twitter.
  3. Enter your guess as to who it is in the replies section of the announcement.  The first 10 correct answers will receive a link from me to more XXX images of this Legend!
Depending on the "legend", there might be a special surprise for the first one(s) guessing who it may be in the image. And in this case, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

So...Here we go with the first "Guess the Legend" (Click to ENLARGE the thumbnail):

Monday, May 18, 2020

Flash Report! Pennycumslut Rolls the Dice at Adult World in Las Vegas in October 2019 (w/PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say was groomed for this glittering city in the desert. For guys like me, Las Vegas washes away your sins. It’s like a morality car wash.

If The Good Doctor was putting together his dream team of legendary ladies in this thing of ours, and a city in which to host them for a weekend, a star on this team would be my good friend Pennycumslut. And the city would be Las Vegas. 

The Good Doctor knows Vegas well, and Pennycumslut and her consort "L" picked the right adult theater.  Las Vegas has numerous adult theaters, but in my experience the only one with the right mix of vibe and location is Adult World on Meade Ave. And this is where we pick up our report...

Take it away, Pennycumslut!


Adult World
3781 Meade Ave, Las Vegas, NV
October 29, 2019

Hi Doc,

We arrived in Vegas past midnight on the tail end of a whirlwind vacation for a long layover.  With around eighteen hours to spare, we got a room on the strip, slept late after a 4am dinner, and did some touristy adventuring for what remained of our day.

We'd chatted about checking out a theater but made no plans and as the sun set. I figured we were heading back to our hotel to gather our stuff and head to the airport.  I was proven wrong when L gave a totally different address to our Lyft driver and soon afterwards we pulled up to Adult World... "I couldn't take you to the airport without getting you some stranger dick in Vegas, could I?". (ed. note: Excellent point!)

It was just after six on a Tuesday evening and we had no idea what kinda scene to expect.

Adult World is just west of the strip; easy access if you're in town for a couple of days. It's open 24-7. (ed. note: Adult World is located right next door to a large pawn shop. That pawn shop was the movie set of the grocery store in Kansas City in "Casino". Pic below.
Right Next Door to Adult World
"Casino" Grocery Store Set (Left) and Real World (Right)
I was a little hesitant climbing the steps to enter the store; fussing about time and feeling underprepared.  And fairly excited and more than a little turned on.  The little bite of extra adrenaline, the fear that we might miss our flights, and the thought that it was kinda extra hot to drop in and fuck a stranger before getting on a plane was definitely doing it for me... 
Adult World - Meade Ave.
Las Vegas, NV
It had been a cool but sunny day and I was wearing a pretty, white dress and sandals.  My hair was loose and I wore a leather jacket, sunglasses perched on the top of my head.  

The outside of Adult World is deep red, somehow reminiscent of a barn to me.  You walk in to the typical adult store; porn and novelties lining the walls, aisles of goodies and lingerie, a big front counter area and at the back of the room - a door marked theater.  There is also an arcade area at Adult World but we didn't check it out at all this visit.

The theater is free for couples all of the time, and they have a washroom available for customers.  The clerk was friendly and helpful... You just need to ask to go into the theater.

Within the store we got some attention right away.  A guy started chatting to us to offer advice, and we moved along shortly after that, stepping through the door to the theater.

It was fairly dark and the porn playing was loud.  The first room was playing gay / trans porn.  Scattered throughout the initial  room we stepped into were a few guys, idly stroking themselves .. and eyes followed us as we stepped into the next room which was basically the same, straight porn on the screens.  The two rooms are separated by a wall with an entry way (but no solid door).  Chairs - mismatched, plastic and wooden...around and a few other surfaces that one could sit on.  The air was a bit smokey, which cut the typical scent of sex and disinfectants.
L led me to the far end of the room, and a couple of guys followed closely whereas the rest sat and watched.  We spoke softly to one another, checking in, and he kissed me before pulling out his cock and telling me to kneel.

I knew what to do from there, and eagerly took him in my mouth as he announced to the room in general that we were in a rush, had a flight to catch, that we had just gotten engaged (not true lol - we'd joked that it would be funny to pretend to do a Vegas wedding and go directly to a theater for a gangbang afterwards; wedding dress and all - so he was playing on that vibe...) and that he needed to get me used before he put me on a plane home. 
A chatty guy stepped up right away.  Dark skin, tattoos and dirty talk.  My mouth was on him a moment later and I could smell poppers and listened to him tell me what a good little slut I was...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day! The Return of The San Diego Smokeshow!

Doc here, a man who some say was the inspiration behind the little known 1974 kung-fu import film "Cannoli of Fury".  The action scene in the 3rd act should not be missed. 

There are certain ladies within this thing of ours that are always in high demand.  Every week, I get a dozen or so e-mails or DMs asking me for more of X, or whatever happened to Y.  And hands down, one of the most requested girls I get messages about is The San Diego Smokeshow

Her submitted images are elusive & exclusive, but the interest level from you Lizardos & Lizardettes never wanes. And the images submitted to The Good Doctor by her partner in crime always ROCK!  

And today's image is no different... This may be the best of them all! Thanks for sending this great pic in!

Fresh out of the shower and into your pants hearts, I present to you the latest stunning image of The San Diego Smokeshow!

@LizardoJournal on Twitter
The San Diego Smokeshow
(Click the Thumbnail to ENLARGE)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Flash Report! Pennycumslut Says Hello to Houston in February of 2020 (w/PICS!!!)

Doc here, a man who some say once spent a warm Saturday morning in the Pacific Northwest photographing an adorable redhead in a luxury suite the morning after a HUGE adult theater event. 

Lizardos & Lizardettes, one of The Good Doctor's favorite aspects of this thing of ours is the legendary lady who hits the road, visiting several adult theaters in her journey. I can rattle off a couple dozen of these terrific women by name, and one of those ladies would be Pennycumslut

In this HOT Flash Report, Pennycumslut and her consort traveled to Houston, TX for a look-see and visit to Smoochees, and got a taste of H-Town for her troubles. 

What say you, Pennycumslut?



Hi Doc,

We only had one night in Houston, and picked Smoochees as our theater of choice to visit while there.
Houston, TX
We planned it in advance, and called a Lyft from our hotel to the theater.  Our driver was talkative, complimenting my stockings and making a side remark about our destination before dropping us off (funnily enough we got the same driver for a vanilla outing the following day and it just got weird!).  It was a Sunday night, getting fairly late - around ten pm.
We hesitated outside the door, gaming it out a little bit before walking in.  The ground level was an adult shop; lingerie and toys, a retail counter.  

There were a few eyes on us as we walked in; as unassuming as we might normally seem in public, we'd made a little announcement prior and expected a bit of attention.  I was in a cute, above the knees dress with black stockings, my long red hair loose down my back.  Curvy and a bit shy, I tend towards keeping my eyes somewhat lowered in situations like this, allowing my escort to lead.

After we walked around a little bit we registered at the front counter.  I think it's a legality for sex-on-premise stuff perhaps, but they had us sign a membership form before we could go in.

And then we did. Up a flight of stairs, we arrived in an open space with very very dim lighting.  Numerous couches and as we walked through the main space we had men on our heels right away.  Beyond the front room there's a hallway and a different theater space - a skinny room with several couches lining the walls; a creepy little side room with a mattress on the floor off to the side.  There was another couple sitting on a couch in the back room but they neither looked inviting nor like they were up to anything fun, so we headed back to the main space.  There were flat-screen TVs in each room showing porn, but I didn't pay much attention to that.

By that time we probably had about fifteen guys hovering around us, and L laughed, said "Hello, Houston," and laid out my few ground rules after pushing me to my knees and pulling my dress over my head...
Then a fist in my hair and my mouth is pushed down onto a strangers dick and there's hands all over me.  I'm on all fours on the ground when the first man of the night slides into my pussy, my mouth still otherwise occupied.  I hear other people arriving as I'm pushed up to bend over the leather couch, a cock in my mouth and someone taking me from behind.  A few guys use me in quick succession as one dude monopolizes my mouth, and then there's a bit of a quiet moment as a few guys don't want to play by my rules...

I don't usually get to look around when I'm mid-scene in a theater, but this gave me the opportunity to glance around; a dozen or so men standing around me, maybe half of them stroking themselves... and more surprising, three couples hanging out on the couch directly opposite.
They weren't doing anything at all.  Just sitting; watching; a little bit of unease in their eyes, a bit of judgment.  Fully clothed - jeans, sweatpants.... I wasn't sure what to make of this and turned back.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition #18! CoupleOH Checks in from Toledo, OH (w/3 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say once performed in a summer stock production of "Oh Calcutta" in the role of the roller skating priest, Father Bud. The production was shut down almost immediately due to all the boobs. 

The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition continues with entry #18 from first time contributors CoupleOH. Like all of our contributors to this series, they cannot wait to jump back into this thing of ours for some post quarantine fun. And along with their report, they submitted 3 cool images from the field trip in the report. 

Please welcome to The Journal, CoupleOH!


Dear Doc,

Thank you for the wonderful page. It is what launched the Mrs and I in to this thing of ours. We love your quarantine challenge, and we were looking to do something a little different.  (ed. note: very cool!)

Life took us to Toledo today. We decided to take a scenic trip past both Modern Adult Bookstore locations. Even though we couldn’t go in to play, we wanted to try something a little fun. I almost reached out to them, to see if they’d let her in for a little private fun, but we didn’t have our timing down, arriving later in the day. After the drive, we relaxed with a well deserved drink. 

She can’t wait to fondle, grope, and play again. And, of course, to be fondled groped, and played with, as well. Hopefully the small token will help to inspire the troops, as we enter the final stretch of this battle. 

Many thanks for the encouragement and compliments many of your fine readers have offered her. She is such a stunning woman, and I’m honored to be a part of this with her. 

Hope we can play again soon,
The CoupleOH Gallery
(Click on the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Flash Report! The Nice Guy Encounters the Legendary Pennycumslut in Seattle in February 2020 (w/PICS)!

Doc here, a man who some say is known in some circles as "The Moroccan", a mysterious fez wearing gentleman who always knows a guy who knows a guy who can "take care of that thing".

While we as a country sit back and wait for this thing of ours to eventually come back when it's safe and sound, there was a flurry of adult theater activity right before society hit the brakes in February 2020. 

Case in point is this feature-packed report from Journal contributor The Nice Guy.  Lady luck was riding high with him, as he visited Seattle, WA just in time to rendezvous with the legendary Pennycumslut (and her consort) at Hollywood Erotic Boutique!  

There are a million stories in the naked city, and this is one of them! And this one is en fuego!

Take it away, The Nice Guy!


Hey Doc,

I hope this message finds you safe and healthy during this unusual time we are facing. I have been meaning to write you to detail an awesome encounter I had with the legendary Pennycumslut at the Hollywood Erotic Boutique back in February. Here’s how it all went down.
Hollywood Erotic Boutique
Seattle, WA
Knowing I would be in the Seattle area, I hopped on to Fetlife and reached out to Penny to see about finally meeting up with her. As it turns out, I was in luck! Penny and her male escort were planning a visit to HEB on one of the days that I would be in town.

We communicated throughout that morning. Penny let me know she was running a bit behind, but she was still on track to make her afternoon appearance. I arrived at HEB around the time she would be arriving to get a “lay of the land” and find a place to wait comfortably for her grand entrance.

For those who have never been, HEB is very easy to miss. It’s set back off a busy street, just enough to blow by it if you’re not careful. There’s a narrow alley that leads back to a small parking lot which fits about 5-6 cars. I pulled into the lot to find an empty spot and made the short hike back up the alleyway to enter from the front.

When you enter, the register is immediately in front of you where you can purchase a ticket for the theater. Upstairs they sell videos, toys, and other novelty items you find at most other adult bookstores. The place is not very big, and I wasn’t sure exactly where the theater was, so arriving early turned out to be a smart move.

After politely asking the clerk for some directions, she had me follow the signs out the back, down the outside steps, and into another door at the bottom of the building that leads into the theater. The first thing I noticed was how dark it was, and it took a short while for my vision to adjust. Once it did, I was immediately surprised to find about 10-15 guys in the main theater room all anxiously discussing Penny’s supposed arrival.

The main theater has a large screen showing straight porn and some plastic lawn chairs. I took a minute to wander around and investigate the two rooms in the back. One had a few guys watching gay porn, and the other, mostly empty room, was stocked with a couple seats and a small TV showing straight porn. After my quick lap, I decided to head upstairs and use the restroom before the festivities got underway.
As luck would have it, just as I exited the restroom, Penny and her chaperone were entering the building! I said a quick hello but remembering she is shy (at least in the beginning, lol), I let them pass and followed behind as they made their way down to the theater area. Penny’s male friend took her by the hand and lead her through the main theater and into the back room that had been mostly empty earlier.
A throng of gents followed intently behind waiting to see where they would set up camp. The chaperone decided the back room was it and immediately started speaking to the anxious crowd about the rules of engagement. He did a very nice job of setting the tone and making sure that her wishes were followed. 

The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition #17! GingerSquirts Returns with 7 New Wet & Hot Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say will always spring to action when a runaway butt plug darts into an audience, causing havoc. I'm a loner, Dottie. A butt plug wrangler. 

Welcome to #17 in The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition, and this one is a doozy!  In these challenging times, sometimes we need someone to stir the pot of secret sauce that drives this thing of ours. And today that person has checked in with a great report and 7 sextastic pics. That person's name is GingerSquirts

I suggest putting on your rain poncho and hip waders, and jump into her Quarantine Report!

Look for a special cameo of cool masks worn by Ginger from Anna with The Cumpanion!  very cool designs!

Here we go!


Hi Doc,

Sexual quarantine actually has not been all that challenging for me because it's been cold, rainy and not very inviting to go out and play.  However, that doesn't mean that the fantasies are not running wild in my head!  Oh the antics I'm looking forward to doing at 15th Avenue in Chicago are fresh and just waiting to be released.
You know, I keep thinking about the last 4 years of being active in this thing of ours, and I have so much appreciation to all the guys and gals that I have met.  I wouldn't change a thing about all the silly, sexy and sometimes the outrageous experiences I have had.  I laugh so much at the illustration you drew of the reenactment of my butt plug accident on stage during the dance contest last year. I should get one with a GPS in it so that it can find its way back to me!  Do you remember my purple dildo that I stuck to the wall?  Gosh I think I might have been one of the first gals to put a chair on stage and ride a dildo stuck to the chair seat!  
The Above-Mentioned Ginger Butt Plug Incident
Squirting?  I do apologize for all the mess I've left behind all over 15th Avenue.  I look forward to rechristening all the rooms!  One of my favorite conversations I like having with the men in the red room is, "You squirt on me, I'll squirt on you."  I miss those men, I miss those moments and I miss all my friends, past, present and future whom I met at 15th Avenue.

As to what I'm currently up to...well, tonight I gave Master Thom a mind blowing blow job, and I squirted.  Last night, I gave Master Thom a mind blowing blow job, and I squirted.  The night before, I gave Master Thom a mind blowing blow job, and I squirted. The night before that, I gave Master Thom a mind blowing blow job, and I squirted.  You get the idea.  So it's nothing but blow jobs and squirting here.  

I hope everyone else is having the same amount of pleasure as I am having.  Naughty pictures, sexy outfits, and memories to hold us over during this time of isolation.  We shall rise from this, and when we do, I'll be on my back, with open legs, ready to resume where we left off!

Hugs and love,
GingerSquirts Gallery
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition #16! Mrs. Sexual Athlete Checks In with 6 White Hot Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say put the ROI in macaroni, with #16 in the hugely popular series The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition.  And I'm super pumped to present who has stepped up to the plate in this entry!

Ladies & gentlemen, my very good friend Mrs. Sexual Athlete is BACK! This time she is sheltered in place, but looking forward to a safe and sexy future!  And accompanying the check in are some of the top images from The Sexual Athletes!

Here we go!


Hi Doc,

We are still in lockdown here in North Carolina. The good news is that things are loosening up. We may be playing in very small groups in another month. Who knows?  Whatever we do, it will be safe and abiding by guidelines.

Mrs. Sexual Athlete

Mrs. Sexual Athlete's Gallery
(Please Click to ENLARGE)

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #15! That Quirky Girl Returns with 5 New Smoking Hot New Pics!

Doc here,

A man who some say was named by Home & Garden magazine as 1994's "Mr. Hoe" in their annual "Men and their Garden Tools" featurette. 

Well kids, we have reached #15 of The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: Quarantine Edition, and it's fitting that the feature girl is none other than my good friend That Quirky Girl!

I was wondering how she was doing during her stay at home order at the Casa L'Quirky, and we now have that answer in words and 5 HOT images (remember to click the thumbnails to ENLARGE)!

Take it away, That Quirky Girl!


Hi Doc, 

That Quirky Girl here checking in. Hope all is well at Lizardo Manor.

During this pandemic, I have been quarantined at home. Work has been steady to hectic. That keeps me busy and on my toes (but not in a good way). I spend hours on end at my makeshift desk. 
One benefit of working from home (other than staying safe by staying home) is going days without wearing real pants. I have now learned to love leggings (can you say stretchy and comfy! I was missing out). 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day: The Very Naughty Bad Barbi (w/2 New Pics)

Doc here, a man who some say is known for many things, but never for alligator wrestling. 

Tonight, Lizardos & Lizardettes, we return to a regular edition of The Good Doctor's Pic(s) of the Day. And our feature girl this evening is none other than that force of nature herself, Bad Barbi!

In this dynamic duo of images, we see Bad Barbi turning a San Diego adult theater upside down with her visit late in 2019. It was a visit for the ages at the Barnett Ave. Superstore, and one we hope will repeat itself soon when we eventually get the OK to return. 

Lastly, please remember to visit Bad Barbi's Fetlife page HERE!  You'll like what you see!

Bad Barbi's Dynamic Duo
(Please Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #14! Indy4Fun with 9 Blazing Hot New Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say proclaimed in front of a meeting of the "Sons & Daughters of Italy" that they would have to "pull the plate of meatballs from his cold, dead hands." He received a standing O.

In today's Edition #14 of The Good Doctor Pic(s) of the Day, I have a doozy on tap for you, Lizardos & Lizardettes.  My good friends the Indy4Fun Couple have checked in, and they have submitted a GREAT report along with 9 sexy and steamy new images! Mrs. Indy4Fun is insatiable in these pics!

Let's go!


Well Doc 

After a long 40+ days of lock down, we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel (hopefully).   

Earlier this week Mrs.A was looking out the window watching the grass wave and she started waving back, so I knew it was time for some good ole role playing fun!   So each day we are playing some fun sexy games, massage and who knows what this weekend!   

We can’t wait to get back to this “thing of ours” and see all of our friends at 15th Ave. in Chicago in the near future.   

Until then Doc, stay safe and see you soon!

The Indy4Fun Gallery
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)