
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Old BeatNik Conquers Tampa! Saturday @ The Drew Park Theaters!

OldBeatNik Conquers Tampa!  

Doc here with a special report from Tampa by none other than top-shelf field reporter Oldbeatnik.  It has been awhile since I have come across a recent overview of the Tampa theater scene since the local LE put the squeeze on the theaters in the Drew Park section.  Back in 2008, there were arrests and all sorts of unpleasantness going on down there.  So much so that I put up a caution on The Journal about visiting Tampa's theaters.  That was then, and this is now.

Without further ado, hailing from Parts Unknown, here is Oldbeatnik:

There are 5 theaters in Tampa ,Florida,  and Sat Apr. 17 I went to four of them.

4715 Lois Ave.
Tampa, FL

I started out at the Fantasyland on Lois Ave. It is quite large, very comfortable, nice couches, one large theater, one much smaller, and several rooms with doors that can be closed for privacy. It has an arcade with gh's, and a pool room with complementary food. $19 for both singles and couples. 11 hour leave and re-enter privledges. It is very nice but not couple friendly at all. While I was there 3 couples came and left without playing. As soon as they entered either the theater section or the arcade they were followed by a pack of men. Not conducive to first timers or nervous women.

After about an hour I left and walked down the Adult Cinema at 5006 N. Grady. It has one theater sectioned off for couples on one side. Comfortable couches and theater seats both. Costs $17 for singles and couples, with 12 hour come and go privledges. One couple was playing a bit and it was easy to see the action. This is the best theater in Tampa for new/nervous couples as it keeps the horndogs away from them, and experienced couples have the option to go into the singles area.

When the couple left so did I and I walked down to The Love Shack on 3910 W.Osborne. The three theaters are within a mile of each other. The love shack has one semi-large theater with comfortable couches and several smaller rooms. Cost $12 to enter for both singles and couples with 11 hour come and go privledges. I dislike towns with more than one theater because I always feel like I am in the wrong one at the wrong time. The Love Shack proved my theory. One of the couples that left Fantasyland was there and the good looking woman was sucking off 2 men that her escort had invited into the room. He didn't allow other men in so several of us watched the action from the doorway. If I had gone there instead of to the Adult Cinema first I might have been one of the men in the room.

When she finished giving her blow jobs I left and walked back to Fantasyland. No one was in the theater so I played pool on a table near the doorway so I could see anyone going into the theater. While I was playing a couple came into the pool room and started playing a game. She was pretty if Rubenesque. She lost the first game and then took off her dress and played the second game nude. When that was over she put her dress back on and she and her escort went into the theater, once again followed by a pack of men, must have been 10-12 of us. She got comfortable for awhile, then took off her dress, knealt on the couch and began to give her escort a blow job. She was soon being fucked doggy style while she gave her blow job. 3 men fucked her in a row. I left and while driving back to my motel I spotted another theater adjacent to a strip club on the corner of Lois and Hillsboro. Cost $10 to enter no return privledge. It had comfortable couches but no patrons so I left.

The fifth theater in town is The Playhouse at 4421 N. Hubert,  but I didn't bother going there since I have heard it has police action rather then couple action. All in all not a bad night on the town for a confirmed voyuer. Fantasyland is pretty cool but not conducive to new or nervous couples. Adult Cinema is best theater for couples, and Love Shack is comfortable but I am sure it is the most hit or miss of the three theaters. The last theater I went to probably gets no couples.

Humbly submitted by your intrepid reporter Oldbeatnik.
Doc here again.  Now that is a report!  4 Theaters in 1 night is an awesome accomplishment, with good intel to boot.  I am glad to hear that at least on the particular night, that the heat was off and couples felt free to express themselves the best way they know.  Based on this report, I am removing the "Caution" flag regarding Tampa until further information deems that I put it back.

Do you have a report you'd like to share?  E-mail The Good Doctor at

As always, thank you for your support!
