
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Field Report: CVE Update by Alex and Lauren

Doc here with an update from our good friend's Alex and Lauren in Gastonia, NC.  A & L have the distinction of being the first field reporters to submit a report when The Journal was launched in August of 2009.

This report is a status update on CVE in Gastonia.  Take it away Alex and Lauren...

Gastonia, NC




Good Morning Good Doctor,

I just read your plea for reports and thought I should check in. Sadly, there is little to relay about the state of play in the Carolinas. CVE, while picking up a little bit of traffic from couples these days, is just a shadow of its former self. The passing of the couples room, the change in staff and the lingering remnants of rumors (now stretching back almost a year to the day) are all to blame, I suppose.

Yahoo groups and internet chatter have indicated more couples heading that way. Our personal correspondence tells us that many of these folks are first-timers who quickly decide to become one-timers. Some come expecting a couples room. Others are looking for the more open atmosphere that used to define CVE. Others, of course, are no-shows.

  Lauren and I stopped in Saturday night to see for ourselves what might be happening these days. We were there for about an hour, from 10-11 PM or so (generally "prime time"). We were the only couple in the place. Most of the male population seemed to be interested in one another.

I am an incurable optimist, so I still hold out some hope that they can get through their issues with the city and reopen the couples room. Time alone, will deal with issues created by the rumors, of course; but as couples begin to slowly return, the guys who like to play with them will be back, too.

As that happens, we will keep you posted. In the meantime, we hope to be getting out of town from time to time. Perhaps we can post some reports from the road.

Alex and Lauren
Doc here again...Thanks for the update Alex and Lauren.  I would remain optimistic too... 15th Avenue in Melrose Park, IL was going through much of the same thing CVE is going through now in late 2009.  Now, 15th Avenue is back in the Top 5 of The Good Doctor's Power Rankings week after week.  It's been a slow road, but things will get better.

Trust me. I'm a Doctor.

Also, make sure you check out Alex and Lauren's website:

Do you have an adult theater report you'd like to submit?  Just e-mail me at  I will edit and format your report for you...All I need you to do is get the details down in your e-mail and I'll do the rest.
