
Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Few Minutes With Dr. Emilio - 1st Week of February

As we pick up our story, we find The Good Doctor abandoned in a snow drift, unable to move...

Doc here with "A Few Minutes With Dr. Emilio".  It's been awhile since my last one, since I was busy Greco-Roman wrestling image issues and photostreams.  So let's play a little catch up, shall we?

Why Follow The Good Doctor on Twitter, and what the Hell is "The Clicker"?
Much like my good friend and colleague, Major Voyeur, I like to use social media as a value-added service to you, the good readers of The Journal.  Twitter has let me broadcast real-time announcements on couples visiting adult theaters, and I will always preface a couples Tweet with "The Clicker".  Here is an example:

If I am available, and I can swipe the announcements off of Yahoo or CL, I will do my best to get the information out to you via "The Clicker".   At times, I may just Re-Tweet a message from Major Voyeur (for the St. Louis area members of this thing of ours').  Either way, our goal is to tell you the who, what, where, & when of the potential of adult theater fun.

Bottom line: If you have a smart phone, load the free Twitter app, and follow The Good Doctor


Archive Work Continues
I have been slowly reloading images into The Journal's archive of articles after The Journal was dope-slapped with technical issues.  Be patient... I have reloaded all of January's articles, and I'm working on December's right now.


What Do You Get When You Cross The Journal With Baseball? The Best Mickey Mantle Story Ever

Next to adult theaters, The Good Doctor's #1 passion is baseball.  So when I come across a story that mixes my favorite team (the New York Yankees), a Hall of Fame player (Mickey Mantle), and public sex, well I'm in.  All in.

The Yankees sent a two-statement fill-in-the-blank survey in advance of Yankee Stadium's 50th anniversary to former and current Yanks in 1972. The first question was: "I consider the following my outstanding experience at Yankee Stadium." The second question was: "This event occurred on or about (Give as much detail as you can)."

Here is Mickey Mantle's awesome response (Click on the letter to ENLARGE):

Lastly, Two Big Thank You's
Thank You #1: On Tuesday, 2/1, The Journal had it's all-time busiest traffic day.  Over 2,400 page views, and over 600 unique visitors. 

Thank You #2: January 2011 was the busiest all-time month for The Journal, even with 2 weeks of the blog screwing the pooch. 

Keep the great field reports coming in... Every month we will get several new contributors, offering their view or experiences at an adult theater or ABS.  Couple these new reports with those of our regular contributing reporters, and we can provide you with current content within the niche of society that is this thing of ours'.
