
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blast From The Past: On The Road With Tony

Doc here with another first time report, this time from Tony.  Tony is on the highways and byways in the Pacific Northwest, and this will be the first of many reports he is willing to share with us.

Here we go...


Good Day to you Dr. Emilio,

My name is Tony and I am a new member to your blog page. I have been a constant participant in the adult theater/abs scene for about 30 years now, and I have many old and newer stories to relate.
Currently I am a long haul truck driver and I have many oppurtunities to to travel to many parts of the country and experiance some of what the porn industry has to offer. I am in no way an expert, but I would like to offer some of my stories and conquests with you and your readers.

Right now, I am in Pornland (or Portland), and I believe I met Brent some time ago (not sure,but it is possible). If it is ok with you, iIwould like to start adding some of my own Blasts from the Past, and recent events I have attended.
OK here we go...

1978- Seems like a long time ago. I am 17 at the time, and I had heard about an adult theater in Bellingham,WA (State Street Theater). I lived just 30 minutes away, so I jumped in the 65 Mustang convertable and head north. This was in the day when a kid like me could buy smokes and beer at the local corner store (if ya knew the clerk).

I get there and walk in, pay my admission, and the old guy never even blinked at the counter. This is cool I thought, and well as you would expect it was cool. I don't remember how long I was there before couples started to arrive, but soon no less than 6 couples showed up. It didn't take long for them to get going. I wasn't sure of the rules, so I just hung back and watched from across the aisle. As I watched other guys get involved, i got brave and got closer. That is when one of the ladies realized they had a theater virgin in the house, and after that it is almost a blur. Yes I got laid, and yes I had more than my fair share of fun that night. I even got in trouble with my folks the next day, as I was supposed to be home by midnite (right).As for the many details of the night, some I dont even remember (you can only guess as to what went on).

So, that is my first, and hopefully 1 of many adventures you will allow me to relate. Thank you for the chance to tell it.
