
Thursday, April 7, 2011

I-TEAM REPORT: Tampa Is Hot (And Not In A Good Way)

Doc here with an important I-Team Report in regard to this thing of ours and Tampa.  The Journal is lucky to have just brought on board Enzyte Bob, who has an excellent finger on the pulse of the Tampa adult theater scene.  Those of you who read his prior Flash Report (HERE) on Fantasyland I and II, know him to be a very thorough reporter.

As a bit of background for you, the good readers of The Journal... On Sunday morning, I picked up on a post on a Yahoo Group (from a couple) that when they drove by Fantasyland I on Lois Avenue on Saturday night, there were 2 Tampa squad cars, along with a police van in the parking lot.

Not good.

So, being the responsible Sicilian Doctor that I am, I went over to the overnight arrests from Tampa (from Saturday night).  After going through (I shit you not) 100+ arrests, I didn't find anything that could have led back to Fantasyland I or II.  The Good Doctor will not publish a red flag unless I get some solid corroboration from a second party, not matter where it originates from.

This is where Enzyte Bob jumps in and puts on his Lizardo I-Team hat.  The following is the report I received from him in regard to information he picked up on regarding possible arrests:


Dear Doc,

In response to a post in the forum section on the Fantasyland website, I did some research and found out some interesting information I thought I would share with you.  This is also posted on the Fantasyland website.

I have managed to confirm that two men were booked into the Hillsborough County Jail on April 1, 2011. They were charged with "exposure of sexual organs". This is a misdemeanor and the police have the discretion to either book a person into the jail or issue them a "Notice to Appear" (NTA) and release them. There would be no online record of anyone that was NTA'd and released. The above is important because the men booked into the county jail were arrested at 4715 Lois Avenue according to the booking records. You may recognize this as the address of Fantasyland I. I am going to request copies of the arrest reports under public records law and see if I can't fill in the details (Ed. note: EB later confirmed the request was sent in and we are waiting for the records to arrive via snail mail).

Enzyte Bob
Additional research indicates that on March 18, 2011, two men were arrested for lewd and lascivious conduct, also at 4715 Lois Avenue (Fantasyland I).  Interestingly, the lewd and lascivious charge is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by no more than 60 days, while exposure of sexual organs is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to a year.  I find it interesting that if you whip it out and do nothing, you can go to jail for a year.  If you whip it out and jerk it off, you can only go to jail for 60 days.  Kinda screwed up, but that is just me.  I am very fortunate to have been there on March 26, which is one weekend day on which there were no arrests made.

It would seem the police have Fantasyland on their radar yet again.  The only thing to do at this point would seem to take advantage of the private rooms, invite who you want in and then close the door for privacy.

Hope you find this of interest,

Enzyte Bob


In light of this information, I would caution anyone visiting Fantasyland I or II, along with The Playhouse and Thee Love Shack in Tampa to exercise EXTREME CAUTION.

It has been proven via the prior actions of Tampa LE that when they want to, the local authorities can put a major damp towel over the adult theater scene in Tampa, and arrests can and will take place.

Enzyte Bob will be keeping a close eye on this situation and updating us as details emerge.  In the meantime, be extra careful out there (especially in Tampa).  This type of situation happens in this thing of ours from time to time...

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail The Good Doctor at
