
Monday, June 13, 2011

Flash Report: The Captain Reports On The Paris Cinema I & II in Syracuse, NY

Doc here with another excellent Flash Report from that crusty old seadog himself, The Captain. As with most seafarers he may be gruff on the outside, but give him a can of spinach and he will be as smooth as Ricardo Montalban.  This also explains why the Wally Power Yacht is appointed in Corinthian leather.

Here is The Captain and his latest ship's log...


Hi Doc,

The Coast Guard did a fine job of clearing the channels after the weeks of heavy storms we had in Central NY and I was able to safely navigate the Wally Power Yacht west along the famous Mohawk River Barge Canal to Syracuse NY visiting one of my favorite places - The Paris Cinema I&II (110 Headson Drive, Syracuse, NY 13214).  Due to a heavy load of evening pleasure cruising I was only able to attend the festivities at the Paris Cinema during the daytime last week.

Paris Cinema I and II
110 Headson Dr., Syracuse, NY

I dropped anchor Monday morning around 11am and whisked my dinghy over to Headson Dr . One couple came in during the lunch hour and put on a show for boys. No touching was allowed - I even offered her a free mustache ride. I really can't remember what he looked like, but she was hot. Tall, thin, with a handful of ass and two handfuls of breast. They came in, got settled quickly and it was off to the races. Based on the way they were dressed it looked like they were on their lunch break living out the theater fantasy. Why risk getting caught in the copy room at work when you can take your co-worker to the adult theater?

Tuesday and Wednesday were not as eventful. I spent from noon - 4:30 each day hoping for a repeat of Monday, but the best that happened was some CD's coming to service the lunch crowd on Monday and one coming on late afternoon on Tuesday - I had to leave so I'm not able to provide any details here!

Until next time!
The Captain


Doc here again... Thanks to The Captain for his update on The Paris Cinema II.  For those of you who don't know The Captain, he is a lot like Steven Seagal in "Under Siege", except instead of being a kung-fu trained chef in a battleship, he is a graduate of the "Adirondack School of Bartending" (Their motto: "You say Bar, we say Tend!") in a yacht.

The Paris Cinema I and II is a theater I have been to several times in the past, when I was still an Upstate NY kind of guy.  My luck was always more miss than hit, but when I did hit, it was a line drive. The theater show straight movies on one side, and gay on the other.

Do you have an adult theater report?  Just e-mail Lloyd Bridges The Good Doctor at You supply the report, and I will edit and format it for you.  Sound easy? It should...Because it is.  Try it!
