
Friday, July 15, 2011

Flash Report! Tonight Friday 7/15/11 - Berlin News Agency by The Traveling Man

Doc here with an outstanding first time report from The Traveling Man (not to be confused with senior reporter Tom Austin - Traveling Man).  The Traveling Man was at The Berlin News Agency TONIGHT, and filed this same day Flash Report with The Good Doctor moments ago.

Here is The Traveling Man and his first report... And it's a doosy.


Hey, Dr! Long time listener, first time caller, LOL.    I would have posted this directly, but I am VERY much against the monopoly Google is creating, and the info they gather.  You can no longer sign up anywhere unless you divulge your cell phone.  Fuck them.. I prefer to remain semi- anonymous.

I travel all around the country, and have been there, done that and truly have seen it all.  Tampa in its heyday, was one of the truly best.  I don't get out much anymore, but the Tampa scene is only a small percentage of what it used to be, anyway.  I've been to the San Diego scene, 15th Street, you name it, I've probably been there.  However, I must say, in all my travels, The Paris Theatre stands alone at the top.   Okay, that being said, I finally had the opportunity to stop in and check out the action at BNA (Berlin news Agency).  Last time in town, it was a complete dud, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

Berlin News Agency
circa 2011

I left my hotel and grabbed some Chicago's Uno for dinner, then headed out early to see what might be seen.  On an earlier visit in the week, a regular said most couples start showing up around 9pm.  Let's just say I was "eager" as I hadn't cum in over two weeks, and my balls were hanging like two mean coconuts!

Around 8pm, I enter the theater, and passed the main room on the left.  As I entered the back area, which is broken up into quadrants, I noticed a number of swordsmen standing around the NE quad.  Hmmm, I thought to myself, something is afoot!   Sure enough, a couple is sitting down watching the action on the TV monitor.  Most guys are hugging the 5 foot high wall, looking over the top to see what they could see, while a few guys were lining the cubicle's bench seats hoping for a show. 

Now, I met Brent on one or two of my visits to The Paris, and he knows that I am not overly aggressive, but I am experienced enough in this thing for the last 30 some odd years that I know when to push and when to be polite and spoil 'em with honey, if you will. 

The lady in question was a white BWW, and I am not sure if she was even with the gentleman on her left.  One guy about two spaces away from her was openly stroking his flagpole, and everyone else was simply waiting.  She did nothing for about 10 minutes, when she stood up and removed her panties, leaving herself covered by her dress and sweater.   She got up to get some fresh air, as it is kind of stifling in the quads with all that body heat from all the guys hanging around.  She walked to the end of the wall I was looking over, and I was stroking my cock gently, as I looked her in the eye and offered to get her a soda, or water, or anything else she needed.  She thanked me, and (get this) asked me if she could stroke my cock.  After 1/1,000,000th of a millisecond, I said "PLEASE",   She had GREAT hands, and lovingly stroked my cock and felt how full my balls were, whereupon she got a quizzical look on her face.  She asked me if I would accompany her back to the quad?   Who am I to deny a lady?  She was about early 50's, and 5'2" tall, and as I said, a BBW, and she had a kind and attractive face.  

We went into the quad, I dropped my shorts, and she went to town with her hands, and, eventually, her mouth; both of which were great.   She asked if I had a condom, which I didn't, and she gave me a sad look, upon which she went back to sucking and stroking.  Now, the rest of the guys, maybe 15 or so, all around, were jealous, as she picked ME for the first to get the party started.  What can I say, I've always been shy, LOL.    Well, she didn't want me to come in her mouth, so I asked if her tits were fine to shoot my load, and she acknowledged it was a target rich environment.  Well, when I said I hadn't cum in over two weeks, I am not kidding.  I shot like I was 18 years old, again, and had three huge ropes of cum spurting about six inches up her large tits, up to her neck.  She was shocked and all she could say was "Whoa!" ala Keanu Reeves, and there were quite a few "holy shit's" going on around the quad, LOL.   Of course, I was totally spent now, and it was only 8:30pm. 

What to do, what to do?   Should I try to stay for hours to see what comes through the door, of call it a night?   I decided on a little of both.  I went back to the main theater and waited so I could see couples enter.   Not 5 minutes later, couple no. 2 walks in.  He was Hispanic looking, around mid 50's, and she was short, looked like she was pregnant (still not sure) but she was late 40's, so I have to admit I was confused about the package.  She wore a dress, and they really didn't do much of anything, but the did sit in the back quad and watch BBW take on all cummers.  

A short while later, couple no. 3 shows up, another white couple in their 50's/early 60's, and she was a regular, I could tell.   They were looking for something, but were not yet ready to play while I was there.  However, I know from the look, that if the right guy caught her eye, she would be on all fours howling at the moon.  Once in awhile, I'd walk on back to see if anyone else was doing anything, but it was only BBW still taking on all cummers.  

About 5 minutes later, another couples comes in, this one mixed - a large black man in his 40's and what once was a petite woman in her mid 40's.   I say "was", not to denigrate, but to identify.  From the top, she was still petite, but the bottom was, er,very large.  However, she was beautiful - a brunette resembling Pat Benatar and Marisa Tomei if she had short hair.  Very attractive woman.  I was standing next to her in the back quad as BBW was getting fucked by one of the regular black guys, and I stroked "The General" who, unfortunately, wasn't answering teh call to arms.  As it turns out, he wasn't needed, as she never watched, and they never did anything,  I decided to leave.

As I got in my car and exited the parking lot, I noticed a single black woman in her car directly out front.. not sure what she was doing, if she was picking up a video rental, returning, or if she planned on entering the theater?  As I left the parking lot, I noticed the mixed couple walking out of the theater heading to the parking lot.

So, all in all, four couples between 8pm - 9pm, not bad for an early Friday night anywhere.  In my younger days, I might have stayed until all hours of the morning, and would have cum three or four times.  Those days are long gone, but like the man sang, "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was".  I just happened to be lucky enough to find a lovely and sexy woman who wished to share her desire with me, in a busy theater environment that we all love.

Before I forget, the guys that run the place make sure the women have water, that they are safe and cared for, and that plenty of clean towels are available.  While they don't have a flag system set up like Ray does at the Paris, they do have a website  and Yahoo Group where they post when couples are visiting.   Two thumbs up from The Traveling Man for BNA.  I was pleasantly surprised, and may go back tomorrow   ; )


Congrats to The Traveling Man for a great first time report.  TTM told me offline that has traveled the national scene for this thing of ours, and hopefully this is the first of many reports to come.  Welcome TTM to the ranks of outstanding reporters here at The Journal.

The Good Doctor still is in dire need of quality adult theater reports.  Please send in your reports to Bruce Banner The Good Doctor at I will edit and format your report, add a photo or two, and presto-chango you will be published.
