
Monday, August 15, 2011

Couple's Flash Report! GentleTongue and Lady Friend Visit Summit News Adult Theater in Warren, OH

Doc here with the promised second report from one of the newest reporters here at The Journal, GentleTongue.  This time, he brings along his partner in crime, "Her", and they visit one of the hottest adult theater facilities in the country right now, the Summit News Adult Theater in Warren, OH (Location details available in the Dr. Emilio Adult Theater Database at the top of the homepage).

This fast paced report is brought to you by Flash Bang Carpet Cleaners. When you say "Flash", we say "Bang".


Dear Doctor Lizardo,

Just to offer another field update of the Summit News Adult Theater in Warren, OH.

My lovely, multi-orgasmic lady friend and I made another venture to the Summit News.  Since this one was planned and made on a Wednesday, it afforded us the opportunity to visit on the couples special night.  The special currently offered on Wednesday is that couple get into the main theater for “Free” and have an option for the other theater for $10.00 as instead of the typical $25.00.

Being the hot BBW she is, she surprised me with a short mini skirt that had my eyes wide open.  I had to warm that motor up of hers while driving and she had 2 good O’s on the way there.  Hey I wasn’t texting so it wasn’t too bad, didn’t have to worry about which key to hit when. 

Upon pulling into the parking lot we were impressed with the number of cars.  There was also a nice group outside enjoy a cool evening.  However, she was a bit uncertain and put a bit more cover on, just in case there were biting flies present.

The staff greeted us as friendly as ever and explained the specials. The outside crowd quickly began to make their entrance to see where we were headed.  Upon entering the main theater it was clear we were the only couple there at 7:30pm and there were many guys there.  Of course each of the 3 couched was ruled by one king and not a one offered to give up their throne to us (maybe they were hoping for us to sit in their laps for a free round). (ed. note: C'mon guys... One of the cardinal rules of this thing of ours is to give up a prime seat to a couple)

We opted to sit in the theater seats, which don’t lend themselves to much comfortable play.  I must say that some patrons have done a job on too many seats, shame shame.  We adjusted to the scene and watch the academy award movie with script unfolding before us.  We realized quickly we had forgotten to get our popcorn.  We became aware of this with the Frito Bandito sitting behind us.  I thought for sure there was a gremlin back there.  (ed. note: Another cardinal rule is don't eat in an adult theater, and especially right in back of a couple)

Around 8:00pm we were joined by 2 couples, one older couple, sort of the aged beaver clever typed.  They sat to the right of us on the couch.  The other couple sat to the back, getting someone to move over on the couch.  All was moving slowly.  The lady in black from the back came forward to the Frito Bandito and whispered in his ear and then assumed the pray position in front of him.  Later it was learned that she only wanted her mummeries played with and then had to take a puff break.  Not to be out done I proceeded start my lady’s engine again.  Here legs looked so good up on the row in front of us.  Beaver’s mom had a good view and she was fishing in her man’s tackle box.  She was trying to hook the big one.  We achieved orbit and she had a couple more O’s to go with the earlier ones on the drive in.

Both couples then exited stage rear and we thought the show was over.  We took a short break and then both couples reentered the theater.  Rumor had it that Beaver’s mom was feel vibes from her man in the booths.  She had a nice mantel shelf or rack.

We were fortunate on the second entry into the theater to get a couch, with some help.  Mr. Ivanhoe joined us, as we had engaged in conversation earlier.  The action took a little bit more of a heated turn.  The lady in black ordered a subject over to offer over the “hoover hole”.  Beaver’s mom began to churn the butter from the side couch.  The recipient there was more interested in the vacuum demo and got in line in the back.

Meanwhile my lady was getting the caress of 2 sets of hands on her thighs and breasts.  It wasn’t long before the juices were flowing freely from her and the nips were granite hard.  Both of our hands brought her to the top a number of times.  Ivanhoe then offered his oral talents up, damn hard floor, and he was rewarded with a facial bath.  He also received some stroking and enjoyed the pleasure.
The lady in black was able to finally get that bath on her mammorys.  This led to another puff break.  If she had a full encounter she would have been on fire.  Her line was disappointed when she did not stay and he was kind enough to defend her and her man’s couch space.  This took more diplomacy than we see in the Dick Capital (DC).

In summary it was great to see on “Hump Day” a good crowd, with a few flies buzzing around to narrow into their target.  All parties were respectful with a few showing signs of suffering from famine.

GT's Rating:
I would say that this would rate easily an 8 inches of a possible 10 incher or 4+ squirts of a 5 squirt shot.

We will be back soon and hope to enjoy more shows and making more friends.  She is eager to take care of fun seekers and maybe share joint couches with another couple while the fun happens. Will keep you up to date on future fun and visits.

GentleTongue and Her


Doc here again... GentleTongue is two for two in excellent reports from the field.  Nice set up, insight into the scene inside and outside the theater, and of course, the nitty gritty.  Finish that up with his rating, and GT has the makings of a 5-star report. 

Thanks again GT, as well as to your lady friend.

Do you have an adult theater report?  Just type it up, and e-mail it to The Heat Miser The Good Doctor at I will do the heavy lifting in getting it ready for prime time.  Your provide the words.

