
Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Call For Reports!

Doc here... Well kids, it's time to get serious.  Over the past two weeks, adult theater reports have dropped to a trickle.  Aside from reports from Bob in Biloxi, Moaning Lisa, GT, C&R, floyd, JaxBchBum, and Liz, I am getting very little.  Thank God the reporters above have submitted some terrific Flash Reports.

Brent in Portland writes undoubtedly the top reports in this thing of ours.  His Yahoo Group, Brents Theater Tails, has an archive of the best adult theater reports from the best reporter. I will be more proactive in posting his reports on The Journal, starting Monday.  Why?  If his reports don't inspire you to visit an adult theater and file a report, nothing will.

The lifeblood of The Journal are your reports. If they stop coming in, we are in big trouble. In the history of The Journal, over 60 unique reporters have submitted reports.  There is no reason to stop now, since the adult scene is as good now as it's been in years.

As a reminder, I am also in need of Blasts From The Past reports.  These are reports illustrating visits you may have had a year ago, 5 years ago, 20 years ago... And to be honest, these are my favorite reports.  I am sure many of you who are of the same vintage as The Good Doctor may agree with me.

And to the 60+ reporters out there with The Journal on your resume, dust off your reporters notebook and punch in.  You are on the clock.

Please send your reports to

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to yell at some kids to get off my lawn.

Thanks for your time,