
Monday, October 31, 2011

Flash Report: Bob in Biloxi's Weekly Report - Halloween Edition

Doc here with this week's "Cruising The Coast with Bob in Biloxi".

This week it seems that Bob has hit a bit of a speed bump in terms of the lucky streak he has been on at the Gulf Coast Adult Theater, as well as the ABS down the street.

So here is our good friend Bob, and his weekly report...


Hey Doc,

Very chilly here on the beautiful Gulf Coast, so maybe that’s why only 6 couples showed last night. Of those 6, three were playing. I didn’t get involved as none peeked my interest. One of the ladies was having a blast, she fucked 3 guys and sucked 7 off. The other playing couple was taking donations and one was offered up, so she got busy. No couples at all down at the ABS, there was however, a “happy fella” convention. The holes haven’t been modified yet so that’s a draw back hopefully remedied when I return from Portland.

Bob in Biloxi
Friday night at the theater, (and one reason I don’t go on Friday) one of the patrons told me a pretty good looking couple came in. As they started getting busy one tall black fellow that had been on his knees the entire time he was there, suddenly bounded up and rushed over to the couple and started pawing her. Needless to say, that killed the action for them and others, the couple left and the confused fellow returned to his knees.

Several people were thinking out loud when they were telling me this, I interrupted them with a reason he would do something like that. My reasoning is that she was (in his so-called mind) competing with him on the cock gathering and he didn’t like it. Several people I talked to that were there said she was crying outside. There is absolutely no plausible explanation for this fellows action and he should have been banned. The clerk wasn’t informed until well after they left, and didn’t know this individual was being the pain in the ass until after he left. I also blame the other patrons for not coming forth and informing the clerk this was happening. But they will be the first to start whining there are no couples in the place.

Now I‘m all in favor of electro shock treatment for people like this, if only someone could invent one of those “phasers” like they had on Star Trek set to stun? Behavior modification at its best I say! The theater used to have a collection of individuals that had no manners at all, slowly the management is weeding them out and banning those folks for life, but their job is made much harder if no one speaks up and brings this to their attention. (Ed note: I could not agree more, Bob!  If there is a problem or issue, take the bull by it's horns and report them to the staff).

Leaving for Portland Wednesday Doc... Due in around 8:30pm weather permitting, so no Coast report next weekend. Haven’t heard from Brent, hope to run into him at the Paris and catch up.



Doc here again... Good luck in Portland next weekend!  Here is a little known factoid: Last Halloween weekend, I was in Portland and found out so was Bob.  However, we kept missing each other and never had a chance to meet.  The one thing we did agree on is that Halloween weekend is not a good weekend for adult theater sex.  Why?  It's amateur night.  The code of conduct is thrown out the window by the inexperienced and the drunk.  The vibe is one of novelty, not one of sexuality.  I will have an article later in the week of several examples of bad behavior at adult theaters across the country this past weekend.

Safe travels Bob!  Hopefully you will connect with Brent, and tag team the reports from Portland and The Paris Theatre.
