
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mon Dieu! An Acrobat No More

Doc here with a quick note... As many of you have noticed, The Good Doctor has not been updating The Journal with any kind of regularity over the last several weeks.  Sure, you got a report here and there, but not in true Lizardo style.

Regular readers will remember that I left a few weeks ago to pursue a dream. A dream of performing with Cirque du Soleil as an acrobat.  Yes, a somewhat chubby MD with a dream was trying something out of the box and on a trapeze.

Well, over several accidents and mishaps (and a near-death experience with a French guy in a swan outfit), I have walked away from that dream and I'm heading back to The Park near the giant interstate highway. Full time, and guns blazing.

I have plenty to catch up on back at the office (namely, the reports submitted to me but due to the time constraints never were edited and posted).  So please bear with me while I get acclimated to the altitude change and stronger Bloody Marys.

If you submitted a report to me, and I have not published it yet, please re-send the report to The Good Doctor at  This will allow me to get to it without digging through hundreds of e-mails which declared me the winner of a Nigerian lottery to get to your report.  My apologies in advance. I suck.

Another thing I'm apparently not very good at is reporting.  I was smoked by everyone in the poll of your favorite adult theater reporters, thus I will stick to editing and Photoshopping myself into photos of circus people.  The tribe has spoken.

Tomorrow at noon I will have a great Blast from the Past report from my good friend, Moaning Lisa.  It's a hot one folks, and full of tiny bubbles.

Lastly, and against my better judgement, I am opening up comments again on The Journal.  They will be moderated, so be patient while I approve the comments. If you post a link to your crappy website selling crappy consumer electronics, rest assured I won't approve your comment. Otherwise, have at it and play nice.

So from the airport near the landfill, I'm on my way back to The Park near the giant super highway...
