
Friday, June 22, 2012

Field Report! The Wichita, Kansas Scene by Mr. Clean

Doc here with a Field Report from new contributor to The Journal (and outstanding household cleaner), Mr. Clean.

His Field Report focuses on the Circle Cinema in Wichita, KS, and while this theater looks promising from the outside, the local powers that be have other ideas (apparently).

Here is Mr. Clean and his tale from the beadbasket of the USA.


Hey Doc!!

Long time listener, first time caller here. thought I would give you a report from the buckle of the bible belt here in Kansas.

The tales of adventures are a little subdued compared to tales from other locations. That is because here in Wichita they have "morals" ordinances and apparently we have a lack of real crimes, particularly on Friday and Saturday nights. The local law enforcement is fond of conducting checks of the theaters here. They will even go so far as to send in someone in plain clothes that will then go back out to report to his buddies in uniform. Mostly though they will come rushing in with flashlights blazing looking for anyone doing anything even remotely similar to what is showing on the screen. My guess is that most of them are just perverts too repressed to get their kicks like us normal perverts. But in spite of them we do manage to have some fun here, albeit cautiously.

Circle Cinema
Wichita, KS

The only time I encountered any problems was when I went to the Circle Cinema with a couple I would occasionally swing with. She was pretty horny that night and slightly drunk so it was not hard to convince her to go to the theater. The entrance to the theater opens into the front of the theater after a walk down a hall about 15 feet long. There is a large window in the door that allows you to see who is coming down the hall but it has a very narrow field of view and it doesn't take long to walk 15 feet.

We had only been there about 20 minutes and of course had attracted all of the attention. We were seated in one of the two balconies on each side of the theater and she had briefly sucked on a few cocks to get things warmed up. One gentleman that I would guess to be in his early 60's asked if he could fuck her so she got up and went behind the bench, lifted her dress and bent over. I am not sure if he ever got his dick into her because after about 5 minutes he said he was having trouble getting hard so she sat back down between me and her hubby.

Immediately one guy reached under her dress and began to finger her while another reached over from behind us, pulled her top down and began to play with her ample tits. She was really starting to get into it and I looked at her husband and we both smiled because we knew that it was shaping up to be a pretty exciting evening.

Then they showed up.

They being the guardians of moral integrity for the city. There was no time to do much of anything. The guys playing with her quickly stepped back and when the glare of the flashlights hit us it was just her between us with her tits hanging out. Being slightly inebriated it took her a minute to realize what was going on before she covered herself and that was all it took.

We were escorted out of the theater and forced to present ID's. It turned out that she had a very old warrant for failing to appear over a case of a dog running loose and was promptly handcuffed and hauled away. It took us the rest of the night to bail her out but unfortunately that was her first trip and she won't go back.

In spite of this tale of woe, some of us do persist and I have other reports with happier endings that I will post later.

Mr. Clean


Doc here again... Things are tough in parts of the US when it comes to this thing of ours. Kansas and most parts of Missouri are in that category unfortunately, and this report does a good job of showcasing this unfortunate situation.  Thanks to Mr. Clean for a solid first time effort.

The Good Doctor needs women more adult theater reports.   Just e-mail your old buddy in the white suit and aviators at, and I'll do the rest: edit, format, drop in pics... First time reports need to also submit a pen name that they wish to use for their work.
