
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Flash Report! Nanner Reports From San Diego's Jolar Cinema

Doc here with an excellent first time Flash Report from out newest contributor, Nanner.

The theater that is the subject of Nanner's report is one of The Good Doctor's favorites, the Jolar Cinema in San Diego, CA. 

In 2010, I posted a House Call Report from my just completed visit to The Jolar, which ranked as one of my favorite experiences in recent memory.  Check out that report HERE.

So, without further delay, here is Nanner and his first report here at The Journal...


Dear Doctor,

I hope to fulfill my civic duty by reporting on the status of things in the College Area of San Diego.
I had a few free hours last night and decided to stop by Jolar Cinema (address info located in the Dr. Emilio's Adult Theater Database).  Jolar was my old stomping grounds in college, got to know a couple ladies working in the booths in the back.  Those old booths and the stage were ripped out years ago and replaced with what is now the theater.

The theater is located behind the bookstore itself, there are a few "peepshow" booths along the left as you walk in, with some friendly ladies wanting to sell you a show.  The rest of the back area is video booths (not equipped with glory holes) and then the double theater.

The theater is constructed so it is behind a buzzer controlled door.  Inside there is a hallway with a tinted window looking into the first theater.  I don't understand what the window is there for, as you can't really see into the theater, but can see the darkened video screens.  Across the front from the entrance of of the first small theater (15 oversized black chairs) is a larger theater (maybe 21 of the same sized chairs with some overflow deck chairs).  Both theaters have two video screens.  The first smaller theater appears to be the straight side as it seems to always play two straight pornos.  The larger side usually plays one straight and one tranny/bi/gay porno.

Last night I stopped in around 10 PM and paid my $10 admission (Wednesday and Saturdays are free for couples.)  There was one couple hiding in the hallway watching porn through the tinted window.  I smiled at them and headed into theater proper.  There were a few guys scattered about the first theater.  I went to the larger theater, having in the past seen couples on that side, and found the attendance to be about the same.  It must have been a slow night because I swear two guys were in there sleeping.

After about 20 minutes, the hallway couple sat down in the back row of the large theater.  I took a seat a few rows up to keep tabs on things.  I noticed that a man who had been standing with them in the hallway was sitting next to the woman.  Nothing seemed to be happening and a short time later the couple stood up and walked out of the theater.  The man followed a few minutes after.

I moved back into the smaller theater when couple #2 came in.  They sat down towards the back.  I walked to the hallway to check my phone (and interestingly noted that Couple #1 was back in the hallway hiding, and the man was still standing there with them) and then re-entered the smaller theater and found a seat across the aisle from couple number two.  They sat there watching the porn, she was cuddled up next to him, and they were touching arms, but not doing anything to indicate fun would be happening anytime soon.

After being there for about an hour and twenty Couple #3 arrived and provided for the humorous moment of the evening.  She was a semi attractive blonde, he was a black fellow.  Both late 20's / early 30's.  They walked into the first theater, looked at the screen, he acted shocked and immediately turned around and drug her out of the theater, not to be seen again.

Couple #2 engaged in a little petting and stroking, by her, of his member, which had been taken out of his pants. She glanced over at me stroking mine, we made eye contact and smiled, but nothing more occurred.  Couple #1 passed through the small theater into the larger theater for about 5 minutes and then headed back to the hallway (same man in tow).  Couple #2 never engaged in anything more than some petting or minor stroking, and left a little after midnight.  The most real life nudity I saw was the single older man in the back row walking around with his pants off.

I headed out around 12:15AM and found Couple #1 still hiding in the hallway, this time the tall white guy had been replaced by a shorter black guy, but they still looked like they were terrified about being anywhere but the hallway.

That's about it for my adventure.  I've seen other couples having fun in the theater in the past, but none last night.



Doc here again... Thanks to Nanner for a great first time report!  Keep the reports coming Nanner...

The Good Doctor is still in need of adult theater reports for The Journal. Just e-mail Ron Burgundy The Good Doctor at with your report, and I'll do the rest. Editing, formatting, logos, pics... You provide the report, get the byline, and provide a pen name. 
