
Monday, August 20, 2012

News Bulletin! LE Raid at The Adult Supercenter in Palatka, FL

Doc here... As a public service to you, the good readers of The Journal, I will do my best to alert you to any issues within this thing of ours.

There is trouble brewing in Palatka, Florida, and two reporters have checked in with information.  First up is senior reporter, JaxBchBum, who covers the Florida scene like a blanket for The Journal.

Here is that surfing stud himself, JBB, and new reporter, Cruiser:



Just a quick follow-up.  Putnam County FL Sheriff's Office again made arrests at the Adult Super Center theatre in Palatka, Florida in early August following their initial raid the previous week.  Arrested and booked one guy for lewd conduct in the theatre and also charged the store owner with operating a business promoting lewd behavior. 

From what I understand, store clerk is now required to go back periodically and check on activity in the arcade and theatre and kick out anyone that is engaged in lewd conduct.  Sounds like they have been given the "two strikes" warning and if they don't clamp down they will seek to close down these facilities or the entire store.  As I mentioned before, never seemed to be a real mega-draw for couples but hate that the option is in danger - at least through election time.

Had a productive visit to Pure Pleasures in Orange Heights this past weekend with 3 couples coming in at different times and all 3 playing to some level.  Will get a report written up and send to you.

Can't wait to read all the details about your visit to Hartford.


and this report from Crusier:

Just wanted to let you know that Putnam Cty. Sherrif's have busted the Palatka bookstore / theatre twice now. July 23rd and August 3rd.  Five arrested the first time, and two the second time. Clerk was charged both times.

By the way, the sherrif is up for re-election this year.

How about a pic?



Doc here again... Be careful out there, especially in Florida.
