
Friday, October 5, 2012

Flash Report! King Fisher @ Bush River Books in Abingdon, MD

Doc here with a first time report from new contributor, King Fisher. His port of call is Bush River Adult Books in Abingdon, MD, and this his his report from the scene.

Here he is... From parts unknown, King Fisher.


Been a long time reader of yours and a longer time participant in this thing we call our own. My current location restricts my ability to travel to the finer establishments we enjoy more regularly (Berlin News, CTs, etc.), although I do get out and partake when I can. 

Yesterday, late morning was such a day. I dropped the kiddies off at their designated location and had about 90 minutes to kill and decided to check out Bush River Adult Bookstore. It had been a LONG time since I graced that establishment. I have had mixed luck there over the years, some great and some mediocre and some downright atrocious. I dillydallied on my way not in a huge rush and I should have paid better attention to my instincts. I arrived in the parking lot, pulled into the back and sent a couple of random emails while I took my time going in. When low and behold, leaving the store as I was entering was a younger couple in their late 20s, maybe early 30s. It seemed apparent that she had just finished playing. Unfortunately, I went in and paid the admission only to find the theaters empty of additional action.

I will note that the management has upgraded one of the theaters with a nice flat screen and new furniture. There are two straight and two gay theaters areas, I didn't look into the gay theaters and the other straight one still has the older burned in screen. There was a CD walking around with great legs, but not for me.

I will try to report better in the future and I can guarantee I will no longer squander found time!

King Fisher


Doc here again... Thanks for joining the ranks, King Fisher, of Journal scribes.  We will teach you the secret handshake with your next report...
