
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Flash Report! Nanner Reports On The Jolar Cinema in San Diego

Doc here with an excellent Flash Report from regular contributor, Nanner.   Once again, The Jolar Cinema in San Diego is our point of reference.

Take it away Nanner!


Dear Doctor:
I have continued my diligent efforts to gather information on the local San Diego happenings of this "thing of ours." I have returned to Jolar to scout things on two recent occasions (tonight and last Thursday). Using your advice to avoid theaters during "couples night", I decided to visit the night after couples night (in this case Thursday).
On Thursday night #1 I stopped by the Jolar Theater after work in the early evening. I purchased my evening pass for $10 and poked my head into the theater. Being early in the evening the place was nearly empty with three other sketchy males in the place. I stayed around for about an hour then headed out. In the parking lot next door there was a Hispanic couple sitting in a car. I slowed my departure to observe them for a bit. They were chatting a bit then they got out and headed towards the entrance. He had a stocky build and she was and attractive middle aged lady with glasses. I wanted to follow them in but I had to leave for a prior engagement. However, before leaving I noted the location and type of car they drove.
Jolar Cinema
San Diego, CA
About an hour and a half later, I was able to leave my engagement and stop back by the theater. I was in luck! The couples car was still parked at the same spot. I parked and headed inside. Upon re-entering the theater I found the couple tucked into the corner of the confused side of the theater and a black couple was tucked into the opposite side. Unfortunately, just as I entered the theater the cleaning crew was shuffling people from theater to theater, disrupting any chance for play, so they could do their cursory cleaning.
After being shuffled the Hispanic couple appeared a little peeved and decided to leave. The black couple remained. As the evening progressed the black couple put on a show near the back of the straight side of the theater. I managed to stand behind them and stroked as she blew her man. I left shortly afterwards.
On Thursday #2 I stopped by Jolar a little after 8PM. The Hispanic couple were back and sitting in the front row of the confused section and I saw the stocky male with his hand pretty far up her dress, but for the most part they appeared shy. The black couple were also there and were located in the back row. After flip flopping between the theaters the black couple ended up in the back row of the straight side. The Hispanic couple came in and out of the theater a few times, and something kinky must have been going on in the hallway as one of the theater patrons was stroking himself in front of them in the hallway. After he shot his load he left and then they left a few minutes later.
Meanwhile a third couple arrived and sat in the straight side, with the black couple moving to the back row of the straight side. The black female ended up completely naked and was switching between fucking her man and blowing him. I could look back and see her tits out and bouncing as she was being screwed, occasionally she would lean back giving a good few of him entering her pussy. When she leaned forward her head was over the back of the seat next to me. We had made eye contact and exchanged naughty grins as she was being penetrated by her guy. The woman in the third couple was very interested in peeking back and watching the sex show as well!
While the sex show was going on, a fourth couple arrived and headed to the back row of the confused side. After watching the black couple have sex for a while I decided to peek in at couple number 4. They were still sitting in the back row and the woman of the couple looked a little less than thrilled about being there. Having lost my seat for the sex show I decided it was time to leave, but did so with a bit of enthusiasm about things apparently heating up at the Jolar.
Doc here again... The Jolar is one of my personal favorite adult theaters in the country.  It has a great vibe, has a nice layout, is clean, and the couples scene can be terrific there.
Thanks to Nanner for another restaurant quality report!  Great job, sir.