
Friday, March 22, 2013

The Return of Dry Clean Only and 4 Flash Reports!

Doc here with the return of regular Journal contributor, Dry Clean Only.  He fell off the grid for a bit, but he's back and better than ever.
Take it away, sir!
Doc, thanks again for your high standards of journalism and duty... you're an asset to the profession!  At long last...
It goes without saying that I've been a little lax in my reporting, but I have been keeping tabs on the scene.  A recent search for my favorite slut, The C.E.O., on The Journal revealed she's still at it after months of no updates, so, I felt it it's my duty to at least report back on my findings, as boring as they've been.  It seems my beginner's luck has worn out since last summer.  Here's a quick update from The Paris in Syracuse, Talk of the Town in Niagara Falls, Video Liquidators on Elmwood in Buffalo, and, yes, Secrets in Oakland.  I've also included an updated photo of The Paris in Syracuse, too.
Video Liquidators #3
Buffalo, NY
I've made numerous stops into Video Liquidators on Elmwood in Buffalo on various days of the week and times of day... nothing my fellow Journal readers would be interested in.  The CL activity looks decent, but it never seems to line up with my availability. 
The Saturday night couples event, from what I can tell on CL, appears to be well attended.  I've seen some couple action in the main theater there in the late afternoon on a Friday, and with just a couple cars in the covered lot (nice touch), and I've seen absolutely nothing to even get worked up about with a dozen cars in the covered lot.  The last time I pulled in was early evening on a weeknight, and there were a bunch of cars in the covered lot.  I figured I finally lucked out. 
I bought my "$15 for two" pass (i.e. come and go from theater 1 (straight) and theater 2 (mmf, bi, gay, etc.) as you like) and walked right into theater 1.  I figured there'd be a good size crowd in there and at least a couple.  Turns out it was just me watching some fairly benign porn.  Didn't take long to figure out that theater 2 must be packed.  I popped in there, and found a whole bunch of guys doin' each other in pairs, rather discreetly, to a mmf bi movie.  I went back to theater 1 and hung out for an hour, but aside from just the guys from theater 2 popping into theater 1 now and then, nothing to report.  It is worth mentioning that they have an enormous, well-stocked, clean ABS which couples and groups of girlfriends seem to frequent. 
I dropped by Talk of the Town in Niagara Falls late one weeknight in November.  Just a couple cars in the lot, but I went in and found the tiniest ABS I've come across.  They had a rather small theater, with the traditional movie theater rows of chairs facing the big screen LCD TV and a fairly low ceiling.  Not bad.  No one else was in the theater, and then some guy followed me in.  He seemed well intentioned and we made some small talk, but the motives seems to suspicious.  Then, in walks birthday lady and guy (must have been about late 50's), and they settle down a few rows from the back entrance to the theater.  She starts blowing him, while a weirdo dude shuffles over, drops trou, and gets a handjob from b-day lady.  Then, b-day lady's guy leans over and blows the weird due.  They're having fun but not doing much else, when, in walks another 50's-ish couple. 
She wore a long black coat with fishnet everything underneath, and he wore his best Sabres winter jacket and tennis shoes.  The two couples did not seem to know each other, and the new couple sat down not all that far away to enjoy the movie.  Within minutes, the weirdo and the lady's guy make their way over to the new couple.  There's some whispering about birthday and presents, and then the new woman gets up, and lays her coat on the floor then lays down on it in the aisle.  Birthday girl comes over and goes down on her; the Sabres fan just less than forcibly feeds his gal his dick just like he was some 20 year porn star; and, the two dudes from the original scene shuffle around looking for some action, which never materialized. 
As fast as the whole situation came together, it was over, and the four got their things together, thanked each other, and ran off into the cold dark night of Niagara Falls, NY in late November.  To their credit, the birthday threesome invited me and the other guy over, but we each gratefully declined, and wished his gal a happy b-day.  A couple other stops on weeknight evenings to TOTT have yielded some unremarkable results, despite several cars in the lot.  They've opened a "theater 2" in place of what was once an arcade, and it seems to show some more "modern" stuff --- college "reality", mmff-bi, etc. The setup is nice and more "living room" than theater.  The particular night I was there, recently, a bunch of guys of all kinds of ages were enjoying each other's company in theater 2. 
Doc, I have to say, one boring evening, I stopped into American News (I think) just a few miles from VL#3 on Elmwood in Buffalo.  Well, folks, besides having a full parking lot in a deserted section of town on a cold weeknight, it features the creepiest thing I've encountered, an "arcade".  Simple advice:  all dudes, stalker dudes, no chicks or couples.  Stay away.  Plus, if you do stay away, you'll reduce your chances of being mugged in the parking lot!  This should be on the Don't Waste Your Time List. (ed. note: This is true. A very scary place)
The Paris Twin
Syracuse, NY
Syracuse's Paris Cinema has proved to be an interesting spot for weekday and early weeknight evening movies.  They had one hell of a crowd (of guys, at least) in there over the Thursday lunch hour a couple months back, but no ladies.  A good selection of on screen entertainment, too.  The lot always seems to be full, yet I've only run into couples there once or twice there, and not for months now.
Finally, I found myself with some time to kill while visiting San Francisco, so I dropped into Secrets.  It's on the main strip heading into the Jack London touristy area from the 12th street subway station, and on the safe side of town (according to the subway ticket people). 
I arrived mid day on a cloudy weekend, and stayed for a couple hours.  The theater is spacious --- lots of seating.  There was at least one guy sleeping up front, and his snoring was ridiculous.  It would have made for a perfect Seinfeld or Curb episode.  The place was pretty heavily trafficked by a fair assortment of folks --- age, race, fashion --- but all guys.  There was a very friendly young lady at the register when I entered, and she said that the guys are usually in first thing in the morning, and into the afternoons, and the couples don't start coming in until after 9pm on the weekends, and they seem to have a pretty regular following. 
There doesn't seem to be any source of privacy or seclusion there, except for an arcade, which was weird but not nearly as creepy as American News in Buffalo.  As I recall, there were a couple rooms in the arcade with glory holes.  Plenty of well-lit and relatively clean bathroom space, too.  There is a well-kept and stocked video, magazine, and toy shop, as well.  However, with a train to catch, I had to take off before the crowd I was hoping to see would be coming in.
Lastly Doc. tell the CEO I was inspired by her to send in a submission, and hope that she won't be such a stranger to The Journal.  Good Lord, we need a few more freaky execs out here!
Thanks to Dry Clean Only for the terrific catch-up report and the gaggle of theaters he hit since his last report!  My hat is off to you, sir!  Keep the reports coming in!