
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Flash Report! Fastplastic @ Personal Preference in Mesa, AZ

Doc here with a first time Flash Report from new contributor, Fastplastic.
With the guidance of senior reporter Old Marine Corps Guy, he ventured to Personal Preference in Mesa, AZ, and this report details his findings.
Oh great facilitator of this thing of ours,
As you know this rookie recently took a very quick trip to Mesa. Knowing the places to look for fun were plentiful and my time was short, I sought out the guidance and wisdom of Old Marine Corps Guy. Armed with his in-depth knowledge, I decided to roll the dice on Personal Preference. I went on a Tuesday night (couples night) and arrived shortly before midnight. I was happy to see the parking lot had at least a dozen cars in it. My hopes were raised even more when I ran into a very pleasant 50ish woman coming outside for a smoke break. We exchanged pleasantries and I headed inside. I paid my $7.00 theater admission and took a quick around the shop before entering the theater.
For those that don't know the theater is divided into two sides, each side has 6 couches and a very large flat screen showing pretty decent porn. I took a look in both theaters and found nothing but guys. A few were stroking by themselves and a few were coupled up. I took a seat and patiently waited.

Guys wandered in and out but no females or couples were to be found. The lady I ran into when I first arrived spent her time talking to the clerk and smoking outside, coming into the theater only to get her husband and telling him it was time to leave. 4 hours later my theater ticket ran out and it was time to head for the hotel. I briefly spoke with the clerk and he said it is hit or miss on when females or couples come in. He seemed more interested in what was showing on Nick at Night than holding a conversation with me about theater fun.
So here are my observations from a rookie to this thing of ours:
1. Excellent place, easy to find, good neighborhood, plenty of parking.
2. Store has a wide variety of movies and toys, something for everyone.
3. Almost 2 dozen video boths, showing a variety of movies. Get rid of them. There are signs everywhere saying one to a both, you get caught breaking the rule, you get kicked out or arrested. Plus the gloryholes in every both have been closed over with a metal panel and screws. The space would be better served to make the theaters bigger or to make a couples only theater where they can bring in select singles. Might increase traffic to the place.
4. The theaters themselves are good, Plenty of couches and space to play or watch and the TVs and the porn are more than fine.
I did notice some behavior that even this newbie found unacceptable:
1. Walking around the theater in boxers with your pants in your hand the entire time you are there, probably not a good way to get noticed.
2. This is a theater, not your couch at home, so don't lay face down on the couch with your ass in the air for all to see.
3. I understand that it was the overnight hours, people get tired or bored, maybe even working on a hangover, but sleeping in the theater and snoring louder than the porn on the screen is completely unacceptable. If you are that tired, go home or sleep in the parking lot.

I didn't get lucky this time but it was a fair introduction into this things of ours. Maybe I'll have better luck this week at the Berlin News Agency since I'll be in Philly. Look for another report from me after the 26th. Thanks again to you both for all the help.
Doc here again... Nice job on your report, Fastplastic!  Sorry to hear it was not very busy, but that happens in this thing of ours. You will find Berlin News a much different (and much busier) experience.  Make sure you mention The Good Doctor to the staff there when you check in.  I'm glad OMCG and myself could help!