
Monday, May 20, 2013

Flash Report! The Oral Reporter Returns to Talk of the Town Video in Niagara Falls, NY

Doc here with another terrific Flash Report from our good friend, The Oral Reporter. He once again visits my old stomping ground of Niagara Falls, NY and Talk of the Town Video.
His last visit went very well...How about this one?
Here we go...
Hi Doc,
Well, Talk of the town Video was good to me again, and on a Wednesday evening, before dark. What is this world coming to? Sex in a XXX theater, mid week, and before it even got dark outside.  Amazing!!!
I flew from Louisville, KY. and landed  in Buffalo at 5:30PM. I got my rental car, (a Cadillac CTS, nice ride) and headed for The TOTT. With it being a Wednesday I was not expecting much, but that was what I thought on my last trip to the TOTT on a Monday evening.  Anyone who read my story about that Monday night and the Librarian type lady I had fun with, will appreciate what happened tonight. 
I entered the parking lot and there were 4 cars in the lot, and I counted two guys sitting in their cars, with one other guy out side smoking and talking to the clerk.  So that pretty much left no one in the store or the theaters.  It was not looking like a good night, but if you remember last time I went and had dinner and came back to the TOTT things got better.
Talk of the Town Video
Niagara Falls, NY
Well this time the next car in the lot had a couple in it.  They parked next to me and I would go ahead and head inside and see if they come in either for shipping in the ABS, or head on into the theater or the arcade.  About 5 minutes later in they come and slowly pass through the videos for sale looking at them, but heading back toward the straight theater.  So I paid my $10.00 and followed them in. 
I tell you what they did not waste any time once they got in the theater.  She took off her top, and he pulled out her big hooters.  I'll call them D&K, she being K and he being D.  Well D had a flashlight and I was sitting across the isle from them in the back row.  He was using the flashlight to help her get undressed. I heard him say I need someone to hold the flashlight,  I being only too willing to help in any way said I would be glad to hold the flashlight for him.  He handed it to me, and then down came his shorts and off his shoes. K used the shoes to kneel on while she started giving him a great blow job. 
I trained the flashlight on the action, and of course by this time my shorts were around my ankles, so holding the light with one hand and stroking my soldier with the other hand.  A few minutes later he is telling her to stroke me while she is sucking his cock.  She is a good girl and does what she is told.  I would guess he was around 48 to 50, and she was probably mid 40s.  He was very slender she was just the right size, not too big and not too small.  But her breasts were quite large and soft to the feel (natural).
Before long he told her to suck on my cock, so again she followed instructions very well.  Unlike the previous weeks Monday Librarian who used her mouth to put a condom on my little soldier before sucking me off, K did not use a condom and the feeling of her soft mouth was wonderful.  Me being the gentleman I am, and one who loves eating pussy (Oral Reporter), I asked him if she would like to have her pussy licked.  D answered back she loves it and with that, she removed here panties, slid forward in the seat and I gave her the best my tongue and fingers could offer untill she was cumming.  He said she might squirt, but I guess she held back and did not drench me. 
While I was orally pleasing her, she was sucking D off again.  I had to take a break, and come up for air.  While catching my breath I stood in front of K and she started to suck me again. D told me to fuck her face, so I did the best I could.  He had told me earlier not to cum in her mouth, so I asked him if it was ok for me to cum on her tits, and he said yes that was fine.  Well, I had her start playing with my balls while I stroked and pumped up a load for her.  He then told K to stick out her tongue and I could cum on her face and her tongue.  I got a load all pumped up and the majority of it was on her tongue and her cheek.  All this probably only lasted about 25 minutes. 
I pulled up my shorts and zipped up.  I then asked him if he had heard of the Dr. Emilio Lizardo blog and he said no, but did not have much internet access.  I wrote down your blog address just like I did for the Librarian on that Monday night.  I gave him my in the field reporter name of Oral Reporter, and I do hope he will get a chance to read this litlle story about the two of them.  He is a Marine - an old Gunny Sgt. (you are never an Ex-Marine, so he is and always will be a Marine)  and wrote his and her names down for me and their phone number.  I was told that when ever I'm back in town I could give them a call and go to their house for some fun.  I had to head off to the border and cross into Canada for my trek up to Guelph for the night and then on to Walkerton, Ontario for my work the next day.  I don't know how long D&K stayed and what else took place, but it was funny there was another 18 wheel log truck in the parking lot again just like that Monday with the Librarian.  I hope others will add to the report on what took place after I left.
Well Doc, I am starting to think the TOTT is coming back to being a fun place to be during the week. I think the couples like it there on the weekdays since there is not a lot of guys getting grabby and crowding around.  Now this Marine was in control of what took place and he kept the order, so no crowding and no touching with out permission.  I think the reason I got such good treatment was I pleased her with my tongue so she was glad to please me.  He appreciated it, and we talked a while outside in the parking lot.  D&K are now what I can call friends with benefits. 
With the luck I have been having at the TOTT, I thought I need to buy some Powerball tickets, and some Mega Millions tickets maybe my luck will continue on.  I'll be back in Louisville this Friday night so I will try out one of the theaters in Louisville, You told me about the one that has not had the police action, so I will try it out and report back with the condition, the layout and of course what either happens or doesn't happen in the theater.
I seem to be on a roll, so wish me luck and you will be hearing from me real soon.  I plan on being in Houston the following Monday and Tuesday nights, so maybe I can continue the streak there also.
Until then, this is the Oral Reporter signing out.
Doc here again... Many thanks to The Oral Reporter, who has been a very busy guy as of late.  Keep the reports coming in!