
Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Important Note From The Good Doctor: The Return of The Report Archive!

"Reports of The Journal's death have been greatly exaggerated."
-Dr. Emilio Lizardo, November 7th, 2013

Doc here...A man some say can inadvertently take one of the top adult blogs on the internet, and within two minutes, turn it into the explosion at Bikini Atoll.

Over the last week or so, you may have noticed that report posting had slowed down, and what once was 2-3 reports a day was down to 1-2 day, with a day off here and there. No, The Good Doctor was not vacationing at a sandy warm resort, nor cavorting with some lovely ladies with dark secrets.

It can now be revealed what I was doing... I have some very good news to the thousands of readers of the Journal of Adult Theaters. After a lot of hard work, and enlisting the help/calling in a few favors of some IT guys I know, I was able to restore over 1,600 reports that went up in smoke when the site crashed last month.

I have gotten it to a point where the text is fine, which I am very happy about. Unfortunately the image links may not be coming back. In their place are image place holders that I will systematically remove and clean up. I am just thankful I was able to restore the reports, since I thought all that writing was gone forever.

I have re-installed the archive tool on the right hand side of The Journal. As I load in the re-established reports, they will populate and be set at their original publication date.

Please be patient on the appearance of the old reports... I will clean them up systemically, going from latest published to earliest.  If I can access the original pics, I will re-load them in, and Tweet out the notice that it's republished (it's the only way you'll know).  Hint: This would a great time to follow me on Twitter. My handle is @Lizardojournal . Send me a request to follow, and I will accept you.

Thanks for hanging in there while The Journal was made-over and cleaned up. There are great new reports on the way now since the archive project is now complete.

Now where were we?
