
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Flash Report! Anaconda at The Art Cinema in Hartford on 12/28/13

Doc here with a Flash Report from contributor Anaconda, and his first trip to Hartford's Art Cinema.

He hit on an unusual night, a night that I actually heard about two days after it happened (more in my closing remarks).

Here is Anaconda and his report from The Art Cinema in Hartford. Here we go!


Anaconda checking in after a long absence.  I found myself in a very unique and exiting situation on 12/28/13.  You see, due to the lack of venues in my home area, 99.5% of my participation in "this thing of ours" occurs on weeknights in strange cities while I am travelling on business.  Last weekend however, I was going to be driving through the heart of New England to visit some friends for the holidays.  I would never have a better opportunity to stop into one of the top spots in the country ON A SAT NIGHT!!!  
I had been exited for weeks about this rare opportunity and when the day finally came, I made a few checks of Craigslist for any chatter and there was some, which was encouraging.  I set out on my drive planning to arrive at the Art  Cinema around 7ish and planned to stay a couple hours.  Unfortunately I couldn't stay all night (you read why in a bit) since I did have to arrive at my friends house at a reasonable hour.  
The Art Cinema
Hartford, CT
As I drove up, there were many cars, and I saw 2 couples walking in...BINGO!!!  I was thinking this could possibly be my best experience in the theater scene yet.  I drove down the street and around the corner before I found an open spot and parked, then made my way back, paid my admission, and entered the theater.  This was my first visit, so I stopped a few rows in and let my eyes adjust to get the lay of the land.  
There were a bunch of guys standing at the front looking up to the balcony (as I have read about in many other posts here on your wonderful blog), but I didn't join them right away.  Also, from reading your blog, it sounded like most couples that came down to play go straight to the front row, so I took up a chair about 4 rows back on the aisle.  I watched the movie for a while which was decent.  There was clearly something good going on upstairs, as I could hear some moans and the guys were jockeying for better viewing angles up front.  I figured now was the time to get up and check out the live portion of the show.  
I walked up to the front on the left side and saw what I would guess were about 6 - 8 couples in the balcony.  You can't tell exactly of course since it is dark up there.  There was clearly a lot of activity.  I was thankful for the couples who were clearly a little more on the exhibitionist side, and stepped into the lighter areas of the balcony to play so that the masses below could enjoy the show.  So, to get to the main part of the story, I alternated between a seat to watch the movie and standing at the front to watch the balcony for over an hour.  I was getting very worried that I was going to have to leave without a couple even venturing down to the floor.  
It was then that 1 couple did make the descent.  They were middle aged and she was a cute woman with glasses and a red dress on.  They came down to the middle row where there is a lot more leg room, and I played it cool. I didn't even move from my spot up front, not wanting to crowd them, but unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for the rest of the guys.  Immediately about 8-10 guys went directly to them and sat around them.  In less than 2 minutes I heard, "Don't touch without permission you fucking asshole."  UH OH!!!  I was pissed.  
I had read many good things about the Art and how well men are behaved there, but clearly not this time.  The couple bolted back to the balcony.  Security came in and made a loud announcement... "Gentleman, please don't swarm any couples that might come down and do not touch without asking first!!!"  The offender did not get escorted out immediately (but did about 10 minute later), and I was thinking, "Great, now the whole theater knows there are some grabby hand assholes down here and no one else is going to come down."  
I was getting very discouraged and thought the night was going to be a bust, but I know patience is a virtue, so I stuck around, hoping.  Eventually, my planned departure time of 9PM rolled around and just as I was going to walk out, I noticed a lot of movement upstairs and it looked like some couples were going to come down.  First down was the same red dress couple from earlier, giving it another shot, and took the same seats they had before.  Again all the guys ran over, I made my way a bit closer and sat across the aisle, and 1 row back...a decent viewing spot and close enough to get noticed.  They were very slow to get anything started, then a second couple came down and sat directly behind me...JACKPOT.  The second couple was a bit younger and she was a hottie in a black dress and boots.  She immediately put her feet up on the seat-backs in front of her and hubby began working her pussy with his fingers.  She was obviously loving it, squirming and moaning and telling us all how good it felt.  
There was a good sized crowd around, but we were well behaved and giving them time/space and 1 guy was very vocal, letting them know we were enjoying the show and weren't going to rush them.  I liked that guy.  Then from out of nowhere, a guy reaches from 2 ROWS BACK, over everyone and grabs a handful of tit.  I couldn't believe it!!!  It was like it happened in slow motion and we were all powerless to stop him because it actually happened very fast.  That guy got chucked immediately by security who witnessed it.  The couple got up and left, apologized to all the good guys, but that the mood was ruined.  FUCK!!!!  What is with these guys?  
I made my way over to the other couple who had began to play a bit as she was giving a nice BJ to her hubby.  I sat behind her and 1 seat to the left.  She then turned to the guy in the seat next to her and began to blow him.  He finished and they chatted, then he left.  The next guy over asked if he could sit next to her and she said yes.  He moved over and they chatted for a second then she began to blow him to.  Although it was late and past my planned departure time, I could stick around a little longer and get in on the action.  
She finished guy #2 BJ and he left the seat vacant again.   He's my shot...I leaned forward and whispered to hear to ask if I could come up and sit next to her too.  Her response made me sad.  "Not right now."  Hey, that's ok, just too bad for me, that it had to be right then for me.  As much as I wanted to I couldn't stick around all night, and it was 9:40 and I still had 2 hours of driving to do.  I left without getting in on the action, but I did get to visit a new theater and saw some live action (3 BJs) up close, and I am definitely a bit of a voyeur.

I left disappointed definitely, but I am looking forward to another opportunity to go back. Hopefully the bad apples won't ruin it for the rest of us again, and I won't be under a time constraint.


P.S. - Please, if there are any couples reading this that were in the balcony last Sat (12/28), drop a line to the Doc and let us know all the hot details of what was going on up there.  After all, us guys can only see so much from down on the floor.
Doc here again... Many thanks to Anaconda for checking in with this report. As I mentioned in the prologue, I had heard about the incidents this evening direct from The Art Cinema itself. Security handled both situations promptly, and not only were the two offenders ejected, they are also both banned from returning. To boot, the guy who reached over two rows was the male half of a couple that was in the balcony, and he ventured downstairs alone.
Security at The Art Cinema is excellent, and both situations were dealt with professionally and promptly. Kudos to the staff for keeping the Art Cinema safe for everyone.  At times it is impossible to prevent assholes from being assholes. But what you can do is to prevent them from being assholes again. And this is what The Art Cinema did.