
Saturday, November 8, 2014

House Call! The Good Doctor Hits Portland - Part 3: Batsignals, Ashbaby, L, Flying Ladies, Food Trucks, and Hotel Shenanigans on July 19th, 2014 (w/PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say once kayaked the Willamette River wearing nothing but a football helmet, aviators, cleats, and a whistle, with Part 3 of my House Call to Portland on 7/19/2014.

Typically, it doesn't take The Good Doctor over 3 months to complete a 3-part report. Unfortunately, this one did, and it should have been finished sooner and faster.

In Part One , The Good Doctor had a crazy evening at The Paris Theatre with Hawaiian Eyeful, Gemini, their terrific hubbies, and the poet laureate of this thing of ours, Brent. The Good Doctor (and his fancy lace-up shoes) barely made it out of The Paris alive that night (right, Gemini?).   ;o)

In Part Two, The Good Doctor did a photo shoot Saturday morning at The Oregon Theatre, got a tour from the lovely and sexy Jessica, had a fun lunch with Bambi & Thumper, and while on the front lines of The Oregon Theatre's couches, had a fun and sexy encounter with the aforementioned Bambi.  Only an errant missile from a rocket scientist member of the penis gallery that winged Bambi brought this scene to a premature end.

We pick up this report, as these reports often do, with the unexpected. As The Good Doctor was still in the lobby of The Oregon Theatre, the lovely Jessica walked over to me. I initially thought she was coming in for a hug (boy, can this girl give a warm hug), but instead she walked over and said "Doc, you have a phone call."

I was taken aback by this statement, since I left strict instructions with my answering service back in The Valley (near the small women's liberals arts college) not to be disturbed during my House Call to Rip City. I mean, can't a man relax?

The conversation went like this:


"Doc, this is Brent"

"Brent, what's up?"

"Where are you, Doc?"

"I'm still at The Oregon"

"You need to get down to The Paris Theater. Ashbaby and L are here asking for you. Koral & Sam are also here and want to meet you."

"Roger that. Out."

I handed the phone back to Jessica, and announced that duty had called and I was off to SW 3rd St in downtown Portland. After saying good-bye to the assembled in the lobby, and especially with one last awesome hug from Jessica, I stepped out the front door of The Oregon Theatre and looked Northwest towards downtown.

In the sky was the unmistakable signal generated by a spotlight mounted on the roof of The Paris. A signal only used under dire situations. It was what believers in urban legends refer to as The Lizardo Signal.

I jumped into the cherry red Stugotz 200 rental car, and pointed the nose NW.  In 15 minutes I was parked and walking down the sidewalk towards The Paris Theatre. There had to be at least 75 people in line at VooDoo Doughnuts next door to The Paris. The line was slightly shorter at The Paris.

I walked in and met Brent in the lobby of The Paris. Brent relayed "Everyone is in there. Ashbaby, L, and Koral Sam."

I walked into the theatre proper, and walked down the stairs to the entrance of the Couple's Oasis (the couple's section of The Paris). What happened next can only be described as a most unusual receiving line.

The Lovely Koral
Poking my head in, I encountered Sam & Koral closest to me. I introduced myself and I had a nice conversation with them (I have known them via their reports to The Journal for many years now, but this was our first face to face meeting).

I knew Koral (from the dozens of pics I have of her from their reports) was a very pretty and sexy woman. However, in person, she was simply stunning, and very playful. Sam was also extremely warm and friendly, and it was awesome getting to meet them in person (finally). They had popped into The Paris, and by pure accident, it was the evening The Good Doctor was in town. Lady lucky was shining...

As I was talking to Sam & Koral, I saw a tall, pretty, young woman standing behind them. Beside her were another young dark haired girl, and a young good looking guy.  Could this be Ashbaby & L (AKA The Girl with No Nickname), and their friend R (who Brent refers to as a young, pre-conversion Cat Stevens look-a-like)?

Why yes. Yes it was.

After Sam & Koral went back to their seats in The Oasis, Ashbaby came over, introduced herself, and we hugged it out. She then introduced The Good Doctor to L and R (who is L's guy friend). We decided to scoot out to the lobby of The Paris, as to not disturb the monkey business that may have been occurring inside the auditorium.  We were soon joined by Koral and Sam, and the laughs and flirting were contagious. 

Soon, Koral and Sam stepped back into the dark theater, and our group consisting of Ashbaby, L, R, Brent, and The Good Doctor went down the street to what I thought was bar, but was much more as I would soon find out. 
One of Sky Club's
(from Sky Club's Yelp Page)

As we rounded the corner into Sky Club, I was surprised to see a flying lady in front of me, about 12 feet in the air.

You see dear readers, she wasn't really flying, but she was suspended in the air via long strands of silk, doing a hybrid of dance and acrobatics. Called aeial silk, I had never seen such an exhibition up to that time, but it was pretty fucking cool. 

We grabbed a table by the front window of the lounge, and had a lively discussion. Ashbaby sat to my left, as we discussed a wide  range of topics from photography to Chicago, to adult theaters in Chicago.

To my right sat R, and he could not have been any nicer. He is a big fan of The Journal, and we had a nice discussion as well. L, the girl with no nickname, was a lot of fun.  She was having an animated discussion/flirt-fest with the bouncer, and at one point we noticed she was walking down the street away from the lounge. Maybe she was responding to a mating call emanating from The Paris Theatre. 

After we finished our tasty beverages, the rest of us caught up to L & headed back to The Paris. Ashbaby and the Good Doctor were getting handsy at the Flying Lady Lounge, and hopes were high this would continue back at the Paris inside the Couples Oasis. 
The Awesome Ashbaby

Once inside The Paris' lobby, I could tell by the look on both Ashbaby's and L's faces that they were in a mood.  We walked into the Couple's Oasis inside the theatre, and L whispered to Ashbaby, "Did you see that guy by the entrance? Let's bring him in here."

The next events happened in quick succession, and in all honesty, kind of a frenzied blur.

As L invited the young guy into the Oasis, Ashbaby and I were quickly shedding our clothes in the far corner of the Oasis. A glance over my right shoulder saw L, and she was taking off the last bit of clothing she had on, which was a gold thong (luckily for all concerned, I forgot my gold thong back home in The Valley). 

Ashbaby and The Good Doctor found a comfortable groove, with your friend in the aviators and mustache controlling the shots with his hot young friend. Ashbaby had started the festivities by giving me a soft, wet blow job, her pretty face silhouetted  against the movie screen. Ladies and gentlemen of this thing of ours, Ashbaby really enjoys the oral arts, and if I was grading her, she would have scored a perfect 5 out of 5. 

Being one to always return a kind favor, I laid Ashbaby down on the bench and plunged between her long sexy legs.  Her pussy was very yummy... My tongue alternating between her cute, hard clit and her soft lips. I introduced a finger to the mix, and the combination brought her to a hard orgasm all over my tongue. 

I reached over for a "This is Sparta" Gold Edition condom, wrapped up, and looked down on Ashbaby's innocent face. "Are you ready?"  The answer was quick and soft..."Very, Doc."

I slid into Ashbaby's incredibly tight, young pussy... Our position was awkward, but we made the best of it as about 20-30 members of the penis gallery looked on from in front of the Oasis. Her long legs wrapped around my lower legs as I sped up, eventually pounding her hard and deep. We kept this up until the heat in the Oasis was close to unbearable. 

We looked to our right, and L's young guy was walking out of the Oasis.  I asked L what happened, and her response was awesome: "Nothing much". It seems our young invitee was having wiener issues, or was distracted. Or both. 

As Ashbaby and I looked for our clothes, L was already dressed and ready to hit the streets for some food and drink. 

As we walked out of the theater, I ducked into the men's room to clean up and pull my shit together. My hair was a disaster, and my thick mustache questionable, but I did the best I could. I was ready for the next phase of this crazy Saturday night. 

Brent joined the 4 of us, as we walked from food truck to food truck, in search of the perfect fuel for the rest of the night. We decided on a slice of pizza from Dante's, across the street from The Paris.  It was glorious. 

A short time later, Brent doubled back to the Paris and the remaining 4 of us decided to head over to my hotel in downtown Portland.  I had a huge suite right on the riverfront, and this would provide the final arena of carnal activity on this trip for The Good Doctor. 

Once settled in, one by one we undressed and jumped on my king sized bed. Ashbaby was under the sheets, L was stark naked on top of the sheets, and R was ready for L (and vice versa).
Once I removed my Foghorn Leghorn boxer briefs, Ashbaby motioned me over and once again wrapped her soft juicy lips around my cock as I was standing next to the bed. L was on her back, as R was dining at her very wet Y. 

L is a very hot girl, with dark curly hair, firm boobs, and terrific ass. Somehow I ended up on the bed on my back, next to L as our respective partners were between our legs licking and sucking. L reached down and grabbed my hand as she pushed her cute pussy into R's mouth. I grabbed L's hand harder as Ashbaby took all of me down her throat. 

I don't need to tell you how how hot this was... And it would get hotter. 

Ashbaby climbed on top of me, and after I suited up, slid her tight young pussy over the top of me. We went from 0-100 mph in a matter of seconds... There was nothing tender about this coupling. This was raw, intense fucking. And, incredible.

During a break in the festivities, I found myself stroking L's body as she was melting into the bed. I eventually made my way down to her tight little pussy, and slipped a finger into her... Between R and myself, we were making L ours. 

Since I had a suite, there was a second pull out bed on the other side of the room. L and R set up shop there, while it was Round 2 for The Good Doctor and his nubile young date. Now it was my time to drive Ashbaby wild with my tongue, as I wrapped my arms around her long legs. Honestly, I could have spent all night there...

I glanced at my watch...It was now after 4am. Back in The Valley, I would have already been up for an hour after a full night's sleep. I was on fumes...Or so I thought. 

L was now sound alseep...A victim of several cocktails and a couple of cocks. R was starting to gather things up when Ashbaby walked back over to the bed and jumped me. And my good readers, defying logic and my condition at that time, we had the most hardcore encounter of the night. 

It was intense, crazy, & hot. A perfect end to our 3rd scene of the night. 

By the time we woke up L (no easy feat I might add, but the mention of getting some food did the trick), got our acts together, jumped in the Stugotz 200 rental car, and got them to their car back near The Paris, it was 5:15am.  My flight was scheduled for a 8:35am departure, which meant my Sicilian ass was needed at PDX in an hour and 45 minutes. 

Coming back to the room back at my hotel, the suite looked like a crime scene. Sheets strewn about, wet spots on the sheets that were left, used condoms... I would have plead guilty on the spot to a jury of my peers. After a quick shower and shave, I left a nice tip for the cleaning staff, and got the Hell out of Dodge.  

At 8:40am, the 737 was taxing away from the gate at PDX. I was seated in row 11, and propped up against the window. I felt like I had been hit by a train, since I was up now for about 26 hours. The day started with Jessica at The Oregon Theater, mid-day and early evening with the awesome Bambi & Thumper, and finished up with a crazy night with Ashbaby, L, R, and Brent. And it was still in progress.

I was able to muster up a photo from out of the window of the 737 of Mt. St. Helens and Mt Adams (seen at left), and then passed out. I woke up just in time to prepare for landing...3 1/2 hours later. In all honesty, it took me days to fully recover from this trip.

This trip to Portlandia (at least my 12th in the last 10 years) was by far, the wildest west coast trip in the Good Doctor's experience. Friday night with Gemini, Hawaiian Eyeful, and Saturday's marathon of debauchery was as good as it gets. A crazy weekend in Rip City...

...and most certainly, not my last.
