
Thursday, November 20, 2014

PSA: Curious Activity at The Barnett Ave. Superstore in San Diego by Nanner on 11/19/14

Doc here... Well, this was unexpected. 

Just before turning in last night, I received an e-mail from long time reader and  contributor Nanner. It seems that there was a visit to the Barnett Ave. Superstore in San Diego on Wednesday evening my the local authorities. 

Now, of all places, this is one of the last places I would expect a visit to occur. I have been to the Barnett Ave. Superstore several times, and it is a tightly run ship. 

Let me turn this over to Nanner for his report...


Hi Dr.

Wanted to drop a quick note.  I was at Barnett tonight and two police officers popped into the theater, shined their flashlights in everyone's faces, then turned and left.

I've never seen police in that theater before.  If it was another couple's night they may have caught me with my pants off banging some generous gent's wife, but tonight there were only four guys in the theater, all sitting in our own rows, and if anyone had their cock out is was discreetly out.

The cops weren't announced, no buzzers, alarms, ringings, warnings, etc.  In fact the door didn't do its normal buzz/click like it does when the staff lets a customer in.  I think they were let in by hand/key.

Just a warning to all!


Doc here again... Many thanks to A Ride for this update. If anyone out there has any additional information on any issues in the San Diego scene, please drop me an e-mail at
