
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Couples Flash Report! Victor and Victoria (& Cowboy Roy) on the Valentines Event at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago on 2/14/15

Doc here, a man who some say can hypnotize a hot girl with just a twitch of his mustache, with an outstanding Couples (+1) Flash Report from my good friends Victor and Victoria (featuring Cowboy Roy).

This trio of meta-humans attended this past Saturday's big Valentines Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago, which was hosted by The Good Doctor himself. 

This party was HOT, with more action from start to finish than any previous parties. Vicky was an extremely bad girl this night, but oh so accommodating. The Good Doctor even had some long overdue sexy time with the lovely Miss V, that was soon expanded to include her muse, the awesome Victor, and frequent contributors to The Journal, the uber hot Mr. & Mrs. Slaneesh.

What transpired behind these closed doors was hot and very wet, and both Victor and Victoria will provide the details in this report. 

So kids, grab a Fresca (Hi Gemini!) and settle in for a wild ride with Victoria, Victor, and Cowboy Roy in this tri-narrative report. 

Take it away, Vicky!



Hey boys and girls! Victoria the Vixen here with a long overdue report form a girl who knows more about how to eat sausage and meatballs than anybody(including the good doctor's). The night was so busy describing every vantage I needed help! Victor and party animal Texas Roy Boy volunteered to tell you about the evening's wild and crazy events.


From Victoria: Victor and I arrived early as usual to get a locker, freshen up and get dressed for the evening. It wasn't long before I was busy playing. I started off the night getting a drink at the bar sizing up the crowd looking for potential notches in my belt and finding a few. I perused the hallway a few times watching the swagger of newcomers and admiring their outfits. I finally found a few guys I haven't tapped yet and let them sensually massage me by the bar. 

Doc found his way through the crowd and I lured him into my private room for necessary research. It was nothing but business as he felt my arms up and down getting me posed for my next logo. Suddenly I tripped and my mouth landed right on his cock. I pulled and tugged my mouth trying so hard get it off that his cock swelled up and gagged my throat.

Victor found us mid gag, approved of the conference and said he'd be back in five minutes. Quickly Doc decided to change the subject and began vaginal CPR lessons using his cock. Just as his missile was about to explode Victor returned with company, Mr. And Mrs. Slaneesh. They turned our little conference into a party. 

Victor dove right into Mrs. Slaneesh's pussy batting her clit with his tongue, making her wet and ready for more. Doc finished his load with me and turned his attention to Mrs. Spanish. Mr. Slanesh sat approvingly on the side occasionally teasing the Mrs. With his cock. Soon Victor was in her and I was on Mr. Slanesh keeping him ready for his gal. 

When we were all done we rejoined the party and Victor began his hero role of the evening fixing the music to keep the couples grinding. My previous admirers came back and requested an audience. Victor donned my breasts with whipped cream and two men hungrily ate it off. I took five guys and a woman into my private room to suck on cock, get fucked and get my boobs played with. Victor found me again and stayed till everyone got to play. My last visit to the bar was for a drink and to relax but turned into a fuck at the bar with an old friend. All in all it was an awesome night.

From Texas Roy Boy: From behind the BYOB bar I could see Victor and Victoria in her sexy outfit. Thought I had creamed in my hand but realized I over poured a patron's Baileys. 

The music was hopping, the couples were bumping and grinding, and from a distance I saw three lovely ladies pole dancing on the stage. They were removing their garments piece by piece as the audience groped and grabbed them (with their approval). Here and there little groups of people formed, groping one another in the crowd. From time to time Vicky would come and visit me asking for a drink to wet her throat and disappear in a flash. 

Things steamed up at the bar when the wine and vodka woman started making out with the pineapple vodka girl's man. The climax came at the bar when Victor brought out the whipped cream and sprayed it over The Vixen's chest as he threw her over to the sex thirsty hounds. Things got so intense this hunk of a man started to pound her from behind causing the Vixen to moan in ecstasy.

Victor here to report: A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. In other news I’m here to report on the in depth look at the Valentine's Day party at the 15th Ave bookstore.

The evening started out as per usual, Vicky and myself showing up early getting settled and enjoying the Mountclaire spa. As we finished with the relaxation we started to get ready for the party. We lurked around to notice a slow start and took a stab that is was going to be a slow night (boy was I wrong). The Doc had just arrived and we meet and greeted and regaled him with a few stories of other recent adventures. We took off, & found our friends Crazy Caroline and Big Boy Brian who just showed up so we adjourned to Famous Room 4. We had such crazy sex that made Twister look boring. 

We cleaned up yet again and started to cruise and came back to the front talking to the Doc again. He was telling Vicky that it was long overdue to get a new image for her Blog Logo and suggested they retire to Room 4 and "get what he needed". I let them get to it and I was talking to a few friend for 20 minutes. I started to wonder what was taking so long. I took it upon myself so investigate. 

I opened Room 4 there is Doc massive cock and Vicky's mouth around it. Obviously this new image gathering looked like it was shooting of another kind going on. I left to get some cavalry to help! 

I ran into Mr & Mrs. Slaneesh and told of them of my dilemma. They were both glad to help. As we entered the room, Doc was doing some kind of vaginal CPR on Vicky. Well the Slaneesh's where glad to help Vicky, Doc, and myself through a long session to restore Vicky. 

At this point Doc with all his skills was so worn out we had to finish up. Everyone was happy and restored to 100% with the exception of Doc. We all yet again got cleaned up and then started back to the party room just in time because the music just blew a fuse. Go figure something had to blow. The music was jealous of all the action going on that evening. So here I come to the rescue and fix the music in seconds. The crowd cheers and I take a bow and everyone resumes their activities. 

Well I do have to admit that room 4 did take a little out of me so I decided to relax behind the BYOB bar area for a few, have a drink and just chill. I look over to the other side of the bar area and there is Vicky getting a lot of attention from several men, 5 to be exact. I don't know what took over me but I grabbed the whip cream and motioned for her to come closer to the bar. At that instant I sprayed whipped Cream all over her chest and neck and motioned for her admirers to come and help Vicky get cleaned up. 

Well as these obliging men cared for Vicky, she motioned me for the key to infamous Room 4. Within a few more seconds they had Vicky cleaned up and where toting her off. Texas Roy Boy was getting over whelmed at the BYOB bar, so I helped him hand out water to the other patrons for about 10 - 15 minutes. (This gives you an idea of the amount of activity). 

Then Gracious Gracie came and took over and I headed to Room 4. When I opened up the door it was like I was thrown back into time. I was watching a live version of Behind the Screen Door. WOW! I instantly got hard and so excited. I usually join Vicky in her fun but this time I was so intrigued to see how this will play out so I just sat and watched Vicky service 5 Guys and One Hot Lady. This lasted over 1 hour and WOW WHAT A HOUR LONG OF FUN IT WAS. 

Well this time only Vicky had to clean up and I was still in a daze of WOW WOW and more WOW like did this just happen or just a dream. Vicky and I once again left and went back to the party room and once again the music blew a second fuse this time. Short of hopping the bar I fixed the issue in less than a minute to hear the crowd roar again in excitement as I getting up off the floor but who do I see bent over a bars tool getting fucked from behind? 

Vicky and Magic Mike (well if you know Magic Mike then you know his cock is full of powers that titillate all the ladies). So I stood yet again behind the bar to watch Vicky enjoy Magic Mike. Vicky stopped him and motioned to go to the private room where I have no idea what was going to happen, so I came round the bar to peek and as I did Mrs. Slaneesh ran in to me. I grappled her and told her what was going on and opened the door and encouraged her to go in. Guess what? She closed the door on me! So I'm like, well fuck it! So I let the 3 be and stood outside the door and waited until the three emerged. 

Must have been awesome because Vicky and Mrs. S had grins on their faces that rival the Joker's. Vicky got cleaned up yet again while she was cleaning up I ran back and grabbed the whipped cream and came back. I lost my mind cause I started spraying any willing available woman in the locker room with it and helping them eat it off. Vicky emerges and looked at me comically and says, "Only Victor". 

Well we talked and wondered what's next for the evening it was only 11:30 with 2 hours left to go so we said we haven't even touched the theater at all. We walked in and it was empty so I said heck with this, we're not going to sit we're going right in back and get started. She had more fun than I did tonight it was my turn. 

For the first 5 minutes we were alone and then all the sudden the room filled Mr. & Mrs. S, Magic Mike and Naughty Nancy, Crazy Caroline and Big Brian. We helped ourselves onto the table, and since I was done with Vicky I couldn't resist Mrs. S on the other end of the table. I started alternating eating her out and fucking her while Vicky took on the whole crowd of hungry men pining for her attention. Tonight out of all nights all the men where respectful and courteous, you know how Vicky is if you ask nice she will play. 

And boy she played and played so much they the numbers in the room dwindle to 10 guys left. She was taking care of 9 and 8 at the same time. The management called out 15 minutes left till closing so she hurried her suitors up and took care of 7 6 5 4 3 2  and 1. With five minutes left I was so horny from watching Vicky having so much fun I jumped on her and relived myself within 2 minutes like it was my first time getting laid. We finished up and clean up very quick said goodbye. 

Now back to you Vicky...


From Victoria: It was one hell of a night wasn't it! Fun was to be had from every angle. There was so much more going on than just this, couples straight or bent had stories of their own. Come join us the next time around. The next party is on March 14th, so get your naughty green on and ride the holiday with a fun loving crowd. 

Hope to see you there!
Love Always,

Victoria the Vixen and her crew! xoxoxoxo


Doc here again... Many, many thanks to the trio of Victoria, Victor, and Cowboy Roy for an outstanding report that gives you a flavor of what the 15th Ave. private parties are like. And that scene in the private room... VERY HOT!

We welcomed 56 couples and 10 single females to the last party, and the vibe was electric.  I hope that you can join us for the next one on 3/14/15 at 8pm. 

I am looking for more reports from this great party...If you have one, please e-mail me direct at
