
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Flash Report! Anaconda Visits Cinema 309 in Wilkes-Barre PA and Hits Paydirt!

Doc here, a man who some say first saw her at Palantine Campaign headquarters at 63rd and Broadway. She was wearing a white dress. She appeared like an angel. Out of this filthy mess, she is alone. They cannot touch her.

Senior reporter Anaconda has checked in with an encouraging report from Northeast PA and Cinema 309 in Wilkes-Barre. It's a good one folks, so enjoy...

Take it away, Anaconda!


Hey Doc,

Well, here is what I think will be a good report on a theater with a possible uptick in activity happening.

I found myself in NEPA this past weekend (10/2-3) for a family/friends function and had a little time to kill. I have shared my woes about Cinema 309 in Wilkes-Barre with you in at least one of our chats. It's a nice big theater (actual theater like Westwood and Art Cinema, except without the historical theater vibe) with wide aisles conducive for play, but it is certainly dominated by the "confused group." The only time I have seen females in there (twice), one time she was 1/2 of a couple who didn't play and the other was a single gal who was distracted (to say it politely).

But recently, I have seen a bit of a mini-explosion of activity around this place on both CL and SLS from couples. So, I thought to myself this past Saturday (10/3) night, why not give it a shot, who knows what might happen. So I rolled in around 7PM and took a spot that would afford me a good spot to view the movie and keep an eye on the door. I waited patiently, the porn on screen was pretty decent. I did have to move seats once as I got a bit crowded by one guy who was "testing the waters."

Cinema 309
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Then at about 7:30, in strolls a decent looking black couple. The guy was a very large man and his lady was not small, not a BBW either, but thick. They took up seats in the very back row in the corner, very difficult for me to "keep an eye on" since I had to turn almost 180 degrees around to see them, but every once in a while, I tried to peek to see the progression of activity.

They sat for a while and didn't do anything...I was wondering if this might end up being a bust. Then, they moved to stand up against the back wall, her standing in front of him, and I could tell she was stroking him and that he had his fingers on/in her pussy under her dress. I played it cool and let things develop...and before you knew it the crowd had gathered, her dress was off and you had 4 guys with mouths and hands all over her.

I left my seat to get closer to get a good view. Her man announced, "Just go easy fellas, she's a little nervous already. We're trying something new." Well, she may have been a rookie, but she was a natural. She was stroking 2 cocks at a time while a 3rd fucked her from behind. She had to banish one guy who was being a little too rough, but to her extreme credit, she didn't freak out and run, she just told him, "You're out" and kept on going with the rest of her admirers.

As guys rotated off of her very nice tits to take their turn on her pussy, I stepped in to stake my spot in line. She had great tits, full B I'd say, firm and with nice hard, long nipples. I had fun playing with them until it was my turn to suit up. I asked her if I could go next, and she agreed. I covered up, stepped in behind her and went to it. She felt great, nice and tight and knew how to move with a man to make it feel good for both of us. After a few minutes of deep thrusting, I finished the job, thanked her and her man and stepped aside to let the next guy in.

Now, my hopes were up since it was only 8PM, and I thought maybe another couple would show up, but like I said in the beginning, I only had limited time due to a prior obligation and decided I didn't have enough time to stick around and see what else might happen. But, I did leave happy as I had almost completely written this place off, and decided to roll the dice and the gamble paid off this time. I will definitely keep it on the list for now, and try to go back at opportune times since it is the closest theater to my home base.

Footnote, I've got a bunch of work travel coming up in the next 3 weeks, all to places with decent to good theater activity. I will hopefully have more tales to tell of successful theater trips between now and the end of the month.

Watch out, here I come BNA, Fritz the Cat, Pulaski and Talk of the Town... please have your women ready for me.



Doc here again...Many thanks to Anaconda for his report on Cinema 309 in Wilkes-Barre. Things seems to be picking up and changing, which is good news for NEPA!

Looking forward to the new reports, sir.
