
Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Cannolipocolypse Has Ended - Maintenance Complete: The Journal Returns with New Brakes & Paint Job

Doc here, a man who some say wields a ball peen hammer like Thor wields Molinjar, with some good news on the just completed maintenance on The Journal.

Yes kids, I ran the brakes down too low on this 2009 vintage blog, and it needed pads and rotors plus a tune up. And while I was at it, I ran it over to The Valley's #3 rated body shop for a paint job & rustproofing.

Absurd prologue aside, The Good Doctor was overwhelmed by the 120+ e-mails, dozens of DMs on Twitter, & messages on Fetlife asking if all was OK in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts collage. I guess I never really knew how much couples and singles alike really enjoyed The Journal, and the help it had given them as they explored this thing of ours

One of my favorite e-mails sent in had a subject line that I will steal often:

A number of readers thought the The Journal going off-line had something to do with my health-related issues. Thankfully I am past that and feeling fit, virile, & fiesty. But at the same time I am very grateful to those of you who expressed your concerns.

This was the major part of the site re-fresh.  I have a minor project that I will start slotting in slowly, but will not require down time. 

I have an amazing retrospective from my good friend Vickie the Vixen that will be first new report post-cannolipocolypse. It is note perfect, and I expect nothing less from Vickie the Vixen.  Yes, she is that good!

Thanks to everyone for hanging in there as The Journal was on the lift at the garage. Words cannot express my gratefulness to all that reached out this past week, and sent good vibes this way.

OK, now where were we?
