
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Flash Report! Henry Chinaski: "An Afternoon of Bliss, Part 1" at the Bliss Adult Theater in Dallas, TX

Doc here, a man who some say played the role of "The Ham on Rye Kid" in the movie western "The Black Sparrow".

There are first-time reports here at The Journal, and then there are first-time reports. Freshman contributor Henry Chinaski has submitted Part 1 of a two-parter, and it's dynamite.  Dear reader, if you cannot see yourself in Henry's place as you travel into this piece, then something is wrong. 

This report takes place at Bliss, the newest of the John Carpenter Ave. adult theaters in Dallas, TX.  It is here we join our report...

Please welcome to The Journal, Henry Chinaski!



Longtime first time here. My name is Henry Chinaski, in tribute to my favorite drunken and dirty poet, Charles Bukowski. I wanted to tell you about a recent amazing experience I had at Dallas' newest venue for this thing of ours, Bliss Adult Arcade, Theater and Swingers Club (9109 John Carpenter Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75247 (214)-905-0500 It would have made Bukowski very proud. 
Bliss Adult Theater
Dallas, TX

It was a beautiful warm Texas Spring day. The type we only have access to for about a six week period every year. The same period that is also liable to produce a freak winter storm, Saharah-esque temperatures or literal killer tornadoes. While there was plenty of work to be attended to, my attention, mind and libido were drawn to this thing of ours. The winds swirled and I could hear Doc Moonlight Graham (my second favorite doc) asking if there was enough magic out there in the sunlight to make my lascivious dreams come true. I concluded that there just might be so after lunch I excused myself from the rest of the work day and directed the poetry-mobile to the Dallas Theater District.

You must understand that the Southern Baptist's still run this town. So while they need places to unleash the particularly unique perversions that they hide from their brothers and sisters that fill the pews on Sunday, they want these areas hidden from polite view. As a result the majority of Dallas' adult entertainment can be found on the western side of town just north of downtown and just south of Love Field (ironically named) Airport. Most of the strip clubs, porn stores and other venues for naked debauchery are relegated to this area. (ed. note: Tampa is much the same way, as their red-light district is focused on the Drew Park area near the airport)

For those that do not know, Dallas has 3 primary theaters that couples and women occasionally venture into, The Lido Adult Theater, Xposed Adult Theater and Megastore and the afore mentioned Bliss (I know there is The Paris Bookstore and the New Fine Arts Stores but those are a bit different). The Lido is the oldest in town. It not that clean and the men can be a little (alright a lot too pushy with women). If a pushy no holds barred gang bang is your ladies cup of tea, this is the joint. The guys there need about 4 hours of C.T.E. (Continuing Theater Education), & I recommend Doc's Course titled "Don't be a Dumbass and other Sage Pieces of Wisdom that Might Help You Wet Your Dick at an Adult Theater." 

Xposed has a decent set up for either public, semi-public or private play but it does not seem to attract couples and women in the daytime. There is a large and apparently growing community of African American transexuals that hang out at Xposed, and I wonder if that is diverting the more vanilla traffic. Finally there is Bliss, the newest, cleanest, and most active of the theaters. All three of these are within a mile or so of each other and are easy to hit or at least investigate in a single venture. 

I first headed to Bliss hoping for a Friday lunch couple. I arrived and the parking lot had a lot of traffic. This is not unusual as the arcade part of the complex has 60 different viewing rooms. These seem to attract primarily the gay, bi and trans crowd and quite a lot of them. The rooms are a trip. All are equipped with pay as you go TV showing porn of differing perversions and production values. Several have bondage apparatus, two share a window for voyeur and exhibitionist crowd. Women and couples have reportedly played here when looking for more privacy but a single guy is highly unlikely to find a female companionship in the arcade unless he has brought her with him or it is a pre-arranged meeting.
Next are the viewing rooms. You can rent a movie and have it played in one of 4 or 5 large viewing rooms. Before Friday, I had never entered these (more about that later Giggity). Finally, there is the theater. At Bliss it's $10 for a single man. The wonderful marketing ploy Bliss uses is the ticket is good for 24 hours (I believe) and allows reentry as many times as you would like. The exception is they close the theater to single men at 6pm on Friday and Saturdays as those nights are reserved for couples and single women. 

I walked in on Friday around 12:30 and paid my admission and walked directly into the theater. Upon entry there is a lounge area with three large white serpentine couches. A bar area with a small mini-fridge, sink, cocktail mixer and a towel warmer that is usually full of towels ( a really nice touch). A 40 inch or so TV playing the porn that is on in the theater is directly in front of you. Along the wall to the right of the entrance are 6 or 7 cubicles with mattresses and sheets for play. They can be closed off with curtains but normally if a couple is playing the gallery will be watching. The last two have a glory hole in between them. The lounge room is good sized. To the right of the entrance is the theater. It is just a space where a large L-shaped velvet curtain has been deployed to create the theater space. Three rows of brown comfy leather couches of various size provide seating for maybe 18 - 20. A large 120-150 inch screen on the back wall. (Sorry dear reader, I wanted to paint a picture.)

Anyway, I entered the theater with expectation, desire and that innocent faithful hope that only a single man entering an adult theater alone can recognize AND . . . nothing. I had felt certain I experienced that theater spidey sense so I was surprised. There were 7-8 assorted gentlemen sitting around. 4-5 Hispanic laborers taking a hopeful lunch break. A couple of familiar looking business types in slacks and button downs. I canvassed the cubicles. Two had there curtains drawn but alas and alack they were filled with men, pants down in gently keeping the equipment ready if pressed into use. I was kindly offered services that I personally am not interested in (not that there is anything wrong with that) and kindly refused. 

Into the theater where three gentlemen, one asleep, sat watching or not some squirting porn of decent production value. I know the drill, its a marathon and not a sprint. Patience is not only a virtue, but a necessity in this thing etc. etc. etc. (ed. note: AKA Doc's Golden Rule - Patience will be your ally. Embrace it.

So I sat on one of the couches and played with my phone for a while. Read some e-mails, answered some. Absent mindedly looking up anytime the up and coming thespian gushed forth with a loud explosion. At about 1:30 I took a stroll through the arcade, work was encroaching on my mind. As usual nothing there but gentlemen look for gentlemen. I used the restroom and was about to head out the door when I saw them bathed in the beautiful Texas sunlight, a couple making there way to the door. 

He was white headed, medium build 5'10" and probably 55-60. She was tiny and petite 5'1, 105 long raven black hair and slender frame with large man-mades. She was wearing black yoga pants and appeared to have a nice tight little ass. I could not make out her face but her body was above average in the theater world by a factor of at least three. I quickly utilized the free reentry offer and took up a spot on one of the couches. 

The couple came in with a bag (always a good sign that some type of play is going to occur and that they are not just looking around). Neither appeared nervous or shy. They set briefly on the couch across from me engaged in conversation with each other and not looking around at anyone. I saw her face for the first time. Pretty dark eyes. Her face betrayed her age more than her body and I would estimate she was somewhere in her mid 40-mid 50s with some proof that parts of life had been tough. Do not get me wrong dear readers, she was not unattractive and someone I would gladly be seen with at a professional dinner. It just didn't match the body 100%. 

Men started to drift in from the theater and all eyes were on this couple. A couple of men started to drift in from the arcade as word spread. The couple repaired to the largest cubby hole, directly in the center of the row, put down the bag and the lady pulled the curtains closed. Now is the moment of truth. What is the couple there to do? Just fuck and he doesn't want to spring for a hotel room? Put on a show? The curtains were closed but there were gaps at each end of the cubby and in the middle where it joined. Are they there to pick one or two lucky souls to play with? Do they want a gang bang with all the trimmings? It's an important moment. 

You don't want to crowd, but you don't want to be left behind. So over the next 1-2 minutes several of the Bliss brigade began to make our way over to the cubby. I took up residence at the back of the cubby and looked through the break in the curtain just as she removed her shirt. What a glorious sight. Her body was as wonderful out of clothing as it was in. Everything was tight and where it should be, the body of a 24 year old. The gentleman was completely naked and she removed her yoga pants to reveal a shaved beautiful vision of womanhood. Her friend was on her immediately kissing groping feeling. Soon he went down on her. Neither was talking and the brigade was quiet as the curtains slowly began to be pulled open so everyone could have a better view. Her movements and light moans that let us all know she was enjoying his work. 

At this moment she opened her eyes and we made direct eye contact. This was the make or brake moment, would she gasp and send the perverts away? Would she call for reinforcements or would she just consent to let us watch. She closed her eyes and laid her head back down as if to say you may enjoy the show.

A few of the bolder members of the brigade, which had grown to 15 or so now had their member out attending to them and hoping for some interaction. The luckiest man in the room stopped enjoying his smorgasbord and mounted her missionary position. I began my ministrations on my manhood at this time as the Brigade moved in closer. While the scene was erotic as hell and I was enjoying it, I could see how it could be daunting for a lady. No one had said back off or no touching and the brigade had not been naughty just yet but the tension was growing. 

As if in slow motion, one hand reached out from the brigade and lightly brushed her perfect breasts (the Doctor, my third favorite doctor now was more of an artist than a man of science). There was no objection and in fact she seemed to enjoy it. Soon her breasts, her hair, her thighs and ass, her feet, everything was being lightly caressed and touched. Her gentlemen was unrelenting in his pounding so no one was near the promised land and thankfully no one tried. 

Out of the blue her hand darted out and grabbed on the the brigade's tools and started a very active, borderline frantic hand job. He moved around to give her better access and hoping for more. Nothing more was to come. Soon the gentleman got up and positioned her in doggy style and continued his attack. After just a moment she reached out again to the same member and began again. I was lucky enough to be in the front row of the brigade but I was at her feet with three more gentleman in line in front of me. Those with experience know that you never know how these things will work. Will her friend arrive and end the festivities. Is this just the beginning of a wild gang bang? Will I be next in line when she decides she needs a break. Does she know the first guy and is he the only one that gets to play. 

So far the couple is silent to their intentions.  The first member of the brigade eased out of the space, I am not sure if he came or just wanted to let the next guy have a try. We all moved along one position closer. We are still caressing her legs and breasts and Yahtzee!, she reaches up to grab another member. This gentlemen is trying to get near her mouth to see if blowjobs are in play. They do not appear to be but hey, a hand job from a beautiful specimen is nothing to scoff at.

I am still a ways back when this beautiful angel reaches up with her foot and expertly starts to softly massage my balls and very erect member with the bottom of her feet. I had never had a footjob in my 44 years, but the surprise and her expertise have it on my bucket list now. Her warm foot caressed my twig and berries for 2-3 minutes till I saw the next man leave his position, again not sure if he arrived or moved on. I moved down the line and lost positioning for the footjob I was receiving. I momentarily considered not leaving my position but as good as it felt I did not think I could reach the finish line just from that so I waited my turn. Within a few minutes I was up to bat. 

Funny thing, I do not know if any of the gentlemen before me had cum. I assumed they had but I saw no evidence. She began a really good handjob on me as I looked at her face and body. Her friend was admirably still going and had been for a good 15-20 minutes non-stop by now. She would reach up with her free hand, elbow still supporting her weight, and play with my balls. I could have enjoyed the sensation for 30 minutes before erupting but there were 10-15 more souls were waiting for attention and I was not going to hold them up (btw don't be that guy at the gangbang or event that holds off from cumming for 20 or more minutes while others wait just so you can stroke your ego and prove how long lasting you are). 

I felt the sensation arise and decided not to hold back. Not knowing if anyone had actually cum yet I bent down and whispered "you are going to make me cum" because I am a gentleman if nothing else. She did not seem to hear me or change her technique. I leaned down again and said "if you keep this up I am going to cum." This time she sped up her tugging and whispered "good". That was so freaking sexy that my explosion became imminent. As she pulled away she aimed at her face, intentionally I believe, and I delivered a couple of well placed ropes over her nose and cheeks.

I thanked her and collected myself. As I passed, her gentleman friend still pumping away, said handjobs only. This solved my conundrum. If things were going to escalate I would have stayed around for the chance to have more fun with this work of art. But with at least 10 guys still in line and no prospects of any different play, I collected myself to leave. I grabbed a warm towel from the dispenser and cleaned up. Out the door into the early afternoon sun with a song in my heart and a kick in my step. 

By now it was 2:30 and I really needed to get back to work, but I am so glad I didn't.



Doc here again... Many thanks and congrats to Henry Chinaski for an outstanding 1st time report.  Well done sir!  

Stay tuned, as Part 2 is coming on Friday morning.
