
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Flash Report! Dry Clean Only Goes Trick or Treating at a Lizardo Event: Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago on 10/21/17!

Doc here, a man who some say knows you can't trust Melanie, but you can trust Melanie to be Melanie.

The Good Doctor is very fortunate to have a pantheon of solid reporters in the field, and who have been contributing for years. I've met quite a few of them over the years, both in Chicago, but also on the road, and from coast to coast.

One of the very few I had not met up to this point was senior reporter Dry Clean Only (DCO to his friends). For whatever reason, our paths never met...That was until Saturday October 21st, 2017, the night of the 5th Annual Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago. And ladies and gentlemen of The Journal, you could not meet a nicer guy!  

We was well-prepared for a big night at 15th Ave, and I made a point to introduce him to several of his Journal peers at the party (which DCO notates nicely in his report).  He settled in like he'd been a regular at 15th Ave., and he was soaking up the crazy scene.

With that being said, please welcome back to The Journal, Dry Clean Only!



What a whirlwind it has been! Forgive me for not banging this report out sooner, but this is the first chance I've had to catch my breath. I thought your devotees would enjoy a write-up about your 5th Annual Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago.

Ninety-five percent of America is unfortunate enough to have never ventured into an adult theater. Of the lucky 5%, half have never been to a 5-Lizardo-rated venue, and of those that have, only a very lucky few have had the privilege of attending The Host With The Most's Halloween Event. Somehow, I became lucky enough for the work travel schedule and Lizardo Schedule to align, putting me in Chicago, on my own, on Saturday October 21st, and I've been thanking the Theater Gods ever since.

The week before was filled with anticipation, and quite a bit of fun chat with a small band of friends on Twitter about the upcoming event (Hi @GingerSquirts @MSexualHealer @Twistinglee @Game_of_Boners @StuntSlutSimone). 

I touched down in a beautiful late October evening, 75 degrees and sunny, hit the hotel, and made my way in DryCleanOnly fashion to 15th Ave, where I immediately recognized my longtime digital friend, now in the flesh (well, at least a white lab coat), Doc. He instantly recognized me, though we'd never been in the same place at the same time, amid his final preparations and welcomed me "home".
The place was abuzz with fresh air, twilight fading to night, and youthful optimism among the early arrivals streaming about. I immediately enjoyed some conversation with a few of the fellows at the counter and made my way back into the hall toward the Secret Room. I had arrived just a few minutes prior to start time of 8pm and found all the lockers were taken, but found a spot for backpack and costume in the corner of the room.

Doc was busy as a one armed paper hanger but cool as a cucumber when I spotted him wrapping things up. Since it is a byob event, I left a bottle of bubbly with the bartender to keep on ice, as well as some good liquor, and jumped right into a cocktail. It was then that I met the Physician's Assistant, Ms. Twistingly. So fun to do as we hand only gotten to know each other via The Journal and Twitter for a few months. (She's the kind of girl your guaranteed to have great conversation and laughs with, by the way, and, also some very naughty times with in the theater --- if you're lucky enough!)

And the night went on like this: The room was set exactly like you see in The Journal's photos, great music by the DJ, disco and party lighting, etc... Doc had it all rockin'. Many couples knew each other, as well as a few of the regular single guys. I enjoyed meeting a few of them as things got underway. The tables filled up and soon the room became standing room only, with a big crowd beginning to gather around the bar, and that's where I found myself, refreshing my drink, when K approached and I instantly introduced myself after a number of conversations on Twitter about good food, sharp wit, and theater advice. Man, he could have been a stunt double for the real actor playing K in Game of Thrones.

But, where there's a K, there's a K, and I knew I had to meet this legend. I approached her, dropping to one knee to take her hand, and pledge my allegiance to her cause. What a smile, laugh, and warm embrace... and as good as K looked in costume, K was even better! (himt, check out her costume on Twitter). Emilia Clarke wishes she had K's good looks and bod!!!

The place is jumping right now, but you'd never know it was a party for sex, except for the fact that the ceiling mounted projector was playing porn on a 20' x 10' spot on the party wall, and the (mostly women) dressed in extremely revealing (in many cases) attire. To my surprise, the guys were not as into the costuming as I would have expected.

And the place fills up and conversations start, and all the single guys are k the prowl for a glimpse, a sight, and touch, a prime position, but the night is still rather young. And, I observed what was like an ant hill systematic motion of the single guys rotating between the red room, theater, arcade, and party room in what was otherwise a house party.
Party Room at 15th Ave.
At about this time, I had been approached by a very good looking Eastern European couple, asking if I would be interested in going to their hotel with them and another guy they had yet to select. We had some brief conversation, and I explained I was there for my first time and planned to stay for a while, plus my Spidey Senses didn't like the idea of dissappearing into a hotel like that. Flattering nonetheless. In retrospect, there were plenty of private rooms at 15th for such fun.

Also on my way, I noticed in the "lounge" a gathering of a guys and girls enjoying a whipping/flogging station (?); it was well attended all night.

The costume contest was about to get underway, led by our emcee, Doc. Where about ten excited wives and girlfriends gathered on stage in costume to have their 15 seconds in the spotlight to show off their moves on the stripper poles... a few flashes and a few naughty flashes led off the debauchery.... leading to round two of the contest for couples.... where we were all treated to quite a show from a great 30ish couple all the way from Atlanta (ed. note: These were my good friends The Luscious Laura and her beau, Mr. Wayne... she was all about delivering him a good femdom fuck... the crowd loved it. And, that left us with just three of the guys for the final round of the contest: men's wear. Full of good sports, and fun times. I wish I had donned my costume to add to the fun.

I joined the line of guys and walked down to the theater, and enjoyed watching the Atlanta Couple and Twistingly getting the boys to set the scene for them to enjoy the red room. I had given up my spot to a couple to watch the Atlanta Couple take advantage of the dozen or two cocks now in hands, and quickly had to exit because the guys were simply packing into the room.

I left and headed back to the party room, and in the hallway, Ginger grabbed my hand, heading in the opposite direction toward the theater, and told me I was coming with her. Yes, ma'am. We sat in the theater: Master Thom, Ginger, myself, and an eager fellow Ginger met in the party room. He and I sat on either side of Ginger while Thom stood behind and coached/encouraged Ginger on. 

Soon, Ginger was sucking cock on her knees and squirting all over the floor time and time again as her clit earned a great fingering. It was fun to have some dirty talk with Ginger as we watched the film and as she got a good tongue lashing from her party room friend. We also enjoyed watching a woman getting fucked from behind while bent over the theater seats facing us. Her tits and smile were a welcome addition to the theater scene!

Back in the party room, I ran into a couple I had chatted with near the bar. A super, 40's couple dressed as priest and sister. Just their third or fourth visit to 15th, they seemed to enjoy the conversation and scene. Now, though, Sister was servicing a few of the Choir Boys, and something tells me it wasn't her first time sinning.

And the night went on like this... lots of fun conversation, a cocktail, some good views of couple fun. But then, the wild rumpus began, where the official party wound down, and we all wound up in the theater and red room. It was great to see Mrs. Atlanta and Ginger getting fucked, and fingered, and blasted on while laying on the table in the red room. So many of us packed in there for the views. 

Ginger had told me how badly she wanted her first bukkake that night, but I missed most of it. Master Thom made sure she was treated well, and kept her from going too far down the rabbit hole. Things get fuzzy here, and I recall at least another couple or two winding up on the red room table, with all kinds of guys stepping up for a turn to deliver a few hard thrusts. Every make and model was present.

It was particularly fun to see the priest and sister make their way into the room to gain a view, and within minutes, for sister to begin attending to the poor souls standing in the viewing gallery.

I took a seat in the theater and enjoyed the scene until the last call at 2am. I had been particularly interested in a good looking Macedonian couple not that much younger than me. They were just exploring the scene, and I could tell they'd be back. She was slim 5'4" 115lbs in a navy or black tennis style dress with white boat shoes, he 5'6" 140lbs in a white striped polo. Just as I was working up the nerve to strike up conversation, one of the greedy guys was moving in on them a little too much. I decided go just let them enjoy their time without another interruption. And, the, the lights went on at 2am.... said my goodbyes and appreciation to Twistingly and, of course, our hero, Doc! Then off into one of the last beautiful late nights of fall weather.

I know there was more to report on and some shout outs I've missed, but I didn't want any more time to go on without getting this out. There's one tall, quick-witted guy who was at the Halloween event, and also watched the Astros game with us on Wednesday night.... great guy who gets a ton of couple play at 15th!

I didn't let it end there... I'm rarely in town for more than a visit at 15th, but decided to spend 3p to 7p at 15th on Sunday, where three couples and a few tgurls spent some time, but no action unfolded other than some obscured views of blowjobs in the couples' section. 

Monday night, I dropped in from 9 to 11 and a couple came in for a very brief visit in the red room. Tons of fun: she was led in by her Dom, and a few of us gathered around the table in the red room and she lay on her back in beautiful lingerie and blindfold. I whispered in her ear what was going in and how much pleasure she brought to the strangers as she stroked some cock in both of her hands, as her dom caressed her thighs and nipples.. The scene was much different this night, just six of us plus the couple. After a few loads were delivered, the dom helped her stand and carefully and lovingly cleaned her up. They embraced and he told her how they had best get going because her husband was home waiting for her. 

Wednesday night brought a very convincing tgurl, whom the crowd treated very respectfully. Whoa what a week! I also had a chance to watch some Astros Dodgers at the front counter at 15th Wednesday night, and bumped into Anaconda! We had some great conversation, and I can say he's one of the good guys! 

Thank you, Doc! I've been in this thing of ours for over 5 years now thanks to you, and on behalf of a grateful 5% of our nation, I thank you for the blood, sweat, tears, personal time, lost sleep, and personal savings you invest in it for us and future followers!



Doc here again... Many thanks to senior Journal scribe and all-around great guy, Dry Clean Only for a great report on that crazy Halloween Party on 10/21/17 at 15th Ave. in Chicago.  Your attention to detail is dynamite, and you did a great job capturing the vibe and spirit of the evening!  Keep doing what you are doing, sir, and thank you so much for coming in early from way out of town to join us!
