
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Flash Report! Dry Clean Only Goes Trick or Treating at a Lizardo Event: Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago on 10/21/17!

Doc here, a man who some say knows you can't trust Melanie, but you can trust Melanie to be Melanie.

The Good Doctor is very fortunate to have a pantheon of solid reporters in the field, and who have been contributing for years. I've met quite a few of them over the years, both in Chicago, but also on the road, and from coast to coast.

One of the very few I had not met up to this point was senior reporter Dry Clean Only (DCO to his friends). For whatever reason, our paths never met...That was until Saturday October 21st, 2017, the night of the 5th Annual Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago. And ladies and gentlemen of The Journal, you could not meet a nicer guy!  

We was well-prepared for a big night at 15th Ave, and I made a point to introduce him to several of his Journal peers at the party (which DCO notates nicely in his report).  He settled in like he'd been a regular at 15th Ave., and he was soaking up the crazy scene.

With that being said, please welcome back to The Journal, Dry Clean Only!



What a whirlwind it has been! Forgive me for not banging this report out sooner, but this is the first chance I've had to catch my breath. I thought your devotees would enjoy a write-up about your 5th Annual Halloween Party at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago.

Ninety-five percent of America is unfortunate enough to have never ventured into an adult theater. Of the lucky 5%, half have never been to a 5-Lizardo-rated venue, and of those that have, only a very lucky few have had the privilege of attending The Host With The Most's Halloween Event. Somehow, I became lucky enough for the work travel schedule and Lizardo Schedule to align, putting me in Chicago, on my own, on Saturday October 21st, and I've been thanking the Theater Gods ever since.

The week before was filled with anticipation, and quite a bit of fun chat with a small band of friends on Twitter about the upcoming event (Hi @GingerSquirts @MSexualHealer @Twistinglee @Game_of_Boners @StuntSlutSimone). 

I touched down in a beautiful late October evening, 75 degrees and sunny, hit the hotel, and made my way in DryCleanOnly fashion to 15th Ave, where I immediately recognized my longtime digital friend, now in the flesh (well, at least a white lab coat), Doc. He instantly recognized me, though we'd never been in the same place at the same time, amid his final preparations and welcomed me "home".
The place was abuzz with fresh air, twilight fading to night, and youthful optimism among the early arrivals streaming about. I immediately enjoyed some conversation with a few of the fellows at the counter and made my way back into the hall toward the Secret Room. I had arrived just a few minutes prior to start time of 8pm and found all the lockers were taken, but found a spot for backpack and costume in the corner of the room.