
Friday, June 1, 2018

Field Report! Mack Stud on Metro Station in Louisville, KY

Doc here, a man who some say put Boone, NC on the map...

First time reporter Mack Stuff joins the staff here at The Journal, with his first Field Report from Louisville's Metro Station

Please welcome to The Journal, Mack Stud!


Hello Doc,

Not a huge update, but perhaps of interest to your readers....

I read Anaconda's great report on the Metro Station in Louisville last week. As luck would have it, I was in Louisville just a few days later and had a chance to stop by on a Sunday afternoon. 
Metro Station
Louisville, KY
The place looks like it has tremendous potential. For $20, you get all access, although you can go to one of the areas for a smaller admission fee. As I recall, the biggest room is just left of the entrance and has plenty of comfortable couches, along with a small annex type room off that with one couch. On the other side of the store, which has the usual toys and movies for sale, is another room, also good sized. Perhaps 15 people could fit in there, there were a bunch of barcaloungers. A third area has video booths. I couldn't get any of the movies to play, although I think your admission is supposed to get them playing. No matter. There might have been a fourth room, I can't remember for sure.
The clerk was friendly but bored. He was honest before I came in to say he didn't think there were any women or couples on the premises. I paid anyway just so I could check it out and as i had already driven all the way there. He was right. No women, just 4 or 5 sad looking middle aged guys milling about and giving each other the eye.

After I made a few laps, I chatted up the clerk and told him I had read about someone's report of having had a lot of fun there recently with a woman, and that Sunday mornings might be the busy time. He said 4 couples had actually come in that Sunday morning about 6am, but otherwise "we usually have one woman come in every week, maybe every two weeks".

The place was clean enough, and the best feature seems to be the large play rooms with lots of furniture to play on, which reminds me of the old days at 15th Ave. in Chicago before they expanded (and they had a couch or two in the theater). Anyway, others mileage may vary. Bottom line is that the place has potential, but apparently not that many women are coming around these days

Mack Stud


Doc here again... Many thanks to Mack Stud for his first report here at The Journal, and breaking the seal on future reports.  Well done sir!

That is disappointing news about the lack of couples visiting Metro Station... Hopefully with some positive publicity, we can change that!
