
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Journal's 9th Anniversary Best Of Review: 2016 Bonus Report! - The Mysterious Maya Hits The Night of Lanterns in Buenos Aires (w/PICS!) from 9/12/16

Doc here, a man who some say loves a little mystery in his women...

Welcome to a Bonus Report from 2016 to celebrate The Journal's 9th Anniversary!  And speaking of mysteries, hands down the most mysterious lady in this thing of ours is my good friend, The Mysterious Maya!

In 2016, Maya submitted this report from Buenos Aires, Argentina... I think you'll enjoy this one, kids!  And Maya is never lacking in the pic department...Love her pics!

Take it away, Mysterious Maya!


International Couple's Flash Report! The Mysterious Maya Hits The Night of Lanterns in Buenos Aires (w/ NEW PICS!!!)

Doc here, a man who some say worked as a hands model for Jergens lotion back in the late 80's, with a pretty amazing International Couple's Flash Report from my good friend & senior reporter The Mysterious Maya.

Maya has been submitting reports to your old friend in the white suit and aviators since 2011, and she parties hardcore! Sometimes she can be in a seedy adult theater in Biloxi, MS. Next she could be on an ocean liner, seducing the ship's crew. That is Maya in a nutshell... Mysterious, horny, and always looking for more.

In this brand new report, she travels to Buenos Aires with her hubby, and ventures to an adult club where she soon becomes the main attraction.

Along with this report are 8 brand new pics of Maya that you should not miss.

Pop open a Fresca (Hi Gemini!) and enjoy the latest from my good friend, The Mysterious Maya!


Hello Dear Doc,

You know we travel overseas, and visit places where this thing of ours is played out one way or another. The city of Buenos Aires is a favorite. And there's a couple of things to tell you about.

The Mysterious Maya
One is a visit to a club on a Wednesday evening to an event called “Night of Lanterns”. It's a club that is kept very dark, and they give each guest a small disposable flashlight. It's open to everybody with an emphasis on bi-transvestites, which we were not aware of.

Large dance floor downstairs. I was wearing a black bra and a show all miniskirt while I danced by myself to the beat. Shared dancing with some stunning TV's and soon noticed that guys where shinning their lights on our crotches to try to see if any of us was actually a girl. Seems that was a way to try make the discovery, but even then not easy as some of the t-gurls have done a very good job tucking it in.

So what is a girl to do in such an awkward situation, Doc?

Hubby sat me on a chair and lifted spread my legs and asked me to play with myself. That good some attention, beams of light trying to make sure. Next step was taking off my panties and spread my legs for inspection once more before going back to my dancing.

Fifteen minutes later walked up a grand staircase to where the playpens are, go into the main one followed by a few suitors who seemed to prefer to try and mount a real pussy. One of them showed a promising tool so hubby asks him if he wants to do me, and puts me doggy-style to be penetrated.

For the next not quite two hours I was surrounded by horny cocks who used me for their pleasure. Sometimes a little sucking and then into my pussy to cum, one after another, no rest whatsoever. A few did give me their loads orally, as I will give head without a condom.

What else can a girl ask for?


Men can and are pleased to enjoy any girl, they do not require much aside from the opportunity. They will come, climb her and have their fun without seeing her face sometimes, not caring about her name or anything else, just the good sex.

Women don't. We want security, commitment, exclusivity, and so on.

WHY? Because its us that get pregnant and then have to carry a child and rear hi/her for what seems to be a lifetime. Also men do invest quite some on their offspring if and when they have them and therefore do not like their women to fool around.

But...Hold on a minute. In the 50's the pill came to our aid and changed all of the above. We can make reproductive decisions on our own, and that created a huge wave of change. We can now be independent (At least in the rich world), marry later and so on. Just know that today not quite 2/3rds of college graduates in our country are females.

So....if we like sex without romance who says we can not have it?

Now take a multi-orgasmic girl who is submissive, and likes to give herself to multiple partners.

Likes the humiliation part of S&M, men who take their pleasure, party, laugh, and have fun.

Thrives in the seedy looks and intense smells of an adult theater or GH booths (and explain to me why not?).

Not everybody is like me, but there's also no reason why we are so few. Explain it to me.

I am at Get in touch if you want to chat about these and other subjects, share likes, dislikes & adventures. Give me your AOL or Yahoo chat handles.



More Pics of The Mysterious Maya
Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE


Doc here again... Wow, where to begin after this great report?

Many thanks to my good friend The Mysterious Maya for yet another envelope pushing report from across the world and down her panties.  Keep up the great work sweetie!

Remember kids... Maya would love to hear from you.  E-mail her at the address listed above, and who knows, maybe she'll let you in on her next port o' call!

