
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Flash Report! Just Plain Tom Hits The Paris Twin in Syracuse, NY in Late 2019

Doc here, a man who some say was brought into a boardroom with the marketing boys. They call me "Doctor Lizardo". They explain the name has been chosen for the ominous associations it will raise in America's enemies. They are shaping me into something gaudy. Something lethal.
It's ketchup catch-up time here at The Journal, with a backlog of great reports ready to see the light of day. Mostly positive reports, and a couple negative ones as well. Both are important to gauge the scene in these particular areas. 
Case in point: Regular contributor Just Plain Tom (JPT), and his report on a theater I'm very familiar with, the Paris Twin in Syracuse, NY.  This report can be filed under "negative", which is illustrated below.
Take it away, Just Plain Tom!
Greetings Doc,
JPT here with a report from Upstate New York.  
I found myself in Syracuse a few months ago.  It was a Friday night, so I decided to check out the Paris Theater.  In years gone by the theater provided some fun times, particularly on weekend nights. But most recently I’ve found it to be a disappointment.  But being ever the optimist, I thought I’d give it another try and see if there had been any improvement.
The Paris has two theaters both showing straight porn. After entering the front door, you walk a few steps to the ticket window.  Tickets are $12 for each discount for both theaters. The theater on the left (#1) is the larger of the two, but both are much larger than what you find in most places today.  It’s an old-style theater with high ceilings, multiple seating rows, and that old-timey theater atmosphere.
Paris Twin Theater
Syracuse, NY
As you approach the ticket window, there are small open areas on each side. On the right side there are several old chairs of various types that seem to be whatever someone picked up at the curb. This is where “the crew”  - a group of six to ten guys loudly shooting the shit - gathers on weekend nights. This phenomenon has developed over the last seven or eight years, and I think it’s had a negative impact on visits to the place. 
When I arrived this time around, the crew was in their normal gathering spot. I paid my $24 for both theaters and went into Theater 2. It is “unofficially” the preferred theater for couples.  There were a few other guys in there but nothing going on.  
About half an hour later I noticed the crew (who you can easily hear from the theater) suddenly went silent. Shortly after a couple walked into the theater, followed immediately by the guys from the lobby.  The couple sat down and the crew immediately surrounded them. Bad vibe of course, and the couple left fairly quickly. 
I decided to check out Theater 1 just in case. Oh my god, the stench as I walked through the door was overwhelming. There were more guys than in the other theater, and some were playing with each other.  I suppose one might get used to the smell after a while, but I had no interest in doing so and returned to Theater 2. 
I hung around for a little over an hour in Theater 2 and talked to a couple of the local guys. They said it’s been dead recently and they haven’t seen any couples in quite some time. Both agreed that the disruption in the lobby probably scares off any interested couples. 
I called it a night early, certain this would be my last time investing $24 to at the Paris Theater.  I struck out, but we don’t always hit a dinger when we step to the plate in this thing of ours.  Back to the batting cages I guess.

Doc here again... Many thanks to Just Plain Tom for this report on the Paris Twin in Syracuse. There was a time when this theater was one of the cleanest adult theaters I had ever walked into, back in the late 90's and into the 2000's. Times have changed, apparently.
Keep the faith JPT, and keep the cards and letters coming in!