
Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #8! The LilWildCouple w/3 New Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say spent one summer working as "El Bulleto", a human cannonball with a heart of gold and a mustache that often scared the elderly. 

The series that keeps giving and giving continues here at The Journal of Adult Theaters: The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition!  In this edition (# 8), we welcome to The Journal The LilWildCouple!  

Relative newcomers to this thing of ours, this hot young couple shows where there's a will, there's a sexy way to keep the kinky going!  And in particular, pic #3 is outstanding (a great public BJ shot) that is pretty fantastic!

Here we go!


Hey Doc!

Here is our submission!

We are hanging in the there. We have had a lot of time to talk in the bedroom of future fantasies and are grateful for the offers of support to help escort us for our second theater experience when things go back to normal.  (ed. note: I'm here to help!)

Having kids at home so much now makes things tricky for fun, even between the two of us. We have definitely made sure to squeeze each other in whenever available and have now even utilized the woods behind our house for daytime fun! 

LilWildCouple Gallery
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #7! Honeyjackgirl and Bubbleman w/4 Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say is often mistaken for Latin crooner Alphonso Lolaba, whose hit song "Joroba la Pierna Torpemente" made it to #11 on the Latin charts in the late 1980's. 

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition is taking off, and the submissions are coming in hot & heavy!  In the next few days, you'll see both new and familiar faces in this Journal of Adult Theaters, all dealing with how we are adjusting during this pause in this thing of ours

Our next submitters are the awesome Honeyjackgirl1 & her guy, Bubbleman2014. You will read that they are new to the Lizardo events in Chicago, but their first visit was a fun one!  

Here we go!


Hi Doc!

We attended our first Doctor Lizardo party at 15th Avenue in Chicago back in February 2020, and we had a really great time. You even convinced me to participate in the dance competition...I came in 2nd place!! 

Getting through the quarantine without regular visits from my guy has been a real challenge, a lot of dirty chats, picture/video exchange and masturbation has helped, but can’t replace the real thing. Managed to have some car sex last week, it was a flashback to our teen years. 

Once the parties start up again at 15th Ave, we will have to try to look sexy wearing a face mask, plus nudity should help that. 

Send us your naughty messages and pictures, as it helps make this quartantine much more enjoyable. On Twitter, I am honeyjackgirl1 and my boyfriend is bubbleman2014

Honeyjackgirl1's Gallery
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #5! The Notorious Bad Barbi in San Diego with 10 Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say knows when some big is about to blow into town, and in the case of today's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #5, this act of God is coming from San Diego!

The Good Doctor had the pleasure of promoting several visits to the Barnett Ave. Superstore in San Diego in 2019 by the one and only Bad Barbi!  This blonde bombshell stood Barnett Ave. on it's ear, and took anything and everything the guys in attendance could give her!  Her visits there are STILL being talked about by those in the know.
So how is Bad Barbi (and her consort) handling the stay at home orders and passing the time?  You'll see below, and apparently it involves showing off her crazy body!

Take it away, Bad Barbi!


Hi Doc,

We are doing our best to pass the time here in SoCal. The games we are playing are a bit tamer that our visits to the theater, but we are doing the best we can.  Strip poker is a big hit here, and looking at my pics, I'm not good at cards. 

We will be back playing as soon as it is safe, and promise to make up for lost time.

Bad Barbi
Bad Barbi's Quarantine Gallery
(Please Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #4! Please Welcome Back SexiNWeKnowIt w/Pic!!

Doc here, a man who some say was help popularize "The Worm" in the 1980's, a popular break dance move that guys loved and girls questioned. 

Welcome to #4 of The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition!  The first 3 entries were outstanding, and this one is no different!  

It's a pleasure to welcome back to The Journal SexiNweKnowIt, a great couple that knows how to maximize their naughtiness. During 2019, they made their mark on the Ohio scene, and 2020 was teed up to take it up another level.  Then came the order to stay calm and stay inside. 

And here we are... How is Mrs.SexiNweKnowIt dealing with staying inside (and not in an adult theater)?  Let's find out, shall we?


Hey Doc,

Here is what I miss the most. I miss being able to play with our friends in adult establishments. I miss the rush, albeit nervously awaiting going to the fine places. 
I miss the freedom to play with whoever whenever and being the one who controls what happens. It’s a great stress reliever for me. Hubby enjoys knowing how much fun I’m having especially since it WAS way outside of my comfort zone. 

We can’t wait to get back to Toledo and play with all of our friends and have a hotel “takeover” with us and a few guests to celebrate hubby’s birthday that was postponed due to the pandemic. I personally can’t wait to have guys waiting for me to play with them. Something about that just drives me wild! 

Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #3! Please Welcome Inquisitive Elle w/2 Great Pics!

 Doc here, a man who some say performed between Memorial Day and Labor Day every year as "The Great Che Palle", a below-average unicyclist at Sausage Brother's Circus, based out of Centralia, PA. His act was 🔥!

One of The Good Doctor's favorite things is meeting new people, who are thinking about dipping their toes into this thing of ours. Sometimes it is out of the blue. Others times it comes from a recommendation.   In this case, it's the latter!

Ladies and gentlemen of this thing of ours, please meet Inquisitive Elle, and enjoy her smoking hot report and pics while she is under quarantine!

Let's go!


Hi Doc,

I’m not an actual participant in This Thing of Ours (so far) but I’ve been enjoying seeing and hearing about everyone’s adventures on Twitter. With @Kim_In_Public’s encouragement, I decided to send a quarantine pic.

My days now including negotiating with my kids to get them to do their schoolwork. They’d prefer to play video games 24/7. At times I let them indulge more than I should so I can selfishly indulge in the free time to ‘play’ a little myself !

I look forward to everyone getting back to normal so I can once again live vicariously through everyone's sexy adventures!

~Inquisitive Elle~
Inquisitive Elle Gallery (click to ENLARGE)

Monday, April 27, 2020

UPDATED! Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #2! The Mysterious Maya Returns! 8 Brand New Action Pics!

Doc here, a man who some say has a weak spot for pretty brunettes with very dirty minds...

In the history of The Journal, few legendary ladies have the resume of my good friend, The Mysterious Maya!  She has traveled the world, fucking and sucking strangers in some of the most exotic locales one could imagine. Her tales are some of the most read in the history of The Journal of Adult Theaters, and deservedly so. Do not let her innocent, girl next door looks fool you... Maya is a bad girl of the highest order!

The Mysterious Maya would LOVE some feedback on her HOT pics!  You can e-mail her directly at . Also, please follow The Mysterious Maya on Twitter  @katyatbellas!  

It's my pleasure to present to you, locked down in quarantine, The Mysterious Maya!


Hello Doc!

I dropped by some gentlemen who I knew had been locked down for 2 weeks at least in quarantine, but not many. And there is no magical date where it will all clear where I am.  Have a nearby adult movie theater to begin playing, so when the time is right, I need to lose my virginity (again).

The Mysterious Maya Quarantine Gallery (Click to ENLARGE)

Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition #1! Kim in Public!

Doc here, a man who some say knew in his mind of minds, a certain brunette from the northeast would be the first sexy lady to submit her quarantine image for this assignment!

What can one say about the lusty dynamo known as Kim in Public?  Is her middle name "Trouble"? Maybe. Is her middle name "Fearless"?  You're damn right...

It's a pleasure to welcome back to The Journal of Adult Theaters, the awesome Kim in Public with her quarantine report and smoking hot brand new image!

Let's go!


Hi Doc!

The lockdown has been hard on all of us, admittedly though on those of us who like to do it in public the most! When I can't leave the house to get my fun on I like to stay home and play with my toys! I do get to have sex a lot since I have a man at home, but it's not the same as being fucked by stranger I just met over drinks an hour earlier in the men's room. 

Call for Work! New Assignment! The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition!

Doc here, a man who some say is slowly changing his appearance from "broken 80's magician" to "broken college professor" (as his hair grows & facial hair transforms during the state stay-at-home orders here at Lizardo Manor, located deep in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts college). 

These are unusual times my friends, but we cannot let it dampen our pent up desires in this thing of ours. The fires still burn in the scene, and we will re-emerge eventually. And I for one, cannot wait!

In the meantime, we are all dealing with our respective stay-at-home directives in our own ways.  But, how are the incredibly sexy ladies and hot couples managing during this down time in this thing of ours?

Let's find out, shall we?

Your assignment: 

  1. Please submit a brand new sexy image (or images preferably) of how you are dealing with the different flavors of quarantine. They can be as G-rated or as XXX-rated as you wish!
  2. Along with the imaging, please submit a paragraph or two on how you are dealing with this lifestyle interruption, and what you are looking forward to when we emerge from the situation. Nothing fancy, and I will edit and format for you. 
  3. Please submit to The Good Doctor at , with POD in the subject line. 
I will publish them in the order received.  If you have never submitted a pic or report before, please provide a pen name to you can be attributed properly

Let's hit this one out of the park, kids!

Questions?  Hit me up at . 

@LizardoJournal on Twitter

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day! A Brand New Image of That Quirky Girl!

Doc here, a man who some say has one true passion above all others: duckpin bowling. 

It's been awhile, Lizardos & Lizardettes!  Crazy times are upon us, and this thing of ours is on hold for the time being while we figure out what's next.  And figure it out we will. 

In the meantime, I was thinking that a brand new Pic of the Day was in order.  I put in a message to one of my closest & naughtiest friends in this thing of ours, and asked her for something provocative to share with you. And boy, did she deliver!

There is a red metal box in the editing office here at The Journal, that is clearly marked "In Case of an Emergency, Break Glass for Sexy Pics".  Upon breaking the glass, I pick up the old school phone receiver, and the line rings automatically to The Quirky Compound.  This is the home of senior Journal reporter, That Quirky Girl

We spoke. Ideas were exchanged. And That Quirky Girl delivered the hot image below!  

Please welcome back to The Journal, my good friend, the awesome That Quirky Girl as today's Good Doctor's Pic of the Day!

That Quirky Girl

Friday, April 10, 2020

Freeze Frame! A Tribute in Pics to The Amazing Liz in Chicago!

Doc here, a man who some say once dated the entire cheerleading squad of Oberlin College in Ohio at one time or another.

As a country, as part of this thing of ours, we are going through trying times. We are adjusting our lives, doing the best we can whilst a lack of control is now our normal. 

With this being said, one of my closest friends in this thing of ours, The Amazing Liz, has had a week she and her consort, Tom Terrific, would really like to forget.  Check out this impromptu poll from Twitter on 4/8/20: 

It turned out to be a trick question... All 7 events happened to her!  😬

Of all the people I know, she absolutely does not deserve any one of these calamities happening to her, let alone 7 of them.  On top of being my BYOB bartender at Secret Room 2125 parties at 15th Ave. Adult Theater Party Room in Chicago, her work ethic and energy are the perfect match with what we do at Secret Room 2125 events. She is a huge part of our success!

We are looking forward to when we can re-open The Secret Room 2125, blow-up the kiddie pool, and welcome you back!

And, by the way, The Amazing Liz is a smokeshow (to put sprinkles on top of the lifestyle sundae)!  Her outfits behind (and in front of) the BYOB Bar are always a party highlight!

Today we celebrate The Amazing Liz in this special Freeze Frame Report with 17 sexy pics (please click to ENLARGE the thumbnails)!  And make sure you follow The Amazing Liz  & Tom Terrific on Twitter at @anAmazingcouple !

Here we go!

Thank you Liz!

The Amazing Liz!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Couple's Flash Report! Pennycumslut & Consort Return to All Things Adult in Austin, TX on 10/25/19 (w/ XXX PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say once found an ear in a field somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. The smell of cut wood was everywhere. The ear belonged to Don Vallens, whose wife, Dorothy, was a real handful. 

2019 was a hell of a year in this thing of ours in many ways.  Among other very cool adventures for your old friend in the white suit and aviators, was our introduction to the very sexy (and oh so naughty) Pennycumslut!  You might be fooled by her innocent looks, but smoldering just below that surface is one of the naughtiest young ladies I have met in a very long time. 
(Photo by The Good Doctor)
In this brand new & never published report, Pennycumslut and her friendly consort return back to All Things Adult in Austin, TX on a late October, 2019 for the back half of a double-head-er. This report is pretty awesome, and the pics (please click to ENLARGE) are 🔥🔥🔥!

Please welcome back to The Journal, my good friend Pennycumslut!


All Things Adult, Part 2

October 25, 2019
9708 Reservoir Ct, Austin, TX 78754

Hi Doc,

On our second night in Austin, we returned to All Things Adult for a pre-announced visit and expected to get a bit of attention.

We were a little more confident this time - familiarity makes a world of difference - and it wasn't raining out so we didn't have to hide undercover to get our bearings before heading in. 
All Things Adult
Austin, TX
We arrived just a little ahead of our planned visit time, purchased tokens (and some water!) and headed into the booths. We took a few extra minutes to wander the hallways of the smoking side as well and it looked basically the same (just smokier).

It was about 8pm on a Friday night and it wasn't busy, but there were definitely guys there.

We picked an open room style booth with benches on each side and the screen immediately opposite the door. We chatted a little bit about how to do things in a booth like this, and ultimately decided to let boys in two at a time to keep it manageable and because I was a little bit beat up from the night prior.
It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and L let the first two guys in, turning away a third. I was on my knees when they entered and he quickly gave them a couple rules and pushed me towards them.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Flash Report! The Right to the Point Couple Hits 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago in Early 2020!

Doc here, a man who some say has used his quarantine time usefully, taking up the ancient Italian fighting art of Whatsamatta.  It's similar to kung fu, but with meatballs instead of throwing stars. 

One of my favorite couples that attends a Lizardo event every so often is the Right to the Point Couple (RTTP).  They are experienced in this thing of ours, and often will dispose with the small talk and focus at the task at hand.  

"What tasks?", you might ask.  I suggest reading below for your answers...

Here we go!


Hey Doc, 

It's the Right to the Point Couple. We just wanted to say thank you for putting out the visit announcement for our recent trip to 15th Avenue in Chicago. It really helped make for a good time! (ed. note: My pleasure!)

When we pulled in the parking lot, we realized a lot of people got the message. We parked, looked at each other, and both of us had a big smile on your faces. She was looking so sexy in a black, low cut shirt, a tight white skirt with black stripes, and of course, no panties.

We walked in, paid our admission, then went into the theater. There was a mf duo in the couples’ section already putting on a show. I asked my beautiful lady if she wanted to sit and watch for a while, but she instantly said “no”. She wanted to get “right to the point”, so we went straight to the room behind the screen.

She climbed up on the table on her hands and knees, pulled out my hardening cock, and engulfed it in her warm mouth. I pulled her skirt up to her waist, exposing her beautiful ass, and started playing with her dripping pussy. There were already about 15 guys in the room, each vying for the best spots near the table.

She turned her attentions away from me and sauntered over to a black gentleman opposite me. She started giving him a deep, slow blowjob as another black man pulled out a condom. The second guy “suited up”, then lined up behind her and started fucking her doggie style, nice and hard. The first guy kept telling her she had a talented mouth, and before long exploded in her mouth.
The Right to the Point Couple (at home)
As he stepped aside, she reached out for the closest cock she could find. Once the guy fucking her finished, I asked her to turn over and lie on her back. I love that view with her legs spread! She immediately went to work sucking another cock as a new guy started fucking her. Soon after, the guy in her mouth started moaning as he came all over her face.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Results Are In! 2020 Lizardo Adult Theater Challenge Winners!

Doc here, a man who some say wore a surgical mask during leisure activities as far back as the mid-1990's, with the culmination of the 2020 Lizardo Adult Theater Challenge. 

64 Adult theaters.
2 Divisions - "Now" for current adult theaters & "Classic" for adult theaters that have faded from view.
62 Total head to head matchups.
2 Winners.

This was a fun exercise, and an opportunity to spotlight some of the great adult theaters of yesteryear, and their history.  It also allowed The Good Doctor to give a shout out to today's generation of adult theaters, and to keep their energy alive during the COVID-19 crisis. 

In the Now Division, the ultimate winner was Chicago's 15th Ave. Adult Theater, besting the mighty Art Cinema in Hartford by almost 50%! 
In the Classic Division, the surprise winner was CTs Adult Theater in Gary, IN, outpolling the Westwood Theatre in Toledo by 27%!
Here are the completed 2020 Lizardo Adult Theater Challenge brackets to show you the path to victory by these tremendous adult theaters:  
Thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge, and did their duty and voted for their favorites!  I hope everyone enjoyed this little distraction!

I was asked early on in the proceedings who would be my picks in these categories (thank you to DryCleanOnly and Anaconda for the suggestions!). 

In the "Now Division", I think 3 out of the 4 were on the money, with only the Berlin News Agency being in the top 4 instead of Fantasyland 1 in Tampa. 

Now, in the Classic Division, I had some problems with what the final results showed.  Please keep in mind, I'm over 100 years old and have been to a majority of the now closed adult theaters in this division. I agreed with only 1 of the poll results.

My Final 4 in the Classic Division (based on my experience) would have been (in no particular order):
Jefferson Theater, Portland OR
Good Time Charlies, Wheatfield, NY
Westwood Theater, Toledo, OH
Pussycat Theater, Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood CA
(Honorable Mentions: Monroe Theater, Rochester NY, Apple Theater, Seattle WA, Palm Theater, San Matteo, CA, The Paris Theater, Portland OR, and the Niagara Falls Cinema, Niagara Falls NY)

So where do we go from here?  How about The Worst Adult Theater?  I have some strong opinions on the worst, but I will open up a Twitter thread and take suggestions on a set of 4 of worst.   This is going to be fun!

Thank you once again for participating in the 2020 Lizardo Adult Theater Challenge, and please follow me on Twitter to participate in future polls (like "The Worst...") coming soon!

@LizardoJournal on Twitter

Friday, April 3, 2020

Down to the Final 4! The 2020 Lizardo Adult Theater Challenge! Lend Your Vote! Classic and Now Divisions!

Doc here, a man who some say has been locked inside Lizardo Manor (located deep in The Valley, near a small women's liberal arts college), wearing his Lizardo Quark 450 Isolation Suit. This is neither shocking nor surprising in today's turbulent world. What is surprising is that The Good Doctor has worn the Quark 450 regularly since 2013.
The Quark 450 in Practice
So in these crazy times, what do we do? The answer is clear: An adult theater NCAA-style set of brackets, focused on both classic adult theaters and current ones. 

Here are the butts nuts and bolts of the challenge:

  • One bracket for "Classic", now closed or gone adult theaters. 
  • One bracket ("Now") for current adult theaters. 
  • The polls are run on my Twitter, @LizardoJournal , multiple times a day.
  • The contest is currently running, and the 1st polls are getting close to wrapping up. Jump in now!
Here are the full field brackets!  

First up, the "Now" challenge:

Next, the "Classic" challenge:
Each poll will contain a one-on-one matchup, and be live for 24 hours. Each poll will also feature a pic or two of the featured adult theaters.  Your job is clear: Vote for one based on the theater's reputation, it's look, it's vibe, and even a report buried in the archives of The Journal.

Jump in. Be a Lizardo.  Please go to my Twitter @LizardoJournal  & VOTE!
