
Monday, April 27, 2020

Call for Work! New Assignment! The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day: Quarantine Edition!

Doc here, a man who some say is slowly changing his appearance from "broken 80's magician" to "broken college professor" (as his hair grows & facial hair transforms during the state stay-at-home orders here at Lizardo Manor, located deep in The Valley, near the small women's liberal arts college). 

These are unusual times my friends, but we cannot let it dampen our pent up desires in this thing of ours. The fires still burn in the scene, and we will re-emerge eventually. And I for one, cannot wait!

In the meantime, we are all dealing with our respective stay-at-home directives in our own ways.  But, how are the incredibly sexy ladies and hot couples managing during this down time in this thing of ours?

Let's find out, shall we?

Your assignment: 

  1. Please submit a brand new sexy image (or images preferably) of how you are dealing with the different flavors of quarantine. They can be as G-rated or as XXX-rated as you wish!
  2. Along with the imaging, please submit a paragraph or two on how you are dealing with this lifestyle interruption, and what you are looking forward to when we emerge from the situation. Nothing fancy, and I will edit and format for you. 
  3. Please submit to The Good Doctor at , with POD in the subject line. 
I will publish them in the order received.  If you have never submitted a pic or report before, please provide a pen name to you can be attributed properly

Let's hit this one out of the park, kids!

Questions?  Hit me up at . 

@LizardoJournal on Twitter