
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Couple's Flash Report! Jean & Scott Shake Off the Rust in The Glass City in Mid-July w/ 7 NEW PICS!

Doc here, a man who some say lives for Wednesdays. Every Wednesday is Christmas morning, and yes Virginia, that Christmas lives in aisle 4 right next to the pool noodles. 

The past year and a half has been tough on all of us, and shaking off the rust as we carefully jump back into this thing of ours is part of the process. Hell, it took me three tries to get my lab coat on straight when we restarted Lizardo events in Chicago. It was to be expected.

What I also expected was the return of two graduates of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the awesome Jean & Scott. While it is true that The Good Doctor and Jean & Scott have a live datacomm link open 24/7 between our 2 compounds, I also know that they have been carefully planning their return into the darkened hallways of this thing of ours.

It is here where we pick up the story of our heroes... Please pop open an ice cold Fresca (which is never seen in aisle 4, and hi Gemini!), and dive deep into Scott & Jean's


Hello Again Doc!

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Jean and I have made our return to "this thing of ours" and ventured out for some adult fun that we thought we'd share with the Journal.

We've been preoccupied lately, but finally had a free Saturday and felt it was time to get back out there.  I mean, dicks aren't gonna suck themselves, right? In fact, I'm pretty sure trying can result in horrific neck injuries. So, we set out to let Jean save some men from themselves. A hero comes in many forms.

We had a nice little afternoon drive to Toledo. This time we chose to get a hotel instead of our usual driving both ways in the same night. It was a nice change of pace to see the surroundings in the light of day.  Oh, and to let Jean stop to use a bathroom without being dressed like a woman heading to an adult theater to suck off a bunch of guys. 

Our motel was a good value.  It wasn't dirty but it was really outdated, and their other patrons were a little sketchy. A cheap roadside motel always seems like a good idea since we're only sleeping there, but we’re having seconds thoughts after this place. Anyone with good Toledo hotel recommendations, feel free to pass them along. 

Once we settled in, we each had few drinks. Then Jean got ready in one of her favorite little black theater dresses with a red bra and black thong underneath. She did herself up with some sexy, smoky eyes and dark lipstick. She even busted out a classy anklet that says "slut" to clear up any confusion as to her intentions this evening.  

Jean Being Subtle

With Jean all “slutted up”, we headed to our first stop of the evening…the Modern Adult on Woodville. We arrived to find 3 cars, which was worrisome, but we headed in anyway.  We skipped the "pretending to browse" act and went straight to the clerk to ask how the theater and booths work.  Twenty dollars got us admission to everything and tokens for the booths. 


We checked out the larger playrooms but they were empty, so we explored the back section of booths.  As we settled into one, a dick instantly appeared in the glory hole.  Jean excitedly dropped to her knees and was surprised to find an uncircumcised cock with a cock ring. She hadn't sucked one of those in two years, but it came back to her quickly (pun intended). 


Jean proceeded to spend about 10 minutes sucking his cock before throwing her hands up and exclaiming, "That's it, the cock ring has to go!". The guy removed it and she got him off a few minutes later. Cock rings are great for fucking, but for certain settings like this, not so much. There wasn't anyone else around after that, so we thanked the clerk and headed out. 

Our second stop was the Modern Adult location on Telegraph.  We were excited to see a packed parking lot when we arrived.  The clerks at both establishments were very friendly and professional.  We gave the second one our ticket from the other store and I think $5, and we got more tokens as well.  

We passed through curtains to a large booth area that was very crowded.  We explored both sides and the nooks and crannies before settling into a booth. Jean was stunned to find, incredibly, that the first two offerings at this store were also uncircumcised. Good thing she already conquered one earlier.  After handling those two and a few more, we realized we made a rookie mistake. We had left Jean’s “whore bag”, which included bottled water, in the car. (ed. note: C'mon man!)


We went out to the parking lot and realized the guy who had just cum down Jean's throat was parked right next to us.  It could've been awkward but wasn't.  He thanked her profusely and asked if we needed any help tonight.  Jean politely said “no” and he thanked her again. Jean grabbed some water and another helpful item - a gardening knee pad. Jean has an old sports injury, and this lowkey brilliant move would allow her to stay on her knees all night.   

My lovely woman spent the next hour and change sucking a variety of cocks. She went through maybe seven or eight more…we kind of lost track. We were amused though that one of them was the first guy she sucked off at the other location.  There was one guy she wanted to fuck, but the shape of his member didn’t exactly align with gloryhole physics, so she didn’t risk it. 


One cock came through the hole with glitter on it, which we found hilarious! Our working theory was that maybe he started his night at the strip club down the road, but the thought that he purposely applied glitter to make his dick all fancy was a much funnier option.  After a few more satisfied customers, Jean was hot and a bit tired, so we decided to call it a night.  

One of the more amusing aspects of the night was the hallway chatter. We heard a few mention Jean specifically by name, along with numerous compliments about her. We can't say enough good things about the guys in there.  They were super nice, not creepy, and just kept giving us tokens. We've been to a variety of places in our travels, and this was a positive environment. 

All in all, it was a fun night, and a good way to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for a good time Toledo.  It was a blast…of cum. Several, actually. Mostly down Jean’s throat. 

Hope you're all out there having some fun of your own.  

- Jean & Scott 

If you're reading this, are from Ohio or Western PA, and are interested in possibly meeting up during our summer travels, feel free to drop us an email ( or hit us up on Twitter (Jean_Scott_xxx). It's honestly hard to answer everyone but we sincerely try to answer all messages that aren't just "hey". Tell us about yourself, what you're into/looking for, and maybe pics. We often spontaneously just show up places, but we've also been known to invite people as well. 


Doc here again... As usual, Jean & Scott didn't leave a dry dick eye in the house, even after shaking off the rust and deploying the JGBJKP (Jean's Gardening Blow Job Knee Pad). It's just like riding a bike, except with a sexy girl and anonymous glittery dongs. 

Many thanks for a GREAT report and amazing pics!  Jean & Scott are the heroes Toledo needs, right now. 

Lastly, thanks goes out to returning Associate Editor Mister L, for all his help getting this report to your internet machines!  It's good to have you back, sir!

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