
Monday, September 12, 2011

Flash Report: Liz Reports On the Full Moon at 15th Ave in Melrose Park IL on 9/10/11

Doc here with another 5-Star Couple's Flash Report from that Energizer Bunny herself, Liz.  The table was set for a big night at 15th Avenue Adult Theater & Spa in Melrose Park, IL. A bachelor party next door, a full moon in the sky, and a theater full of couples,guys, and CDs/TVs, dinner was soon to be served.

Here is a great report (and some helpful advice) from the very sexy Liz...


Hi Doc,

Just a brief report of the fun at 15th Avenue this past Saturday night.  I arrived around 9:00pm, & before even going back to the parking lot I could tell it was full as cars were parked up front.  Was a little worried that word of my arrival got out and this was the crowd for the evening.  I was happy to hear that there was a bachelor party in the adjoining premises. 

Since it was free for couples/single women/CD/TVs, we simply chatted with the front desk, paid for the private room and went to the spa area.  Walking through the establishment to the spa area, you could tell it was going to be a very busy and interesting evening ahead.  When we entered the spa I noticed a regular "G" and made my way through the talkative crowd to simply give him a hug and kiss. 

After dropping our belongings off in the room we proceeded to the theater and sat in our usual 3rd row from front spot.  The place was pretty full, but not filled to capacity (as will be indicated later).  After sitting for a minute and checking out the crowd we noticed one couple sitting in the couples section, not playing just sitting. 

After sitting for a few minutes, men came up and sat in row in front and behind us.  One of the men in front of us asked if I was Liz and when I confirmed that, he told me to tell you "Hi from Doc". (ed. note- Liz, meet Journal reporter The Editor).

It seemed like the men were going to be very well behaved and wait for me to make first move, so I took off my top and immediately you could hear the theater seats going up and men approaching.  My play partner reminded all the men that I don't like for them to come up from behind me.  (Note to men:  Most of us women don't like this and it creeps us out)  This statement from him seemed to offend some as I heard a comment "Really like what does it matter" we ignored, and he didn't get to participate. 

As the men started coming up I was blowing and stroking and letting the men from front and sides feel as they wanted, stopping if they got too aggressive (which seemed to be the course of action this night).  While in middle of entertaining several men I looked up to see "J" and knew his wife "L" would soon be following.  We acknowledged "J"'s arrival and I kept entertaining.  "J" and "L" sat in the front row, and some of the men that lined the aisle for me quickly approached her.  So, at that time there were about 20 men and 3 couples in the theater (who knows how many other places).  I excused myself to shower and the men went up to wait for "L"'s loving touch.

After a shower we made our way back to the room and told a familiar face to come join us.  "H" had been to the establishment before and has always graciously waited for me and for one reason or another never seemed to work out.  So we took "H" back to our room and I went quickly into play mode humping like bunnies.  After we were done took another shower, dressed and saw "J" and "L" come into spa area.  Chatted about what was going on in theater since we were heading back in, "L" told me be aware it's packed and they are wanting tonight. 

 We went into theater and sat in the couples section, immediately after that "J" and "L" joined us.  We were talking about how packed the place was and at my estimate there were probably 25 men in the place.  "L" asked if I was comfortable told her no problem.  In front of us were 2 couples with one of women being fingered and having her breast sucked.  Men in row in front of her were touching as well.  We watched and obviously got worked up and "L" and I began to play. 

At first it was some fondling, with my partner lifting my dress playing with my pussy and me playing with hers.  Then I took top down and she was sucking on my tits.  Soon I moved into a better position so that I was sucking her tits and fingering her moist pussy.  Might I say she has a wonderful pussy to play with and if anyone is lucky enough to have a chance, you should enjoy!  Some men took liberty of stepping into the couples section to touch but were reminded that it was a couples section and they backed out.  Soon I took liberty of getting down on the floor to eat her as my partner played with her great tits. 

We were getting really into it (all of us), when all of a sudden I felt a hand grab my ass and start to finger my ass.  I quickly pushed hand away and looked up only to see one anxious man in the couples section, dick out and hand under the theater seat to finger me.  That didn't sit well with me and me of all people actually yelled at him that it was a couples section and for him to back out.  He took one step, still in couples seating and I told him that he need to back the hell out of the section completely.  I am sorry if anyone reading this was there, but come on guys you just don't do that!!!  Unless you are invited into the area, it's for couples to play without worrying about various outside things.  Respect it ok!!!  You are getting a show, so just respect some of the boundaries set up.

Well, it just set me off and we left to take "L" back to our room for some fun.  THIS is what happens when people don't respect boundaries, you loose out on a very HOT show!!!  Luckily there were other couples that would go in and out of the theater putting on shows. 

So back in the room with "L" we all take turns entertaining each other and it was a HOT fun time.  We all took showers and went outside to get some air.  While out there "J" noticed on his cell that the management sent out a notice saying "People and MORE people".  There were so many individuals entering that they couldn't keep up with the normal announcements.

After some talk outside and air, we went back into theater.  When we entered all the men were around the couples section watching an AA man get a very good BJ from his partner. Sitting next to him was another couple and we sat in couples section 2 rows ahead.  Men were not taking the liberties they did earlier, but management had to remind them to step out of main aisle and an AA man on opposite side of room playing with his tool watching had to yell at men they were blocking his view. 

We watched as the man was getting very wet attention from her, and as soon as the couple sitting next to them left two single men took their seats.  I told them it was a couples section and unless they invited you to play you aren't suppose to sit in.  In a very snide comment he told me, "sorry it's first time and thought it was a way to get action".  I told him no it was a way to get kicked out.  The AA man thanked me and gave me thumbs up for taking care of that issue. 

Then another couple came in and sat in row between AA couple and us watching as well.  After she finished him, they left and so did we to go back to room for some alone time.  Walking through to spa that booth area was packed with 4 doors closed with various play, about 10 guys lined the hallway of the booth area and there were still a ton of men in the theater.

The place was packed with everyone, and here is my approximate overall count.  3 TV/CD - 7 couples - and probably about 30 single men at various times usually about 20 during most.  It was a lot of fun, but the men were very over anxious crossing some of the unwritten rules, or just pushing the limit with playing couples.  I don't know if it was because of the party next door, or the full-moon but even though there was a ton of fun and I love every minute at the 15th, but it felt as if I had to be on defensive end all night.

Well, can't go this coming Saturday but trying to work in a visit Friday night!!!!

My thanks to "J" and "L" for a great night!!! 



Doc here again... I'm trying to catch my breath after reading the report... Where to start?  Like most adult theaters today, crowd control (at times) can be challenging.  Liz encountered this on a few occasions alone Saturday night, and handled it expertly.  When it comes to adult theater going couples, one has to be the alpha dog and control the crowd.  There are different techniques that are effective to control the dimwits who don't understand the rules. 

I personally use the technique Liz employed Saturday night... If I see something not cool or uninvited, I will call out the individual loudly, ask what the problem is, and confront the perp.  Getting management  involved is also important, so they can handle the dimwit(s) outside the theater itself. 

The best theater escorts I have seen (and I have been around a LONG time), are the guys who command respect because they project that they "might" be a prick.  Escorts that lay back and don't say anything when actions violate their own rules will have an uphill battle.

Those of you who read my House Call Report from last week with Mr. and Mrs. X may remember how I had to get pricky with three guys who took it upon themselves to get grabby with Mrs. X.  I addressed it quickly (prickly), gave them direction (as in "back off"), and that was that.  No more problems.

The guys in general at 15th Avenue are very good... But in certain situations, every adult theater can have an issues with it's patrons.  It's the nature of the beast.  15th has excellent management, and I know they have banned certain guys from there due to their behavior.  That sends a message to the rest of the dimwits that can't understand or read the rules.

The full moon strikes again, but there was plenty of fun to be had despite a bad apple or two.

Thanks again Liz for your report! Awesome stuff!
